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SESSION : 2023 -2024
TOPIC :Smoke Testing and
performance Testing
Submitted To :- Mr.Abhijityaditya Prakash
Submitted By :- Praveen Kumar Maurya
Course :- BCA (DS)
Roll no :- 2022010101320040
Introduction to Software
Software testing is a crucial aspect of software development, ensuring
that applications function as intended and meet the needs of users. This
presentation will provide an overview of two key testing approaches:
smoke testing and performance testing.

What is Smoke Testing?

1 Rapid Test 2 Validation 3 Early Detection

Smoke testing is a quick It verifies that the most Smoke tests help
and basic test critical features and identify major issues
performed to ensure the workflows are early in the
core functionality of a functioning correctly development process,
software application is before more extensive saving time and
working as expected. testing is conducted. resources.
Smoke Testing Objectives
Verify Basics Uncover Showstoppers
Ensure that the basic features and Identify any critical defects that would
functionality of the application are working as prevent the software from being released.

Gain Confidence Save Time

Provide confidence that the software is in a Catch major issues early, reducing the time
releasable state before further testing is and effort required for more comprehensive
conducted. testing.
Smoke Testing Techniques
Manual Smoke Testing Automated Smoke Testing Continuous Integration

Experienced testers manually Smoke tests are integrated

execute a predefined set of Automated scripts are used into the build process,
test cases to validate the core to execute repetitive smoke ensuring each new build is
functionality. tests, providing faster and thoroughly validated.
more consistent results.
What is Performance Testing?
1 Load Testing
Evaluates the application's behavior and stability under expected user loads.

2 Stress Testing
Assesses the application's ability to handle extreme or unexpected user loads.

3 Scalability Testing
Determines the application's ability to handle increasing user demands or
data volumes.
Performance Testing Objectives

Identify Bottlenecks Ensure Scalability Enhance Reliability Optimize

Verify the application Assess the
Pinpoint areas of the can handle increased application's stability Identify opportunities
application that are user traffic or data and responsiveness to improve the
performing poorly without degradation. under varying load application's speed
under load. conditions. and efficiency.
Performance Testing Techniques

Load Testing Stress Testing Capacity Testing

Simulate expected user Deliberately overload the Determine the maximum
loads to assess the system to identify its user capacity or data volume
application's response time breaking point and any the application can handle.
and stability. vulnerabilities.
Conclusion and Key Takeaways
Smoke Testing Verifies core functionality and identifies critical
issues early in the development process.

Performance Testing Evaluates the application's ability to handle

user loads, identify bottlenecks, and optimize

Importance Both smoke testing and performance testing

are essential to ensuring a high-quality,
reliable software product.

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