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Presented by
Muhammad Umer(22-Arid-4425)
Muhammad Faizan(22-Arid-4422)
Saif Ullah(22-Arid-4431)
Introduction to SRS

• SRS stands for Software Requirements Specification.

• It is a document that describes the system's intended behavior and

functional requirements.

• SRS serves as a communication tool between stakeholders and

development teams.
Importance of SRS

• SRS helps to establish a common understanding of the project's goals

and objectives.

• It provides a basis for estimating project timelines and costs.

• SRS assists in managing project scope by defining what is in and out of

Components of SRS

• SRS includes an introduction that provides an overview of the system and its purpose.

• It contains a requirements section that details the functional and non-functional


• SRS also includes a system design section that describes the system's architecture and
Characteristics of Good SRS

• SRS should be clear, concise, and unambiguous to avoid misunderstandings.

• It should be complete, capturing all necessary requirements and leaving no

room for assumptions.

• SRS should be testable, allowing for the verification and validation of the
system's functionality.
Stakeholders in SRS Development

• Stakeholders in SRS development include clients, end-users, project managers, and


• Each stakeholder provides valuable input to ensure the SRS meets their respective

• Collaboration between stakeholders is crucial to create a comprehensive and accurate

SRS Development Process

• The SRS development process involves requirements elicitation, analysis,

documentation, and review.

• Eliciting requirements involves gathering information through interviews, surveys, and


• Analysis involves understanding, prioritizing, and refining the gathered requirements.

Challenges in SRS Development

• Ambiguous requirements can lead to misunderstandings and


• Changing requirements can impact the entire development process, leading

to delays and cost overruns.

• Balancing conflicting requirements from different stakeholders can be

challenging and require negotiation.
Best Practices for SRS Development

• Involve all relevant stakeholders from the early stages to ensure their
requirements are captured.

• Use clear and concise language to avoid ambiguity and confusion.

• Regularly review and update the SRS to keep it aligned with changing
project needs.
SRS Validation and Verification

• Validation involves ensuring that the SRS accurately reflects the desired system

• Verification involves checking if the SRS adheres to predefined quality standards.

• Techniques such as inspections, walkthroughs, and reviews are used to validate and
verify the SRS.

• SRS is a vital document in software development, providing a roadmap for building

the desired system.

• It helps to establish clear communication, manage project scope, and ensure

stakeholder satisfaction.

• Following best practices and involving all stakeholders contribute to the successful
development of an effective SRS.

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