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Plant and Animal



Since they can't produce their own body heat, it's a must for
Not all snails hibernate, but when they do, it's a cool turtles that they hibernate when temperatures start dropping. It
process. Snails can hibernate any time the weather is varies from one turtle species to another, but box turtles, for
extreme, meaning both hot and cold temperatures. They will instance, generally hibernate for three to four months.
cover themselves in a thin mucus, which protects them from
the elements and prevents them from drying out.

Groundhogs are some of the most famous hibernators since

they have traditionally been relied on to predict the weather.
The hibernation period can last between a couple months to
nearly five months. During this time, their heart rates go
from 80 to 100 beats per minute to only five or 10!


Monarch Butterflies
Some species of whales and sharks

Hummingbirds Atlantic Salmon Blue Heron

Plant Adaptations

What are some things plants need to survive?

- Water

- Nutrients

- Sunlight

- (And air of course)

If plants are not getting these basic things they must adapt!
Plant Adaptations - Too Much Water

What happens if a plant gets TOO MUCH water?

Plants that get too much water will die, so they have to adapt to make sure that doesn’t
Plant Adaptations - Too Much Water

Some plants grow shallow roots to soak up less water.

Plant Adaptations - Too Much Water
Some plants have roots that grow above water.

Cypress and Tupelo trees from the

coastal plain region have roots that grow
above ground in the swamp.
Plant Adaptations - Too Much Water
Some plants anchor their roots in the soil because they LIVE IN WATER.

and kelp
grow in
Plant Adaptations - Not Enough Water

What happens if a plant doesn’t get ENOUGH water?

Plants that get enough water will dry out and die.

One way they can adapt is by growing deeper roots to find as much water as they can.
(These are plants that live in clay soils.)
Plant Adaptations - Not Enough Water
Some plants grow waxy coatings to trap in water.

Cactus are plants that have waxy skin to trap in water in their dry

Some other plants grow leaves with waxy coatings to help trap
water as well.
Plant Adaptations - Nutrients

What happens if a plant doesn’t get ENOUGH nutrients?

Plants that don’t get enough nutrients will grow weak and die. Nutrients are like food for a
Plant Adaptations - Not Enough Nutrients
Some plants adapt by eating animals and bugs for food to get their nutrients.

Pitcher plants and

venus fly traps
have adapted by
eating bugs and
Plant Adaptations - Sunlight

What happens if a plant doesn’t get ENOUGH sunlight?

Plants will turn brown and die if they don’t get enough sunlight.
Plant Adaptations - Not Enough Sunlight
Some plants have adapted by learning towards the sun.

Sunflowers learn towards the sun. Other

flowers can lean or follow the sun too.
Plant Adaptations - Not Enough Sunlight
Some plants have adapted by growing larger leaves.

Plants that grow on forest floors have to grow

larger leaves. This is because the sunlight doesn’t
always touch a lot of the ground. The bigger
leaves allow them to catch more light.
Plant Adaptations - Not Enough Sunlight
Some plants have adapted by growing up other plants to get out of the shade or to get
more light.

If small vines and plants are on the ground

beneath the tree, they won’t get as much
sun. Some vines will grow up tree trunks to
Kudzu is a vine that grows over trees. get to the sunlight.

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