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Members of the group
1. Richard Ricardo Simanjuntak

2. Rio Manurung

3. Simon MH Mendrofa

4. Doni Inzhogi Hasibuan

Definition of online education
Online education is the delivery of educational
content and instruction through digital
technologies and the internet, allowing students to
learn remotely.
Online education benefits a wide range of individuals, including:
Working professionals who need to balance their careers with
further education
Students living in remote or underserved areas with limited
access to traditional educational institutions
Individuals with disabilities or other constraints that make it
difficult to attend on-campus classes

Benefits of online education

Online education has been around
for decades, but its adoption has
significantly increased, especially
during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Online education can take place anywhere with a
stable internet connection and a suitable device,
such as a computer or smartphone.
Online education is becoming more
popular due to its flexibility,
accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and
advancements in digital
How online education works
Online education typically involves accessing course
materials, engaging in virtual interactions, completing
assessments, and receiving technical support.

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