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Fermentation Pathways.

Takes place in four Stages:

i. Hydrolysis of plant polysaccharide to monosacc
--- Fructose-1,6 diphosphate (cellulose,
ii. Anaerobic oxidation of Glucose & Fructose (SF-
1,6 di PO4 ) to pyruvate via PEP by glycolysis.
iii. Production of final metabolites of fermentation,
Pyruvate or PEP is main product leading to
further production of acetate, propionate,
butyrate, formate, H2 , CO2, etc.
iv. Synthesis of microbial compounds, particularly
amino acids using stage I to stage III,
intermediates & ATP is derived.
Cellulose Fermentation:
• β-1 linked compounds ( cellulose, hemicellulose,
fructosans & pectins) & four stage microbial activity,
except CH4 prodn by cellulolytic bacteria.
• Cellulose fermentation is a slow process, cellulolytic
bacteria have low metabolic rate, take about 18 hrs to
double their numbers (doubling time)
• For protein synthesis, cellulolytic bacteria do not need a.a.
supply, but need NH3. Stages 2&3 intermediates & isoacids,
(deamination of branched chain a.a.) of dietary plant
• pH optimum 6.2-6.8
• Methanogens also require similar pH (6.2-6.8) & supply of
formate, CO2, & H2.
• Cellulolytic & methanogens produce VFAs, CO2, & CH4
Starch Fermentation
• α-linked starches (amylose, amylopectin) and
simple sugars (sucrose, maltose) by amylolytic
• Some of these are capable of all four stages of
process except methane production.
• Faster fermentation rate.
• Doubling time much shorter (0.25 – 4 hrs)
• pH optimum, 5.5 – 6.6,
• High concentrate diet (starch rich), high VFA prod,
propionate increases, ratio 70, 25, 05 %.
• Less production of H+, hydrogen sink.
• Less methane production. Starch fermentation contd.
• Amylolytic bacteria need NH3 + some amino
acids for protein synthesis
• Secondary bacteria required for methane
production & for converting lactic acid to
propionate. These bacteria have long doubling
time (16 hr, pH- 6.2 – 6.8)
• Number of protozoa increase with concentrate
feed, engulph starch + bacteria and curb
bacterial amylolysis until pH falls below 5.5, at
this pH bacteria are quickly inactivated and later
Fermentation of Proteins
• Proteolytic bacteria, 12 – 38 %
1. About 50 % dietary proteins degraded in rumen,
rumen degradable proteins.
2. Rumen undegradable proteins.
• Bacterial proteolysis produce amino acid (a.a.) &
ammonia, isoacids like isobutyrate, & isovalerate
produced from leucine, isoleucine & valine.
• Ammonia from endogenous & NPN compounds.
e.g. Urea in saliva.
• Ammonia imp. substrate for microbial protein
synth, provided feed should provide sufficient
protein, NPN & readily fermentable CHO.
• Feeding excess protein is a wasteful practice.
Fermentation of Lipids
• Fermentation is a continuous process.
• Generally lipids stored in oil seeds(65- 80%), forage
plants, 3-10 % (in cell membrane).
• 50 % lipids as free FAs. Majority are phospholipids,
palmitic and linolenic acids.
• Ruminal microbes also synthesize microbial lipids from
High Levels of lipids in diet have adverse effect on:
a. Food palatability decreases.
b. Cellulolytic activity decreases.
c. Appetite & fore stomach activity decreases.
Protozoa play important role in lipid metabolism, they
absorb some PUFAs, protect them from saturation &
hydrogenation & make them available in intestine.
Fate of End Products of Fermentation
• Most of TVFAs absorbed across rumen wall.
• Fermentation of proteins also yield VFA with isoacids (5 %
of total), more valuable to microbes for microbial protein
synthesis using NPN.
• At pH 6.6 most of them exist as their anions.
Absorption rates are higher :
i. When ruminal pH is reduced.
ii. Absorption of all VFAS similar from rumen but metabolism
of butyrate is comparatively faster i.e. as the chain length
increases e.g. butyrate more than propionate & acetate.
About 50 % VFAs absorbed by passive diffusion.
Butyrate: Metabolized to ketone bodies which are
metabolized by most tissues of the body. In mammary
glands about half of short & medium chain FAs (C4-C16)
used in ruminant milk synthesis.
Propionate: About 30 % metabolized in free form to lactic acid.
Lactic & propionic acids completely removed by liver,
converted to glucose by gluconeogenesis. That is why
proponic acid is called glucogenic.
Acetate: 1. Acetyl-COA - - - TCA cycle.
2. In mammary glands- - similar to butyric acid for fat synthesis
3. A small amount- - production of CO2
4. Mostly converted to acetyl-coA & then entersKrab’s cycle.
5. FAs synthesis.
6. Glucose by gluco-neogenesis.
Lactale: Converted to propionate by secondary bacteria.
At low pH (3.8-4.6) absorption about 10 % to VFAs
mobilized by liver to pyruvate - - - glucose by
gluconeogenesis or glycogen.
Gases: Co2 60%, CH4 30-40 %, N2, traces of H2S, H2, O2
Other Important Ruminal Reactions
• Synthesis of Vitamin B-Complex by microbes
• Adequate supply of sulpher for s-containing
amino acids synthesis & wool production.
• Molybdenum (Mb) excess (in some areas) affects
adversely the availability 0f S & Cu.
• Excess S, forms insoluble cupric sulphide thus
renders Cu unavailable.
• Cu deficiency reduce melanin synthesis & loss of
crympiness in wool.
• Due to microbial action some toxic dietary
constituents rendered harmless e.g. Oxalates are
converted to formate & CO2.
Modification of Toxic Substances
Some plants/substances are more toxic to non-
ruminants than ruminants because the rumen microbes
degrade them to non-toxic. So microbes act as 1st line of
Important role of microbes:
1. Lactate acidosis: High conc./starch diet leads to lactate
production may drop rumen pH from 6 to 5 or less, normal
working of microbes is affected if pH is less then 5.5.
Rumen microbes convert lactate to propionate.
2. Nitrate- nitrite toxicity: Drought stress, over fertilization of
cereal & new crops production of some feed stuffs
increase the level of toxic substances like nitrate. A
number of rumen bacteria & protozoa reduce nitrate to
nitrite. Nitrite is further converted to ammonia
3. Glucosides: Some organic nitro-compounds, e.g.
glycosides are rapidly hydrolyzed by rumen
4. Oxalic acid toxicosis: Oxalic acid is present at low
levels in plants, when exceeds more than 10 % of
DM, causes toxicity, bind to circulating Ca. Rumen
microbes degrade oxalates to formate & carbon
dioxide. Thus the animals should be switched over
to oxalate diets gradually.
5. Mimosine: Leucaena leucocephala- leguminous
tropical shrub, contain antimetabolite mimosine.
This plant is rich in protein (about 20%) but causes
toxicity if supplemented more than 30 % in diet. Toxicity is
due to mimosine which is degraded by microbes to non-
toxic products(sheep).
Ruminant Stomach

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