Ingles Proyecto Colaborativo 2

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The experience of

our friendship.
Dora Esperanza Mesa Tibaduiza
Luis Eduardo Pardo Vargas
Sonia Bibiana Acevedo Bayona
We are 3 friends who one day 7 years ago met on a
trip to the country of Argentina. While some of us
traveled for work, others traveled for tourism. We
happened to be on the same flight where we happened
to be in the same row on the plane and while we were
receiving the snack that the plane was offering us, we
realized that we were coincidentally close to where
we lived. We started a conversation and exchanged
contact numbers so we could have a meeting point in
Buenos Aires. In reality, we experienced very fun
things and started a great traveling friendship.
In relation to traveling to foreign countries it is a
transformative experience, it is advisable to find out
about the destination country; their tourist sites,
respect their laws, know their rights, find out about the
telephone conditions offered by the company to avoid
unpleasant surprises. It is good to travel with friends
because it improves problem solving, you learn constantly.
On the other hand, traveling helps to improve our
communication skills in English because you surround
yourself with the language, you learn vocabulary, native
expressions, you practice accentuations, pronunciation
and you can maintain a fluent conversation.
We would love to visit Australia, to have the
opportunity to see its islands, beaches, natural
landscapes, animals such as kangaroos, koalas, the two
types of crocodiles unique in the world, the bird
species, the variety of fish and the most snakes. .
poisonous. On the other hand, our plans would be to
know the city of Melbourne, which is the second most
important city in Australia and the largest in the
country, between modern buildings and its preserved
Victorian architecture vibrates “bon vivant”. The
cultural aspects we consider are its cultural diversity,
contact with nature and its lifestyle.

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