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What is Caesar Cipher

• One of the oldest and simplest forms of encrypting a message.

• Also known as a shift cipher.

• The method is apparently named after Julius Caesar, who apparently

used it to communicate with his officials.

• Works by shifting the letters in the plaintext message by a certain

number of positions, known as the “shift” or “key”.
• For example, with a shift of +3 (to right) word "b" will become "e".
Steps for designing and using a Caesar Cipher
• Choose a value to shift the alphabet by.

• Make a table where the top row contains letters in standard

alphabetical order, and the bottom row is the new shifted alphabet.

• Encode the message by exchanging each letter in the message with

the equivalent shifted letter.
•Make sure that the message’s intended recipient knows the shifting
scheme you used to encode the message so they can decode it.
• plaintext message - see you to night
• Key - +3

• Ciphertext- vhh brx wrqljkw

1. I like computer science. (key- +10)
2. I send secret messages.(key- -2)

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