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SESSION : 2023 -2024
TOPIC : Pandas merge method
Submitted To :- Mr.Sudip kumar Nandi
Submitted By :- Praveen Kumar Maurya

Course :- BCA (DS)

Roll no :- 2022010101320040
Mastering Data
Merges with Pandas

The pandas library in Python offers a powerful merge method to

combine multiple DataFrames into a single, unified dataset. This
comprehensive guide will explore the various techniques and best
practices for effectively merging DataFrames to unlock deeper insights
from your data.
Merging DataFrames on Index
Step 1 1
Identify the common index or row
labels between the DataFrames you
wish to merge. 2 Step 2
Use the merge() method with the
left_index=True and right_index=True
Step 3 parameters to align the DataFrames
on the index.
Customize the merge with additional
parameters, such as how to handle
duplicate or missing values.
Merging on Columns
Matching Columns Renaming Columns Handling Multiple Keys

Merge DataFrames by Avoid column name

specifying the common conflicts by renaming Merge on multiple columns
column names to use as the columns before or after the to create a more specific
merge key. merge. and accurate merge.
Handling Duplicate Columns
1 Suffixing Columns 2 Selecting Columns
Use the suffixes parameter to add Carefully choose which columns to
unique identifiers to duplicate keep after the merge to avoid
column names. redundant data.

3 Renaming Columns
Rename columns after the merge to create clear and descriptive names.
Join Types: Left, Right, Inner, Outer
Left Join Right Join
Preserves all rows from the left DataFrame, Preserves all rows from the right
matching rows from the right DataFrame. DataFrame, matching rows from the left

Inner Join Outer Join

Keeps only the rows that have matching Preserves all rows from both DataFrames,
values in both DataFrames. filling in missing values with NaNs.
Handling Missing Values
Detect Nulls
Identify missing values in the merged DataFrame using the isnull() method.

Fill Nulls
Replace missing values with a specified value or use interpolation

Drop Nulls
Remove rows with missing values if appropriate for your analysis.
Combining Multiple DataFrames

Concatenate Merge Union

Join DataFrames by stacking Combine DataFrames by Combine DataFrames while
them vertically, preserving aligning on common columns removing duplicate rows,
column structure. or indices. preserving unique values.
Best Practices and Use Cases
Understand data structure Ensure DataFrames have compatible indices
and columns before merging.

Plan merge strategy Decide which join type and merge

parameters are most appropriate for your
use case.
Handle data quality Address missing values, duplicates, and
other data issues to maintain data integrity.

Document your work Provide clear comments and explanations to

make your code more maintainable.

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