Behavior 2011

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Theories of
Unconditioned Unconditioned
Stimulus Response

Neutral Stimulus

Conditioned Stimulus Conditioned

 Unconditioned Stimulus
 Unconditioned Response
 Conditioned Stimulus
 Conditioned Response
“…the consequences of one’s present behavior
play a crucial role in determining one’s future
behavior.” (p. 144)
Stimulus Response Reinforcement
 A Consequence That Strengthens a Behavior
 Repeat: Reinforcement Strengthens a Behavior
 If the Frequency of a Behavior Increases After

a Consequence, the Consequence is a

 There Are Several Types of Reinforcers
 Primary and Secondary
 Positive and Negative
 Free and Contingent (Premack Principle)
 Intrinsic and Extrinsic
 Continuous and Intermittent (Schedules)
 A Consequence That Weakens a Behavior
 Repeat: Punishment Weakens a Behavior
 If the Frequency of a Behavior Decreases After

a Consequence, the Consequence is a

 There Are Several Types of Punishers
 Presentation and Removal
 Time Out
 Effectiveness of Punishment
 Positive Reinforcement
 Negative Reinforcement
 Punishment
 Reinforcing Approaching Final Behavior
 Breaking Task into Parts
 Using in Classroom
 Behavior That Is Not Reinforced Will Weaken
 Extinction Burst
 Considerations In Classroom Management
 Modeling
 Phases of Observational Learning
 Avoid Overjustification Effect -
 Guidelines on the use of Rewards -

◦ Give Rewards to Inform

◦ Rewards Should Not Be Used to Manipulate
◦ Reward for Academic Performance
◦ Reward Incentives Should Be Inconspicuous
◦ Bribes Weaken Intrinsic Motivation

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