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Unit of competency:

Identify own role and responsibility
within team
When we heard a word “TEAM” , What comes first
into your mind?

 Team is a two or more beast of burden

harnessed together
 Team Work – Means Cooperation
Elements of these are:
1. Team Leader
2. Team Members
Role of a Team Leader

 To lead the team in comply with a given task,

following the requirement and quality standards of the
organization where the organized team belongs.
Role of the Team Members

 To receive orders/instructions from the team leader.

 To work with other members cooperatively.

 To observe constantly that he/she performs the task according to

the rules and specifications of the organization of the quality

 To follow the organizational protocol.

 To cooperate with the other teams to accomplish the given task.

 To keep records and report all activities undertaken by the team to

support the necessary document prior to inventory and tracking of
project accomplishment.

 To evaluate and report the status of equipment and tools being


 To evaluate and plan the activity to be undertaken to accomplish the

given task.
Relationship and Responsibilities of the Team

 The Team, headed by its team leader must create their own standard
operational procedure aside from the Standard Operating Procedure set by
the whole organization, to promote harmonious relationship of the
members are of high morale and they feel belong to the group, and they do
the job because they want to do it, not they do it because it is necessary.
Role of the Individual

 To do the given task according to the specification stated in the


 To convey information about the status of the received task.

 To accomplish the task given duration of the time frame.

 To cooperate or collaborate with the other team member/s when

Role of the Team
 To cooperate with other team when external help or
support is necessary.

 To be supportive with the organizational goal.

Relationship within a Team
 It is everybody’s responsibility to keep a harmonious relationship within a
team. Relating to the definition of team “two or more beast of burden
harnessed together” where the beast represents men and burden means the
given task.

 So, every member of the team should set their mind to take one direction,
combined their forces, talents, knowledge and skills to perform their task, to
accomplish the teams jobs one common goal.
Describe work as a Team
 If there is a team, there’s a team member. Even the team leader is also
an element of a team member of the team, every member of the team
can be a leader but there is somebody who is capable to be a leader so,
he/she is assigned to lead a team.
Team Leader ( Foreman )
Assistant ( Lead man )
1. Manager

2. Superintendent

3. Supervisors

4. Foreman

5. Lead man

6. Team members
 All instructions, plans, workplace procedures, job procedures , standard
operational procedures and logistics came from the managers of the
organization of the company.

 If he/she has something in mind and wants to communicate with his/her

work force, he/she do it by giving instruction to the superintendent, from
superintendent down to supervisors , from supervisors to foreman, foreman
to lead man down to the members .
 Members who want to communicate with the manager must
pass through the inverse process observing the protocol set
by the industry’s standard operating procedure. You, as a
member of the organization, do you know where you
Being a team member your
responsibilities are:
 To receive and obey instruction from the leader.

 To work and perform the given task.

 Contribute to quality system.

 Apply safety practices.

Being a team leader, Your
Responsibilities are:
 To implement the task.

 Distribute the task to each member.

 To monitor the status of the task received from the higher


 To plan and develop alternative ways, to make job

assignment done easily and conveniently.
Group Planning and Decision Making

 As a member of the team, you have the right to join in the

planning and decision making of the group.

 Problem

 Wants

 Needs

 Discussion

 Solution

 Execution

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