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With the blessings of MATA RANI and my parents, I am humbled to share a
straightforward method for grasping the fundamentals of Vedic Jyothisha, also
known as Astrology in English.
I express my deep gratitude to my esteemed teachers, especially the late Shri
Krishna Kumar, and my mentor and friend, Mr. Megharaj Jain, for their
invaluable guidance.
My name is Gayatri Srinivas, and for over two decades, I've dedicated myself to
understanding the intricacies of various branches of Jyothisha.
Having earned a Diploma in Advanced Jyothisha from Karnataka University and
being honoured with numerous accolades, I embark on this attempt with
utmost sincerity.
The realm of Vedic Jyothisha and its branches is boundless, often requiring a
lifetime to fully explore.
Within these pages, I aim to provide aspiring Jyothisha enthusiasts with
essential insights. Each slide is concise, focusing solely on the most pertinent
Sage Parashara is revered as a guiding light in Jyothisha, and a significant
portion of this book is inspired by his text, Bharath Parashara Hora Shastra. The
insights derived from Sage Mantreswara's Phaladeepika serve to deepen the
understanding of Bhava, Rashi, and Planets.
While Sage Parashara's teachings serve as the cornerstone of this work, Sage
Mantreswara's Phaladeepika adds layers of depth and clarity.
I am confident that this book will prove immensely beneficial to our Jyothisha
Karma Theory:
The Karma Theory explains the intricate workings of cause
and effect. How actions, intentions, and choices made by
individuals in any of their previous lives shape their today’s
destiny and the events that unfold in their lives today. This
theory emphasizes that every action carries consequences,
in this life and may be in any of the coming lives, leading to
a continuous cycle of birth & and rebirth..

Rashi/Signs and Their Significance

Rashi/Signs in astrology serve as symbolic representations
of different personality traits, tendencies, and energies.
Each zodiac sign carries unique qualities and
characteristics. The study of signs and their significance

Planets and Their Meanings

Planets are celestial bodies that exert various influences on
an individual's life. Each planet is associated with specific
qualities, energies, and symbolism. The study of planets
and their meanings & how these cosmic forces impact a
person's personality, relationships, and life events.
Houses and Their Significations
Houses, also known as Bhavas in Vedic Jyothisha, are
divisions of an astrological chart that represent different
areas of a person's life. Each house has a distinct
significance and is associated with specific aspects of a
person's existence, such as career, family, relationships, and
spirituality. The analysis of houses and their significations
provides a comprehensive view of an individual's life and

Navamsha Significations
The Navamsha chart holds significant importance in Vedic
Jyotisha, delineating a person's life into nine segments. It
provides insights into an individual's internal development,
offering a detailed analysis of the planets' qualities and
strengths. Additionally, this chart plays a key role in
deciphering the destiny (Bhagya) of the individual and
provides valuable insights into the nature of their married
Karma Theory
Karma theory:- Is a fundamental concept within
At the heart of Hindu philosophy lies the doctrine of
Karma, which explains that the actions undertaken
in one's current lifetime will yield either positive or
negative consequences in future lives.

which translates to "work," encompasses the deeds
performed in present live or past existences.

Jyotisha, in essence, is rooted in the profound belief

in rebirth. It subscribes to the notion that the
human body undergoes a cycle of 100 thousand
births and deaths, all in pursuit of the soul's journey
toward salvation.
According to this belief, the human form serves as
nothing more than a garment for the soul.

The soul is the true essence that governs the body.

Gita Upanishads
In the "Bhagavad Gita,“
Lord Krishna teaches us that the Soul is the
root cause of both birth and rebirth, driven
by its unfulfilled commitments and desires.

This unfulfilled promise is reflected in

Jyotisha, or Astrology, where we observe
the consequences of these karmic patterns
in a person's horoscope or JATAKA.

The belief that the Soul will return to Earth

to seek wisdom or experience the lack of it
is what reinforces the concept of rebirth.
• vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya
navani grhnati naro ’parani
tatha sarirani vihaya jirnany
anyani samyati navani dehi"
(Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Two verse 22
• Sri Krishna proclaimed: Just as a person
discards worn-out clothing to embrace
fresh attire, the soul likewise embraces
new life forms, leaving behind the old
and obsolete ones.

• The body is likened to a "Vastra" or

garment that envelops the soul. Each soul
is an integral part of me. Therefore, when
death occurs, it should be viewed as a
change of attire, as the soul transitions
into a new body in alignment with the
cumulative impact of its past karmas, in

pursuit of the journey toward salvation .


In the vastness of space, nothing stays still. Satellites, planets, and

stars are always on the move, through the cosmos. Each planets
orbit around the Sun,
This idea is the heliocentric model, which helps us understand how
planets, including our home planet Earth, move in relation to the

Picture the Sun as the center of a stage, with planets like actors
performing in a set orbit around it.
Each planet has its unique path, creating a beautiful dance of
celestial bodies.

Studying this dance gives us a deeper understanding of the

universe and our place within it.
The heliocentric system opens our eyes to the wonders of cosmic
order, showing us how interconnected everything is in the grand

Nothing remains motionless in the vast expanse of

the universe; satellites, planets, and stars are in
perpetual motion. The Geo -centric system is
established by considering the relative positions of
planets, including Earth, in relation to the Sun.
In Vedic Astrology, the Sun, the Moon, Mercury,
Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter exert their influence
on the Earth's inhabitants.
These celestial bodies follow elliptical orbit as they
revolve around the Sun and rotate on their axis.
Meanwhile, Earth revolves on its axis, tilted at an
angle of 23.5 degrees and orbits the Sun over 365.6

In Vedic Astrology, the Sun, the Moon, Mercury,

Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter exert their
influence on the Earth's inhabitants.

These celestial bodies follow elliptical orbit as they

revolve around the Sun and rotate on their own
Meanwhile, Earth revolves on its axis, tilted at an
angle of 23.5 degrees and orbits the Sun over 365.6
Inferior Planets


An Inferior planet is a planet between Venus: Is the second planet from
Earth and the Sun. the Sun, Venus is the most brilliant celestial
These planets are Mercury & Venus, object in the night sky.
Mercury: This planet is the closest to the
Sun and does not have its own axial Often referred to as Earth's twin sister
rotation. due to their similar size and diameter,
Instead, it revolves around the Sun
in a fixed orbit, completing one full Venus has a unique feature of cloud cover
revolution in 88 Earth days. that has made it challenging to precisely
It is important to note that Mercury never determine its rotation period.
strays more than 27 degrees from the Sun
in orbit. Venus completes its orbit around
the Sun in 224.7 Earth days.
Venus in its orbit from the Sun does not stray more than
43 degrees.
Superior Planets
The planets that are after Earth in the Solar System are called the Superior Planets. These
planets are Mars Jupiter and Saturn. These superior planets, located beyond Earth's orbit,
offer fascinating insights into the diversity of celestial bodies within our solar system.

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system

Mars, the fourth planet in our Solar and is classified as a superior planet.
System, after Earth . With a size slightly It is the fifth planet in terms of its distance from
exceeding half that of Earth. the Sun.
The gap between Mars and Jupiter is significantly
larger than the distance between Mars and Earth.
Mars completes one rotation on its axis Jupiter has a rapid rotational period of about 10
approximately every 24.6 hours. And hours.
orbit around the Sun is elliptical and Its orbital period around the Sun is approximately
takes roughly 687 Earth days to 4,332 Earth days, roughly equivalent to 11.86 Earth
complete a full revolution, Mars is years.
accompanied by two small moon Jupiter boasts an impressive total of nine moons.
Superior Planets

Saturn is the sixth planet in our solar
system and is considered a superior planet
as well as the farthest one.
It completes one rotation on its axis in
approximately 10 hours.
Saturn's orbital period around the Sun is
about 10,832.327 Earth days, which is
approximately 29.46 Earth years.
Saturn's orbit is notably eccentric.
Saturn is famous for its distinctive ring
Nodes in Vedic Jyothisha
The Lunar Nodes:
Sage Maharishis Parashara has recognized the Moon's nodes, famously
named Rahu and Ketu


These nodes represent the points at which the Moon's path intersects
with the Sun's trajectory across the orbit.
bearing the epithets 'Dragon Head' for Rahu and 'Dragon Tail' for Ketu.

The North node, Rahu, signifies the Moon's passage as it crosses the
Sun's path from the Southern to the Northern Hemisphere.

Conversely, the South node, Ketu, designates the Moon’s passage

across the Sun's from the Northern to the Southern Hemisphere.

The nodes' movement is perpetually retrograde in nature, giving them

the appearance of retracing their steps through the Zodiac.

Interestingly, these two celestial points maintain a constant distance of

precisely 180 degrees apart from each other.
Planets not considered in Vedic Jyothisha

Sage Parashar , the father of Vedic Jyothisha has given the

maximum lifespan of a human as 120 years.
It is therefore the Planet Uranus and Neptune are not
considered is Vedic Jyothisha.


Two celestial bodies that are not considered in
Vedic Jyothisha.
For instance, completes a full orbit
around the Sun in approximately 85 years
Is the farthest known planet in our solar
system accomplishes this journey
in approximately 165 years.
Planetary Movement
Planets days/years Degree per day
Sun 1year 365.6 days 1⁰

Moon 27.7 days 13⁰ to 15⁰

Mars 547.5 1.5 years 0.30⁰ to 0.45⁰

Venus 365 days 1 year 0.42⁰ to 0.58⁰

Jupiter 1 2 years 0.05⁰ to 0.15⁰

Saturn 30 years 0.02⁰to 0.03⁰

Rahu/Ketu 18 months 1.6 years 0.25⁰ to 0.30⁰

Signs or Rashi
The Zodiac is located on a celestial pathway, a wide band with 9 degrees of
width on either side of the eastern horizon. through which all the planets
pass through.

The Zodiac is the basis of Jyothisha, and it is a circular entity comprising

360 degrees, devoid of a specific starting point; it exists as a continuous
circle of radiant energy.

Sage Maharishi Parashara, in his wisdom, established the reference point at

0 degrees, within the Zodiac sign of Aries in the nakshatra of Ashwini.

To facilitate an understandable grasp of the Zodiac, it has been subdivided

into 12 equal segments, each spanning 30 degrees.

In the domain of Hindu Vedic Jyotisha, this circular representation is

referred to as the Rashi Chakra.
Maharishi Parashara at this point has mentioned the nakshatra, which is
covered in Chapter no 12.

For simplicity and enhanced understanding the ancient sages devised

various visual representations to delineate these 12 equal segments.

Pieces Aries Taurus Gemini

12 1 2 3

The South Indian chart features a fixed

Aquariu Cancer arrangement of Signs / Rashi’s associated with
s South 4 a specific number and name.
11 Indian The numbering, naming and colour correspond
to the 12 signs from Aries to Pisces.
Caprico Chart Leo The chart is read clockwise, starting from Aries
rn 5 and progressing through Taurus, Gemini, and
10 so on until Pisces.
These details remain constant, and there's no
Sagittar Scorpi Libra Virgo need to restate them while interpreting the
ius 9 o 7 6 chart.
The North Indian chart is designed to be
adaptable, based on the ascending sign
rising on the eastern horizon.
Each Rashi is linked to a numeric value
ASCENDANT AND 6 ranging from 1 to 12.
MARKED HERE. Corresponding to the 12 Rishis from Aries
ANTI CLOCK WISE 5 to Pisces.
In this format, the chart is read in an anti-
7 clockwise direction,
following the arrangement illustrated in
4 the diagram.
The ascendant sign, which emerges on the
eastern horizon during birth or erection
1 time, is depicted at the centre of the inner
11 3 diamond. It is assigned a numeric value
corresponding to the 12 Rashi or Signs. For
12 2 instance, Number 1 corresponds to Aries,
and this pattern continues, with Number
12 representing Pisces.
In the example mentioned the Ascendant
is number 7 which corresponds to Libra.
The elements and Qualities are illustrated in their respective Rashi’s

330°TO 360 12 TH 0°TO 30°1ST 30°TO 60° 2ND 60°TO90°3RD


300°TO 330° ,11TH HS 90° TO 120° 4TH

+IVE,SEMI 1. Degree of each Rashi (is also ININE -IVE
FRUITFUL,WEST. called Zodiac signs or houses ) FRUITFUL NORTH
2. Their Qualities.(karaka tatawa)
270° TO 300° 10TH 3. Part of the body they represent 120 °TO 150°5TH
HS, 4. Physical features. HOUSE, LEO.
CAPRICORN,MOVAB 5. Duration of lagna in each Sign, FIXED, FIERY, M –
LE,EARTHY,F-ININE,- 6. Long or short ascensions. CLINE, +IVE,
240°TO 270° 9TH HS, 210°TO 240° 8TH 180°TO 210° 7TH 150°TO 180° 6TH

330°TO 360 12TH HS 0°TO30°1ST HS 30°TO 60° 2ND HS 60°TO 90°3RD HS.


270° TO 300° 10TH HS, 120 °TO 150°5TH HS,


Sage Parashara has established the

foundational principles governing planets,
including their lordships, qualities, domains of
influence, and associated deities.
He has provided insights into the interplay of
friendship, enmity, and neutrality among these
Planets, and the complex compound
relationships that arise between them.
Planets on account of their continuous movement around
Eve Odd Eve Odd the Zodiac get into a certain position called Avastha’s.
n n This is a Rashi or Sign-based and depends on whether the
Rashi or Sign is an Even-based or Odd-based sign.
Odd Eve There are 5 Stages of Avastha’s in both even-based and
n odd-based signs are Bala (infant), Kumar (youthful). Yuva
(adolescent), Vridha (old), Mrit (dead).
Eve Odd
These 5 stages are attained due to a certain degree of the
n Planet
Odd Eve Odd Eve In the odd sign, the degrees are in ascending order, while
the stages in in even sign are in descending order.
n n

Odd Avastha’s Even sign Avastha’s

0° to 6° Infant -Bala 24° to 30° Infant
6° to 12° Youthful - 18° to 24° Youthful –
Kumar Kumar
12° to 18° Adolescent – 12°to 18° Adolescent –
Yuva Yuva
18° to 24° Old –Vridha 6° to 12° Old Vridha
Exaltation Signs of Each Planet
A planet is recognized to be in an exaltation point when it is
within a specific Rashi or Sign.
Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini
Venus 27° Sun 10° Moon 3°
If the planet is found at the exact degree of exaltation, this
state is called of deep exaltation.
Aquarius Cancer
Jupiter 5° When the Planet is in deep exaltation or the exaltation
Rashi or Sign the planet gains enhanced strength in the
Mars 28°
Leo bhava the planet is posted and enhances the quality of the
bhava it rules from the Ascendant.

Sagittariu Scorpio Libra Virgo

The two key concepts highlighted are that planetary
Saturn 10° Mercury 27° influence extends not only to the bhava they rule but also
to the bhava in which they are situated and the bhava they
This phenomenon mitigates the adverse effects of owning
the Trika bhava or house along with reducing the negative
effects of the bhava the planet is placed

In the coming files, we shall learn the meanings of

Bhava/Houses and the meaning of Trika houses/Bhava.
Debilitation positions of Planets
D A planet is deemed to be in a state of debilitation when it is located
within a specific sign or Rashi.
Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini
Mercury 27⁰ Sun 10⁰ Moon 3⁰
If the planet happens to be at the precise degree of its debilitation, it is said
to be in a state of deep debilitation.

Aquarius Cancer In this condition, the planet loses its inherent strength, and its effects are
Mars 28⁰ experienced primarily in the house it rules from the ascendant and the
bhava it is posted.
if not auspiciously aligned the outcomes are indicative of the potential
Capricorn Leo negative impacts of planetary positions. These effects are manifested in
Jupiter 5⁰
terms of the ownership of the Bhava (house) and the placement of the
planet relative to the ascendant.
Sagittarius Scorpio Libra Virgo
Moon 3 Sun 10⁰ Venus 27⁰
Specifically, if a planet is debilitated in a Trika bhava (a detrimental house),
the adverse effects are mitigated to some extent. This mitigation occurs due
to the planet's reduced influence on both owning the lordship of the bhava
and its placement within the chart.
Thus, the positions of planets play a crucial role in shaping astrological
analyses and interpretations, highlighting the intricate relationship between
celestial bodies and human destinies.

We will learn the meanings of Bhava, Ascendant or Lagna in the upcoming

Moola Trikona positions of Planets

Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini

Mars Moon
Sage Parashar in his wisdom has mentioned
the Moola Trikona positions of planets within a
specific Zodiac sign.
Aquarius Cancer
Sun Moola Trikona stana is Leo,
Moon is Taurus,
Capricorn Leo
Sun Mars is Aries,
Jupiter is Sagittarius,
Sagittarius Scorpio Libra Virgo
Venus is Libra,
Jupiter Venus Mercury and Saturn is Aquarius.
When a planet is posted in its Moola Trikona
Stana in a natal chart the quality of the said
bhava and the lordship of the planet in Moola
Trikona is enhanced.
Hierarchy of the Planets
Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini
Jupiter Mars Venus Mercury Planetary Cabinet positions
Chief Commander Minister Prince
minister Courage Semen intelligent
As seen in the chart Sage Parashara has
given distinct positions and a very distinct
Aquarius Cancer quality to each of the Planets.
Saturn Moon
Servant Queen
Grief Mind

Capricorn Leo
Saturn Sun King
servant Soul

Sagittarius Scorpio Libra Virgo

Jupiter Mars Venus Mercury
Chief Commander Minister Prince
Minister Courage Semen Intelligent
Planetary Worship
Sun Agni Fire , Lord Shiva

Moon Varun, Rain God

In addition to our knowledge of planetary

Mars Subramanya governance and Planetary positions, there exists
a diverse array of deities associated with each
Mercury Lord Maha Vishnu When a particular planet exhibits signs of
weakness, offering dedicated prayers to these
deities can bestow upon us inner peace, and the
capacity to surmount the adversities that We
Jupiter Lord Indira
encounter periodically.

Venus Sachi Devi

Saturn Lord Brahma

Rahu Goddess Durga

Ketu Lord Ganesh


Planet Friend Enemies Neutral Each planet has its own natural affinities and
Sun Moon , Mars, Sat, Venus Mercury conflicts with other planets.
Jupiter Rahu, Ketu Sage Parashara, in Chapter 3, Verse 55, has
defined this concept.
Moon Sun, Mercury None All the others
1. The signs 4th, 2nd, 12th, 5th, 9th, and 8th
positions from the Moola Trikona of the planet
Mars Sun, Moon, Mercury Venus,Saturn
Jupiter, Ketu Rahu in question are deemed as its Friends in
addition to the ruler of its exaltation sign.
Mercury Sun, Venus Moon Mars, Saturn,
2. Conversely, planets not covered by these
Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu criteria are regarded as Enemies.
Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn,Rahu 3. When a planet rules two houses, it is
Mars. Venus
considered neutral or equal, as it
Saturn Mercury, Venus Sun, Moon, Jupiter simultaneously serves as both friend and
Rahu, Ketu Mars.
Venus Saturn, Mercury Sun, Moon Mars, Jupiter, Ketu

Rahu Venus, Saturn, Sun Moon Mercury

Jupiter Mars

Ketu Mars, Venus, Sun, moon Mercury ,Jupiter.

Temporary Friends & Enemies of Planets
1st 2nd relation Net
Relation (due to Relation ( 1 Sage Parashara has also outlined the concept of
Natural placement) +2) temporary friendships, enmities, and neutral
interactions based on an individual's horoscope.
Friend Extreme
In Chapter 3, Verse 56,.Sage Parashar has explained
Friend friendship that when planets are posted in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th,
10th, 11th, or 12th houses from a said Planet, they
establish mutual friendships.
Neutral Friend Friend
Conversely, if they do not fall within these houses,
temporary enmity prevails.
Enemy Friend Neutral
By combining the temporary nature of the planet
with the preexisting natural friendships, enmities, and
Enemy Enemy Extreme neutralities, we can derive a comprehensive
enmity understanding of the threefold relationships in a

Neutral Enemy Enemy

We shall learn more about the Bhavas in the coming

This document provides a brief

overview of the characteristics of
the 12 Rashi signs, based on the
insights from Sage Mantreswara's
Phala Deepika.


Rashi karakatatwa-Aries
Aries is movable, and fiery. East rising, masculine, odd, Prishtodaya, Ram symbol Raja Guna, Lord Mars,
Moolatrikona stana of Mars, Sun exalts, Saturn debilities. Nakshatra Ashwini, Bahraini. Krittika.

Mantreswara’s Phaladeepika states: If the ascendant falls in Aries the native will have round
eyes, his knees will be weak and he will have an aggressive temperament, but he will be afraid
of water. He will be active and will always be moving about. His limbs will be bruised. He will
eat sparingly and will be passionate. He will speak falsehood.
People born under the Mesha Lagna typically display a fairer complexion than that of their
racial group, They tend to have a slender build, characterized by sharp, piercing eyes, an
elongated neck, and a well-defined bone structure. Their physique is suggestive of a soldier,
featuring thick eyebrows, and they adopt a brisk walking pace. These individuals practice
moderate eating habits.

Mesha Lagna natives naturally display leadership qualities, projecting a strong and
commanding personality. Their characteristics include confidence, ambition, and a liking for
Rashi embracing challenges. Independence and a sense of control over their lives are crucial,
reflecting a strong self-concept. Their energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate nature makes
them unafraid of taking risks.

These individuals are known for their frank and impulsive behaviour, often expressing an
aggressive temperament. Extreme jealousy may also be a characteristic trait.
Aries natives commonly gravitate towards business ventures, though those pursuing services
often demonstrate a strong patriotic spirit, excelling in professions such as the armed forces,
law enforcement, surgery etc.
Mesha Lagna individuals are prone to nervous complaints, and as they age, they may
experience issues with weak knees. Despite these potential health challenges, their
determination and dedication remain strong throughout their lives.
Rashi karaka -tatwa-Taurus
Taurus Lagna: Fixed, earthy, even, female south rising, Prishtodaya, bull symbol, Lord Venus, Moolatrikona stana of
Moon, Moon Exalts, Nakshatra Kritika, Rohini, Mrigashira.

Mantreswara’s Phaladeepika states: The person born with Taurus Ascendant will have
thick thighs and a big face. He will be engaged in agricultural ventures. He will be
happy in the middle and last portion of his life. He will be fond of enjoying young
women. He will be of sacrificing and forgiving nature, will be capable of endowing
hardships and possess cattle. He will have marks or mole on the back, face, or sides.
Physical features: Individuals born under this Ascendant will typically have a well-
rounded, moderately sized body with broad cheekbones, a strong forehead, prominent
lips, cheeks, and nose. The unique feature is that they have a mole on the face or back
of their body.
Vrishabha Lagna natives tend to be single-minded, stubborn, and determined. They
possess excellent concentration skills and have a strong memory. They are very focused
on their goals and have a patient and practical approach towards achieving them.
Passionate by nature, they also have a great desire for material wealth.
Vrishabha Lagna natives are known for their sacrificing and forgiving nature. they have
an amiable temperament and are known for being hardworking and industrious. Their
peers respect and admire them, while their subordinates look up to them. However,
they can sometimes be inflexible in their approach.
They can absorb and retain vast amounts of knowledge, but they tend to be good
listeners and poor speakers. Their conversations are usually short, abrupt, and to the
They take up careers that will give them financial security, banking Stockbroker,
accountancy mathematician etc.
Rashi karaka tatwa-Gemini
Gemini Lagna Duel, airy, odd, west rising, masculine, Shristodaya, Twins symbol Lord
Mercury. Nakshatras Uttar, Hasta Chitra
Mantreswara’s Phaladeepika states: When the ascendant is Gemini the native
will have black eyes and curly hair. He will enjoy association with women will
have thick neck and will be fond of making friends. He will be intelligent and a
mind reader. His nose will be elevated, and he will be fond of music and dancing.
He would not like to remain indoors.
Individuals born under the sign of Gemini often possess striking features such as
black eyes, curly hair, an attractive visage, a slender waist, a robust neck, and a
well-shaped nose.
They tend to be taller than average and are known for their brisk walking pace.
These natives are characterized by their adaptability and cleverness, showcasing
Ge intelligence and a keen curiosity. Their minds are constantly in motion, marked by
clear and articulate speech, making them apt conversationalists with a broad
knowledge base.
However, they may grapple with a short attention span and a tendency towards
restlessness or indecisiveness.
While they can display cunning and selfish traits, they are also capable of
remarkable acts of charity and possess the ability to adapt to diverse situations.
They generally seek entertainment business and all forms of communication from
bus conductors to a writer to actors etc.
They suffer from aches and pains in the latter part of life.
Rashi karakatatwa-Cancer
Cancer lagna: Moveable, watery, female, north rising, Prishtodaya, crab symbol
Lord Moon. Jupiter exalts, Mars debilities. Nakshatra are Punarvasu, Pushya,
and Ashlesha.
Mantreswara’s Phaladeepika states: Persons with cancer ascended will be
henpecked. He will have a thick neck and will be fond of making friendships.
He will possess many houses and will be wealthy. His waist will be thick, and
he will be statured. He will be intelligent and fond of watery sports like
swimming etc. He will walk fast and will have few sons. He will be crooked.
People with Cancer ascendants are said to have a deep emotional well. They are known
for their caring and nurturing tendencies, often putting the needs of others before their
own. This makes them great caregivers, friends, and partners.
Sensitivity: Cancers are highly sensitive individuals. They are in tune with their emotions
and the feelings of those around them. This sensitivity can be both a strength and a
Cancer natives are intelligent and often possess the courage to confront challenges head-
on. Their protective and nurturing nature extends to defending those they care about.
They have an affinity for water sports like swimming reflects their natural attraction to
water bodies
Cancers are known to be sociable and often surrounded by a wide circle of friends. Their
restlessness and moodiness can make them unpredictable at times,
and like crabs, they into their shells when threatened.
They do well as Political leaders. they tend to have long service goals and they are very
involved in their society.
They generally suffer from ailments of the liver or pancreas.
Rashi karaka tatwa-Leo
Leo: Fixed, fiery, odd, masculine, east rising, Shristodaya, symbol lion, moola Trikona of the Sun,
Lord Sun, Nakshatra’s Magha .Pubba (Poorva Phalguna). Uttra (Uttra Phalguna).
Mantreswara’s Phaladeepika states: A person whose ascendant is Leo will have
reddish eyes large chin and a broad face. He will be arrogant, powerful, valiant, firm-
minded and obedient to his mother. He will be fond of roaming about in forests and
hills. He will get angry about trifles.
Individuals born in Leo Ascendent have a prominent head and often have
a limited or thin amount of hair. They typically possess a sizable forehead,
a slender waist, and somewhat prominent teeth. Their speech tends to be
deliberate and sparing, and they exude an air of dignity and regal honesty.
These individuals tend to maintain a consistently elevated body
temperature, and their blood pressure remains persistently high. They are
self-reliant and exude a strong sense of confidence, often displaying brutal
honesty in their interactions.
When it comes to love, they are known for their expansive and generous
affections, freely giving of themselves but often hesitating to accept the
same in return.
They may respond to admiration and flattery, sometimes displaying self-
Leo absorbed tendencies.
Leo natives choose practical careers that will give money to support their
extravagances and love of travel. A Strong Venus may lead them into
artistic fields too.
They generally suffer weak bones sensitive teeth and gums.
Rashi karakatatwa-Virgo
Duel, earthy, even, female, south rising, Shristodaya, Virgin symbol, Lord Mercury.
Moolatrikona of Mercury, Mercury Exalts, Venus debilitates Nakshatra’s Uttra Hasta Chitra
Mantreswara’s Phaladeepika states
A person born in Virgo Ascendant be truthful will speak kindly. His eyes will be full of
bashfulness, be immediately liked by others. He is well-versed in Shastras and takes
advantage of other people’s houses & and wealth. His arms and shoulders will be
drooped, will possess few sons.
Individuals born under the Virgo sign often have slender bodies and tend to be of
average or below-average height.
They typically have dark eyes and a youthful appearance that belies their actual age.
Virgos are known for their intelligence and exceptional communication skills, and they
can be quite shrewd in leveraging their knowledge.
These people tend to be considerate and humble, and they often show a preference
for being economical or thrifty..
They are highly conscious of societal norms and ethics, consistently adhering to rules
and legal frameworks. While they may sometimes exhibit indecision and nervousness,
they project an outward image of self-assuredness.
Virgos possess keen powers of observation and a robust memory. They also tend to
have strong reproductive capacities.
They make good scientist, priests, preaches, writing advertising journalism.
They may also be inclined to be mediators, brokers, sales individuals and lawyers.
They are prone to heart diseases circulatory problems hypertension.
Rashi karaka-tatwa-Libra
Movable, airy, odd, masculine, west Shristodaya, Balance symbol, Lord Venus Moolatrikona of
Venus, Saturn exalts, Sun Debilitates. Nakshatra Chitra, Swati, Vishaka
Mantreswara’s Phaladeepika states: If the ascendant be Libra the person
born will revere Gods, Brahmin’s But he will be active and will possess lean
and thin body he will be tall on stature deft in trading and intent on being
first. He often has two names, few children, and is fond of wandering. He
will be brave, merciless and impartial in his arguments.
Individuals born under the Libra sign often possess physical beauty and a
deep commitment to seeking truth. They are renowned for their honesty,
bravery, and unwavering dedication to impartiality in their discussions.
Librans demonstrate exceptional observational abilities, sharp reasoning,
and an unshakable determination, remaining steadfast in the face of
deceptive intentions.
These natives tend to be idealistic, occasionally immersing themselves in the
creation of grand dreams. They are receptive to the remarks and viewpoints
of others, and their inherent stubbornness may surface at times.
When it comes to indulgence, Librans may occasionally go overboard in their
consumption of food and drink, which can lead to stomach and digestive
With Venus as their governing ascendant, Librans emphasize their
appearance and frequently prioritize their aesthetics. They excel in the art of
Libra active listening and consistently uphold impartiality in their assessments.
Driven by a strong urge to assist others, they proactively seek service
Rashi karakatatwa- Scorpio
Scorpio Lagna: Fixed, water, Shristodaya rising, Scorpion symbol north, 8 th
house from the Kala Pushya, Moon debilities, no planet exalts. Nakshatra
Vishaka, Anuradha, Jyeshta.
Mantreswara’s Phaladeepika states: a Person with Scorpio Ascendant at
birth, will have rounded thighs and knees. His chest will be broad and his
eyes expansive. He will suffer from diseases from an early age. He will be
separated from his parents and preceptor. He will indulge in cruel actions
and will be honored by the king. His feet will bear marks of lotus.

Individuals born under this ascendant sign will encounter a significant

challenge throughout their lifetime.
They are characterized by deeply set, expressive eyes and a tendency to
keep their thoughts, actions, and deeds private.

These natives exhibit unwavering focus and determination in their pursuits,

as they possess a unique ability and stubbornness to tackle their problems.

Scorpios possess an impressive ability to conquer illnesses and are

celebrated for their acute powers of observation. Despite having unique
viewpoints, they rarely incite conflicts and choose their words with great
care. Occasionally, they allow themselves to indulge in the pursuit of
Rashi karakatatwa-Sagittarius
Dual. Fiery, odd, masculine, east rising, Prishtodaya, Archer symbol, Lord Jupiter,
Moolatrikona Jupiter. Moola, Poorva –ashada Uttara- ashada.

Mantreswara’s Phaladeepika says – The person with Sagittarius ascendant at

birth, his face and neck will be long, his nose and ears will be big. He will always
keep himself engaged in some work or other. He will be eloquent in speech and
self-sacrificing. He will be short in stature, courageous and will overcome his
enemies. He will be wealthy and favourite of the kings. He can be won over by
persuasion and kindness.

Individuals born under the Sagittarius sign often possess well-built bodies with
prominent features such as big eyes, a substantial bone structure, a large
forehead, bushy eyebrows, and an elegant demeanour.

They are known for their outgoing and honest nature, as well as their friendly
disposition. Sagittarians consistently maintain an optimistic outlook and tend to
be generous-hearted individuals.

They have a larger-than-life presence and are generally considered warm and
Sagittarius natives tend to avoid confronting their problems directly, often
choosing to sweep them under the carpet.
They place great importance on their appearance within society, aiming to make
a lasting impression.
Sagittarians are known for their expansive thinking and ambitious desires always
pushing the boundaries and living life on the edge.
Rashi Karaka tatwa Capricorn
Capricorn: Moveable, earthy, even, female, west rising, Prishtodaya Goat climbing in search of
grass symbol, Lord Saturn, Mars exalts, Jupiter debilities Uttara- Ashada, Sharavana, Dhanishta
According to Mantreswara's Phaladeepika, when Capricorn is the Ascendant,
individuals may exhibit the following traits: weakened lower limbs, a tendency to
heed advice from others, a somewhat lazy disposition, involvement with older
partners from forbidden realms, a touch of religious hypocrisy, a penchant for
exploration, a fortunate but shameless nature, and susceptibility to wind-related
health issues.

People born under the Capricorn ascendant are widely recognized for their
remarkable grounding and unwavering focus. They are renowned for their
diligence, strong work ethic, ambition, seriousness, and unwavering reliability.
Success is their guiding star, and they are respected for their trustworthiness,
unwavering honesty, and steadfast adherence to ethical values.

In terms of dietary habits, Capricorn individuals typically maintain a modest

approach to eating, although they may occasionally indulge in their favourite
foods and beverages. Their determination knows no bounds when it comes to
achieving their goals, and they are willing to go to great lengths to attain them.

It is worth noting that as they age, Capricorn natives may face challenges related
to weak knees and bones, which can manifest as leg problems in their later
Rashi karakatatwa- Aquarius
Aquarius: Fixed, airy, odd, masculine, south rising Shristodaya, Human pouring water symbol,
Lord Saturn Molatrikona stana Saturn. Dhanishta, Satabhisha P Bhadra
.Mantreswara’s Phaladeepika says – A person who is born in Aquarius as the
ascendant, will commit sinful crimes secretly. He will have little wealth and will be
greedy and eager to usurp or utilize other people’s money. He will endure long
marches on the road. He will be clever in causing hurt to others. He will have a
body like a water pot. He will be fond of perfumes and flowers. His financial
positions will fluctuate in nature.
Aquarians tend to be towering in stature and possess robust physiques. As the
11th sign in the Kala Purusha zodiac, they often lead lives filled with prosperity and
Their core trait is idealism, and they expect that others should share this idealistic
These individuals are known for daydreaming with their eyes wide open,
harbouring ambitious desires but often deferring their pursuits to another day or
Their innate self-satisfaction can sometimes manifest as laziness and a lack of
interest in external matters.
This complacency is further compounded by Saturn's influence, which frequently
delays the fruition of their efforts, leading to feelings of frustration.

Aquarians tend to adhere to a fixed self-image and are resistant to change, making
them appear irritable and inflexible to those around them. These distinct qualities
often render them enigmatic and challenging to comprehend.
Rashi karakatatwa-Pisces
Pisces: Duel, watery, even, female, north rising, Ubhodaya, two Fish tied and in opposite direction symbol.
Lord Jupiter, Venus exalts, Mercury. debilities. Poorva- Bhadra-pada, Uttara- Bhadra-pada, Revathi

Mantreswara’s Phaladeepika says – Pisces: The Pisces ascendant native will have a
beautiful and symmetrical and beautiful body. His eyes will be attractive, he will be
learned, grateful, and satisfied with his wife and fortune. He will have financial gains by
selling the produce of the sea. He will overcome his enemies.

Pisces individuals are typically of shorter stature, with a round and robust face,
complemented by eyes that twinkle. Their teeth may slightly protrude, and they exhibit
graceful, almost gliding, gait.

They are known for their wisdom, erudition, and overall serene demeanour. However,
when it comes to making decisions, they can be quite elusive and prone to changing
their minds.

One of their distinctive traits is their childlike quality, which encompasses a spiritual
nature. They are generous, kind-hearted, and possess a romantic disposition.
Pisces individuals often have a strong affinity for children and tend to have beautiful
They have a trusting nature, which can make them susceptible to deception.

They allocate both their time and resources to meditation and spiritual pursuits,
reflecting their commitment to these activities.

• In the following nine slides, you'll

find an introduction to the planets as
expounded by Saga Kalidasa in his
book "Uttara KalaMrita.“

• This information is presented in

Chapter V, which explores into the
significators and significations of the
planets and houses.

• To enhance comprehension and

recall, I've organized them into
distinct categories.
Karaka tatwa Planet Sun

Friends: Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Enemies Saturn, Venus, Neutral Mercury, lord of Leo, Exalts at10 ⁰Aries
and Debilities at 10 ⁰Libra Mk Leo Sex M direction East
: Uttara Kalamrita has given more than 70 karaka tatwa, presenting the most important of them.
Positive Characteristics
Prana (breath of life ) soul, Power, Great Strength, Favour from kings, Enlightenment, and the Universe.
Physical features
Dwarfish stature scanty hair or bald head, magnetic personality. Father of Son.
People: Executive positions, self-employment. Soldiers, Commanders, diplomats Government officials,
Collectors, district officers, High Ranking officials in the government
Forest, open places, capital of towns, courts, exhibition centres, Shiva temple, region with no water, eastern
Parts of the Body:
Head, stomach, bones, heart, eyes, Brain, strength of the tissues.
Worship: Shiva.
Things, thorny trees, fuel, skin, wool, gold, wheat, poison, gold ornaments, ruby, thick or rough yarn, red
sandal paste, and saffron..
Diseases: blood pressure, high fever, cerebral diseases, eye disease, blindness.
Negative Characteristics: Wickedness, negative ego, cruelty, hostility, wandering over hills, disrespect,
long-standing anger, strong indignation, dictator

Karaka –tatwa Planet Moon

Friends: Sun Mercury, Enemies None, Lord of Cancer, MK Taurus 3⁰.30, Exaltation
Taurus, Debilitation Scorpio 3 ⁰ Sex F, Direction North- West.
Uttara Kalamrita gives around 80 karaka tatwa
Positive Characteristics: Mind, Manas(mind +emotion ), Intelligence, Heart, Abilities,
Nourishment, Public, Happiness, Sense of Humor, Pleasure, Beauty, Impartial, curly
hair, white complexion, round face, lovely eyes

People: Maternal figures, queens, individuals involved in well digging, milk producers,
vendors, and manufacturers across various domains related to water and liquids.

Places: Well, Tanks, Pilgrimage, temple of Gauri, (wife of Shiva Parks, Areas where
aquatic animals live, Ocean, Sea, River, Lakes Ponds etc.
Parts of the Body: brain, fat, nervous system, stomach, uterus, bladder, breast, ovaries
and organs of creation.
Worship: Druga Parvati Mata

Misc: Muhurta (48 minutes duration

Negative Characteristics Inactivity, a phlegmatic constitution, and a capricious

mindset. Health issues may manifest as epilepsy, undisclosed or ulcerous stomach
troubles, consumption, malarial fever, ailments in the shoulders, acidity, heart
problems, fits, and obesity.
Karaka tatwa Planet Mars
Friends Sun, Moon, Jupiter Enemy Mercury, Neutral Saturn Venus Lords of Aries &
Scorpio, Mk Aries, Exalts Capricorn 0.12’ Debilities Cancer 0.12’ Sex M Direction South.
There are about 99 karaka tatwa given in Uttara Kalamrita
Positive Characteristics: Valor, Strength, steadfastness, support, courage, generosity,
Persistence, organizing capacity, conquering foes, desire, controlling.
Looks: slender waist, curly shinning hair, inset eyes, short, broad forehead mark on the
forehead, youthful appearance, reddish in colour.

People: Envoys, commanders-in-chief, individuals working in kitchens and boiler

rooms, goldsmiths, union leaders, soldiers, public speakers, essentially anyone involved
in activities demanding courage and fortitude, as well as those overseeing sacred places.

Things: all items related to cutting or killing.

Places: War zones, legal arenas, foreign lands—locations marked by the shedding of
blood, and areas that have been scorched or burned.,
Parts of the body: bile ears nose forehead, sinews, muscles tissues, red blood cells,
Diseases: rupture of the vein's arteries, abortion, menstrual disorder, muscular
rheumatism, humps burns, a disorder of the red blood cells, wounds, urine problems
Negative Characteristics: Cowardice, cheater, fickle-minded, bully, anger, temper
tantrums, imbalance of the mind, abusing, obstinate fool, argumentative, controversial,
spreading scandals.
Worship: Subramanya (Son of Shiva )
Karaka tatwa Planet Mercury
Friends: Sun-Venus, Enemies Moon Neutral Saturn, Mars &Jupiter
Lord of Gemini & Virgo. Exalts at Virgo 15⁰ Delities at Pisces 15 ⁰ MK Virgo
Sex Eunuch Direction North.
Positive Characteristics:
People: Lecturing, Writers, Accountants, Mathematicians, Advisors, medical
professionals, drama, dancing, people working in all forms of communication,
transport, people working for banks, postal departments, drivers of vehicles’
telecommunication Handsome, slender waist, quick walker well dressed, broad
Worship: Lord Vishnu
Things: New clothes, horses, mixed compound substance, Birds, precious
Parts of the Body: rules over voice, throat, arms, hands, shoulders, nervous
system, skin, moisture,
Disease: hearing loss, vision impairment, skin irritations, a nervous collapse,
and sensations of itchiness.
Negative Characteristics:: While Mercury possesses numerous positive
qualities, its most prominent negative trait is its cunning nature and the
capability to exploit its positive attributes for personal gain. It may also exhibit
shortcomings such as inattentiveness, restlessness, conceit, vacillation, and
Karaka tatwa Planet Jupiter
Friends Sun Moon Mars Enemies Mercury Venus Neutral Saturn Lord of Sagittarius&
Pisces Mk Sagittarius, Exalts in Cancer 5⁰ Debilities in Capricorn 5⁰, Sex Male Direction
North -East.
Positive Characteristics: Dedication to Divine Wisdom, Prosperity in both Knowledge
and Wealth, Physical Well-being, and Offspring: Jupiter bestows material and spiritual
growth in our existence. It symbolizes the social, religious, ethical, and moral
dimensions of our lives, emphasizing values like love, honesty, and integrity.
Additionally, Jupiter influences physical vitality, promoting an athletic physique, outdoor
sports, adventurous pursuits, and risk-taking, as well as qualities such as judiciousness,
steadiness, concentration, and meditation.
Looks: Having a substantial build or corpulence, a large physique, light-coloured hair,
intelligent eyes, and a kind and gentle demeanour. Jupiter can be likened to the gentlest
giant, akin to a big bear
Worship: Lord Shiva Lord Brahma, Lord Narayana
People: teaching, Judges, astrologers, ministers, preachers' priests, important members
in an organisation, the highest person in Temples churches and any place of worship.
Things: yellow topaz, soft pleasant stone, tower, cotton cloth, holy water.
Parts of the body: Thighs, hips, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, fat contents in the body
Negative Characteristics’ Proud, egoist, high-handed his. Extremism liberalism,
extravagance lavishness, optimism carelessness debt disputes speculative failure,
religious fanaticism misjudgment, miscalculation, and unhappiness to others.
Karaka tatwa Planet Venus
Friends Saturn, Mercury Enemies Sun & Moon Neutral Mars & Jupiter Lords of Libra & Taurus
MK Libra Exalts at Pisces 15⁰ debilities at Virgo 15⁰ Sex F Direction Southeast.

Positive Characteristics: Benevolent and Accomplished: Proficient in the arts, drama, and dance,
possessing deep knowledge of the Vedas. Finds joy in marriage and overall happiness, excelling in
any artistic field. A dedicated learner of astrology, exuding a pleasant personality marked by
cheerfulness, comfort, and charming speech..

People: Individuals engaged in various forms of art, spanning from dance and direction to even the
roles of spot boys, as well as merchants specializing in beauty products, clothing, jewellery,
hairdressing, fashion design, event management, and owners of boutiques. Additionally, designers
involved in crafting aircraft, ships, cars, and similar creations will be under the influence of Venus.

Worship: Goddess Lakshmi

Parts of the Body: Reproductive system virility kidney

Disease: Problems in the above parts of the body.

Negative Characteristics: Inertia, excessive self-pride, indulgence in romantic pursuits, undesirable

habits, a deficit in emotional regulation, a lack of restraint over sexual impulses (either excessively
unrestrained or overly reserved), and extravagant spending.
Karaka tatwa Planet Saturn
Friends: Mercury & Venus Enemies Sun Moon & Mars, Neutral Jupiter. Lord
of Capricorn & Aquarius, Mk Aquarius Exalts at Libra 20⁰, Debilities at
Aries 20⁰ Sex Eunuch female direction West.

Positive Characteristics: Devoutly religious, generous, loyal, steadfast,

persevering, prudent, industrious, patient, goal-oriented, and committed to
acts of charity..
Looks: long limbs, stoop back inset eyes hairy body stiff hair, dark

Worship: Shiva, and Lord Shani

Things: Aged garments, wooden covering, goat, canines, buffalo remains

Disease Issues with the legs, such as arthritis, rheumatism, the

development of corns, bulging veins, and dis colouration.

Negative Characteristics: Lazy dirty slow dull headed, cruel, greedy,


People: Researchers and scientists, real estate agents, individuals involved

in leather product manufacturing and shoe sales, those in agriculture,
managers, dealers, and manufacturers in the oil, iron, and steel industries,
as well as service providers.
Parts of the body: legs knees, bones teeth.
Karaka tatwa Planet Rahu
Friends: Saturn Mercury Venus Enemies Sun Moon Mars &Jupiter exalts in
Taurus & and debilities in Scorpio. Owns Aquarius, Sex Male Direction South-
Positive Characteristics Rahu governs all material possessions in the world;
when positioned favorably, it bestows abundant material wealth. Rahu
symbolizes items like umbrellas, crowns, positions, strength, expenditures, and
.Look Intimidating appearance, tall with a dark complexion, prone to anger.
Elderly and balding
People Attorneys, intellectuals, pharmaceuticals, aviation, photography,
individuals involved in unlawful activities, serpent handlers, and occupations
associated with cruel actions.
Worship: Goddess Maha Shakthi, lord Nagaraja
Parts of the Body: feet, private parts, breathing
Diseases; Cholera, smallpox, leprosy, poisoning, malaria, plague, ulcers, boils,
skin diseases, body burning sensation, piles, etc.
Negative Characteristics: Abrasive communication and engagement in activities
deemed prohibited in society; Rahu is attributed to causing detachment from
one's homeland. As a shadow planet resembling Saturn, Rahu is characterized
by ruthlessness, greed, and aggressive behavior..
Karaka tatwa Planet Ketu
Friends Mars, Mercury, Venus enemies Sun Moon Jupiter exaltation at Scorpio debilities at
Taurus own house shares with Mars Scorpio, Sex Eunuch Male.

Positive Characteristics: Accountable for cultivating emotional well-being, a strategically

positioned Ketu enables us to embrace life as it unfolds.
People Lawyers, scholars, language experts, mathematicians, thieves, snake catchers, and
professionals all require a composed mind, regardless of the nature of their tasks or actions
Look Fierce looking, tall dark complexion, Irascible. Oldish, bald
Worship: Lord Ganesh

Parts of the Body: feet, private parts, breathing

Diseases; Cholera, smallpox, leprosy, poisoning, malaria, plague, ulcers, boils, skin diseases,
body burning sensation, piles, etc.

Negative Characteristics: Duel speech, all activities which are considered to be a ban in
society, Ketu is the cause of separation from motherland.
Ketu is a shadow planet; it is considered to look like Mars.
Ketu is the planet of retrospect that can lead us to moksha..A well-placed Ketu can lead the
native to a path of spiritual growth and moksha.
A badly placed Ketu can be selfish and proud having sectarian principles.
Diseases: same as Rahu.
• .

Piec Aries Tauru Gemi In the upcoming slides, you will discover the
responsibilities assigned to the 12 bhavas, as
es 1 s ni originally delineated by the founding father of
2 3 Jyothisha, Sage Parashara.
12 These duties are elaborated upon in meticulous
Aqua Canc detail by Sage Kalidasa in his treatise, " Uttara
Kalamrita," specifically in Chapter V, which gives
rius South er the signification of the bhavas.
Indian 4
I have categorized them neatly for your
11 Chart convenience to facilitate better understanding and
Capri Leo
corn 5
Sagit Scor Libra Virgo
tariu pio 7 6
s 8

The zodiac comprises 360 degrees, which are

evenly divided into 12 equal segments, each
Pieces Aries Taurus Gemini
spanning 30 degrees.
12 1 2 3 Each of these 30-degree segments is referred
to as a Rashi or Sign.
As a result of the Earth's rotation on its axis,
Aquariu Cancer every degree of the zodiac appears to ascend
s South 4 on the eastern horizon at a rate of
11 Indian approximately 4 minutes per degree.
This apparent ascent of a Rashi is known as the
Caprico Chart Leo
Lagna or Ascendant.
rn 5 It takes roughly two hours for a Rashi to fully
10 ascend above the horizon.
Sagitta Scorpi Libra Virgo However, it's important to note that this
rius o 7 6 duration can vary based on the specific latitude
9 8 and the Sun's degree at a given moment.
Bhava: Is the Sanskrit word for ‘starting point”
Each Bhava symbolizes the following aspects:

1st house is Tanu Bhava: The Self and the Gateway to the World

2nd house is Kutumba & Dhana Bhava: Family and Wealth

3rd house is Bhatru Bhava: Siblings and Self-Effort.

4th house is Sukha/Matru Bhava: Happiness and Mother.

5th house is Puthra Bhava, Children / Progeny

6th house is Gyati Bhava: Health, Debts, and Enemies

7th house is Kalatra Bhava: Spouse or Partner

8th house is Aayu Bhava: Longevity / Life Span

9th house is Dharma Bhava/Pitru Bhava: Righteousness and Ancestry

10th house is Karma Bhava: Actions for Livelihood and Career

11th house is Labha Bhava: Gains / Profits

12th house is Vyaya/Moksha Bhava: Exits from the World or Expenditure,

Physical Form, Overall Appearance, and the Head
The 1st house, also known as the Lagna or Ascendant, holds
the key and plays a pivotal role as it defines the entire
It serves as the cornerstone for delineating both the birth
circumstances and the ongoing joys and challenges in one's
life journey.
In particular, the first house paints a vivid picture of infancy,
encompassing facets such as one's physical appearance,
character, self-assuredness, and temperament.
It not only sheds light on one's outlook on life but also
influences how others perceive them.
Furthermore, the first house provides insights into a
person's overall constitution and health.
The domain ruled by the 1st house or Lagna predominantly
pertains to the head, with the Sun acting as the karaka
Sun influences and radiates throughout this house, shaping
characteristics related to confidence, selfhood, ambition, and
life’s all-embracing direction,
2nd house (Succedent Maraka-stana)
Family, Countenance, Prosperity, Right Eye, Articulation, Honesty, Education,
Early Years, Financial Inflows, and Transition.

The 2nd house assumes a major role in shaping our domestic life, revealing
how we acquire and allocate resources, as well as the extent of our
accumulated wealth.
It provides insights into our indulgences, dietary preferences, likes, and
dislikes, Additionally, this house sheds light on our capacity for learning,
particularly during early childhood and primary education.
It explores into the quality of our speech, our ability to focus, and our
inclination toward truthfulness or evasiveness.
Physically, the 2nd house governs the face, nose, mouth, neck, and the right
Jupiter, as the karaka (significator) for indulgence and wealth, exerts its
influence over this house, shaping our tendencies in these areas.
The 2nd house also holds a link with matters of death along with the 7th house.
Thus, it plays a multifaceted role in our lives, encompassing various aspects of
family, finance, communication, and life's inevitable transitions.

3rd house(Upachya, Cadent, Trishadha

Siblings, Courage, Bravery, Nourishment, Right Ear, Chest, and Brief Journeys and life span

The 3rd house is desires, fostering courage and bravery, and the dynamics among siblings. along with
life span.

The interplay between the 1st and 3rd houses unveils the specific nature of one’s valour and bravery.
Additionally, the 3rd house governs short trips and adventurous escapades, adding an element of
spontaneity to one's life.
It's noteworthy that the 3rd house plays a role in determining the longevity of an individual.
Furthermore, this house is associated with a range of karaka tawta's (signification), including writing
abilities, mental responses, pleasure, vigour, one's arms, household staff, proficiency in written
communication, relationships with neighbours and matters concerning mistress.

It also encompasses various forms of communication—speech, writing, reading—and embraces all tools
and mediums of communication, reflecting intellect and personal advancement
The 3rd house's physical domain extends to the throat, neck, shoulders, arms, ears, and nervous system,
encompassing all aspects of the vocal apparatus.
the of karaka :
Mars represents siblings, Saturn signifies longevity,
and Mercury embodies the essence of effective communication.
• Mother, Comfort, Education, House, Savings, honour, happiness, landed property.

The 4th house in Jyothisha is associated with various aspects of life, including the
environment in which one lives, feelings of happiness, inherited traits and assets, the
dynamics within the domestic setting, the pursuit of education, and one's modes of

This house also signifies the influence of a nurturing and caring mother, the importance of a
stable and harmonious family life, individual happiness, one's role within the broader society,
whether one’s residence is new or old, and even interests related to agricultural land.

Regarding the human body, the 4th house corresponds to the chest, heart, diaphragm, and
the upper part of the stomach.

The planets which serve as significators for specific aspects:

The moon for mother, Mercury represents education
Saturn is indicative of landed property, and Venus pertains to matters related to vehicles.
The 5th house is 'Kona' or angular houses and is also considered 'Succedent' and
5th House : (Kona ,Succedent, Panaphara)
Offspring, intelligence, past Karma, Vedic knowledge, Entertainment,
Education, Belly:
This house is associated with a range of significations such as offspring,
intellectual capabilities, the influence of past actions or karma,
The acquisition of Vedic knowledge, sources of entertainment, and the pursuit of

Additionally, it pertains to matters related to the womb, children, intelligence,

wisdom, fame, fortune, education, pregnancy,
one's position in life, the potential for sudden wealth, love, emotions, good
morals, discretion, and parental property.

The 5th house is also considered in matters of devotion and belief.

The activities include gambling, betting, and various forms of entertainment.
the 5th House will give an insight into love affairs and of any vices.

From a physical perspective, the 5th house governs the well-being of the heart

In Jyothisha, Jupiter is considered the primary significator ('karaka') for aspects

such as education, knowledge, wisdom, Vedic knowledge, and children,
while Mercury represents intelligence.
Roga, Runa, Ripu: Diseases Debts Known Enemies.

The 6th house is responsible, for health-related issues and diseases, financial
obligations and debts, feelings of anxiety,
The role of employment opportunities, and relationships with employers and

Personal habits, involvement in legal disputes, taking part in competition and

competitive emanation, there are potential for accidents, and injuries, As well as
conflicts with open enemies and disagreements and the presence of obstacles in
one's life journey.

Relationships with family members such as cousins, nieces, and nephews,

This house also plays a key role in matters concerning illness and stays in hospitals.
Experience of jealousy, sorrow, and infatuation. It also explores attributes like
arrogance, anger, lust, and greed.

The 6th house governs the stomach, the small and large intestines along with the
lower back.
In Jyothisha Mars is the key significator ('karaka') for aspects like dealing with
engaging in litigation, and experiencing accidents and injuries,
Saturn, on the other hand, represents sorrow, the role of servants, financial
obligations and debts, land-related matters, and health issues."
7th (House Kendra, Maraka sthana)
Wife or Husband, Generosity, Respect, Desire, Passion, Groin

The 7th house in responsible for partnership, whether in the context of marriage,
business, or interpersonal relationships, regardless of gender.
It encompasses aspects of one's spouse, legal matters, and business partnerships.
This house also reflects the intensity of passion, desires, feelings of jealousy, the
level of respect, and overall happiness in of one's marriage or partnership,
This house also has the potential for international travel after marriage.

In conjunction with the 2nd house, the 7th house is associated with the concept
of the native's demise and is considered the house that can indicate death.

the 7th House also extends its influence in dealing with the public, business
acumen, social interactions, and the appreciation of pleasures like perfumes,
music, and fine art.

From the health perspective, the 7th house is associated with the uterus, ovaries,
urinary tract, and procreative functions.

Venus is the primary significator ('karaka') for aspects related to the spouse,
urinary tract and procreative functions.
while Mars represents the husband and matters of sexual and physical vigour.
8th House Dusthana, Succedent
Duration of Life, Sorrow Obstacles, Death,, Sexual organs

The aspect of longevity and the span of one's life, the inevitability of death,
experiences of mental anguish and sorrow, encounters with obstacles,
unforeseen surprises, and matters related to marital life or 'Mangalaya stana'
all fall under the purview of the 8th house in Jyothisha.
In addition, the 8th house rules over occurrences such as accidents, feelings
of disappointment, foreign journeys earnings from spouse.
As well as the unexpected wealth, unearned income, and the long-awaited
arrival of financial resources.

It is also associated with secretive affairs, mental concerns, and feelings of


This house rules over sexual organs and the presence of lifelong diseases
From a health perspective, the 8th house pertains to the sexual organs and
hidden body parts.

In Jyothisha, Saturn acts as the primary significator ('karaka') for matters of

life and death.“ & matters of long-term diseases
9th house (Trikona, Cadent, Apokalims)
Dharma, Bhagya (Fortune ), Deeds, Worship, Father, Duty, Thighs
The 9th house in Jyothisha is referred to as 'Soubhagya Sthana,’ or as the ‘Mangalaya Bhagya’ house in a
female’s birth chart

This house is related to fortune, auspiciousness, acts of worship, fulfilling one’s duties, showing respect, and
devotion, and providing service to teachers and elders.

The 9th house represents the father and matters of faith and religion, the practice of prayer, seeking oneness
with God and one's soul, and the ebb and flow of fortune and misfortune in the native's life.

The 9th house paves the way for a good education, whether in schools, colleges, or job prospects in the
business world.

It signifies the smoothness in one's life journey, a willingness to adhere to the guidance of one's father,
taking the opinions of others into account, and the inclination to follow rules.

This house also reveals insights into one's adherence or non-adherence to religious principles and potential
changes in religious beliefs. This house also shows the capacity of honesty sincerity and obedience to rules
and regulations.

Moreover, the 9th house is associated with the quest for knowledge, including Vedic knowledge and higher
education pursuit of postgraduation.

From a health perspective, the 9th house governs the hips and thighs., Jupiter is the primary significator
('karaka') for knowledge and dharma, while the Sun represents the father, Honesty and Sincerity.
" 10th Bhava or 10th House
10th House Kendra Upachya
Occupation, Commerce, Knowledge, Vocation, Honor, Knees.
The 10th house in Jyothisha pertains to one's occupation, the means of earning a living,

The pursuit of the right career path, the potential for fame, and the capacity for expert
It rules over the government’s authority to affix one's seal on matters of importance.

The discipline to exercise self-control in one's professional life. This house also plays a
role in determining one's livelihood, and engagement in commercial activities.

Honour received from the government.

The likelihood of success or failure in one’s endeavours, the public perception of the
individual, and the nature of friendships that are forged.

The 10th house also provides insights into the status and earnings of one's father.
The 10th house governs the knees.
Saturn is the primary significator ('karaka') for service-related matters,
the Sun represents the role of the father, and Jupiter signifies matters on wealth."
11 th
11th house Upachya Succedant
Income, Gains, Fulfillment, Good news, Elder brother, Friends, Legs Ankles.

The 11th house plays an important role in signifying the acquisition of gains through various
means, encompassing all forms of income.

The extent of one's dependence on others for financial support.

It relates to the role of the elder brother, interactions with paternal uncles, and the influence
of friends in one's life.

The 11th house also reflects an inclination towards adorning oneself with ornaments and
precious stones, as well as the ability to accumulate savings.

It pertains to one's standing within the community, the level of popularity attained, and
participation in activities such as elections and speculations.

This house holds the possibility of recovery from illness, and liberation from misery.
The pursuit of ambitions, and the fulfilment of desires, including those related to marriage.

From a health perspective, the 11th house corresponds to the area below the knee,
specifically the calf.

Jupiter is the key significator ('karaka') associated with the 11th house."
12th house Trik house and Cadet
Exit from life extravagant and wasteful spending. Losses , Imprisonment

The 12th house governs the culmination of one's earthly journey, often associated with the end of life.
It also encompasses themes such as extravagant and wasteful spending: losses and imprisonment.

On a positive note, it indicates success in the realm of occult sciences and proficiency in foreign languages, as well as the
willingness to spend resources for noble and charitable causes.

The hidden or secret adversaries, residing in foreign lands, and the apprehension of potential threats from enemies.

Within this house, it touches upon the concept of sins and indulgence in sensual pleasures, as well as conflicts and difficulties in
partnerships—the potential loss of a spouse.

Moreover, this house reflects emotions of solitude and the inclination towards self-destructive tendencies or addiction, particularly
in the context of spending recklessly.

The 12th house is also linked to the pursuit of spiritual liberation ('Moksha'), the quest for divine knowledge, the enjoyment of
comfortable bedding, and maintaining a broad and open-minded perspective.

This house also signifies the loss of wealth without recovery, an inclination for wandering, and the choice of solitude for research
and introspection.
In terms of the human body, the 12th house governs the feet.

Saturn is the primary significator ('karaka') for sorrow, Mars for confinement or imprisonment, Venus for desires and sensual
pleasures, Ketu for the pursuit of spiritual liberation ('Moksha'), and Rahu for foreign travel and exploration."

Sage Parashara has provided valuable insights to

enhance our comprehension of a birth chart.
As a Jyotishi, one employs various tools to interpret a
To facilitate this, Sage has introduced concepts such
as Kendra Stana and Trikona Stana in the Bhava chart.
The identification of Yoga Karaka planets from the
Zodiac chart,
The identification of Doshas, Badhaka Stana, and the
planetary influences from the Zodiac chart.
These elements serve as guiding principles for a
more profound understanding of the birth chart.

Sage Parashara, in his thesis, has assigned alternative names to the bhavas, distinct from their inherent qualities as houses:
1.Kendra Stana encompasses houses 1, 4, 7, and 10. These potent Kendra houses facilitate seamless growth and are also
known as the "Vishnu Stana.
2.Trikona Stana consists of houses 1, 5, and 9. These Trikona houses bestow blessings for growth and are referred to as the
"Lakshmi Stana.
3.The 1st bhava enjoys a unique designation as it falls under both Kendra and Trikona categories. Consequently, the 1 st house
is blessed by both Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. For any seamless growth, the strength of the 1 st bhavas cannot be
4.Apachaya Stana includes houses 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 12. While Jyothisha texts don't explicitly define their significance,
the term “Apa" in Sanskrit means "reduce." Hence, these houses can be termed "dependent houses" since they rely on other
bhavas/houses for their growth.

5. Upachya Stana consists of the 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses, and
the term "Upa" implies advancement or growth. In this context:

The 3rd house signifies courage.

The 6th house symbolizes growth through challenges and struggles.
The 10th house represents the results arising from the 3rd and 6th houses.
The 11th house reflects overall gains derived from these houses.

6. Pana-para Stana (Succeedent houses) encompasses the 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th houses.
These houses are characterized by uninterrupted progression:

The 2nd house continues the themes of the 1st house.

The 5th house follows the patterns of the 4th house.
The 8th house carries forward the energy of the 7th house.
The 11th house extends the influences of the 10th house.

7. Apoklim Stana (Cadent houses) includes the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th
houses. "Apo" suggests loss, waste, or destruction, and in this context:

•The 3rd house represents a loss relative to the 4th house.

•The 6th house signifies a loss concerning the 7th house.
•The 9th house represents a loss concerning the 10th house.
•The 12th house indicates a loss about the 1st house.

In another perspective, Apoklim houses are houses of loss in connection

with the Kendra houses.
A planet that rules both the Kendra and Trikona Sthana is called a Yoga
However, it's important to note that not all astrological signs (Rashi’s) possess a Yoga Karaka
Taurus planet.
Saturn Among the 12 Rashi’s, the following have Yoga Karaka planets:
Aquari Cancer Taurus Lagna/Ascendant: Saturn is the 9 th and 10th Bhava lord.
us Mars Cancer Lagna: Mars is the 5th and 10th Bhava lord.
Venus Leo Lagna: Mars is the 4th and 9th Bhava lord.
Leo Libra Lagna: Saturn is the 4th and 5th Bhava lord.
Capric Mars Capricorn Lagna: Venus is the 5th and 10th Bhava lord.
orn Aquarius Lagna: Venus is the 4th and 9th Bhava lord
Libra It's worth noting that the remaining Rashi do not share the same planet as the lord for Kendra
Saturn and Trikona Sthana in their respective charts.

Result: When a yoga karaka planet is present, it can transform a malefic planet, ensuring that
the Planet produces favourable outcomes, particularly during their Dasa or Bukthi periods. Saturn
and Mars are inherently considered malefic planets, but for the specific Ascendants mentioned,
their positions and aspects can yield positive effects. However, we cannot completely remove
their natural Malefice nature.
Venus, on the other hand, is a natural benefic planet and serves as a yoga karaka. Even when
poorly positioned, its negative effects are significantly mitigated.

Dosha means blemish For Gemini Ascendant: Jupiter takes on the roles of the
4th and 7th house lord.
This Dosha is known as a Sign-based or
Rashi-based Dosha.
For Virgo Ascendant: Jupiter assumes the positions of the
It manifests when the Ascendant falls within 7th and 10th house lord.
one of the four dual houses of the Zodiac,
namely Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and
Pisces. In the case of Sagittarius Ascendant: Mercury serves as
When this occurs, the chart is classified as both the 7th and 10th house lord.
having Kendra Adi Pathy Dosha.
Lastly, for Pisces Ascendant: Mercury holds the
This Dosha is known to delay the
manifestation of results related to the designations of the 4th and 7th house lord.
houses it affects.
Which, in this case, are the 4th, 7th, and Hence, this affliction or imperfection will impact the 4th
10th houses. house, which governs emotional well-being, and the 7th
Consequently, there is a tendency for these house, associated with marriage, for individuals born
houses to underperform or exhibit slower under the signs of Gemini and Pisces. Meanwhile, for
progress. Virgo and Sagittarius natives, the blemish will affect both
the house of marriage and the house of Career.
6th Aries 3rd

• The lords of the 3rd, 6th, and 11th

houses are designated as Trish-
Adaya Adipatis, and this assessment sag 11th 6th
is made with reference to the
Ascendant of the chart.
In the case of a Sagittarius For an Aries Ascendant, Mercury,
Ascendant, Venus, who who holds the positions of the
•Both natural benefic planets and
natural malefic planets are believed serves as the lord of the 6th 3rd and 6th house lord, is not an
to yield unfavourable outcomes and 11th houses, despite entirely benefic planet. Mercury's
when a planet owns any of these being a natural benefic benefic or malefic nature
two houses during their Dasa or
Bukthi periods. planet, has the potential to depends on its conjunction with
•Among these, the 3rd house is bring about significant other planets. When Mercury
generally considered to be the least fluctuations and challenges stands alone, it tends to function
malefic. in one's life, mainly during as a natural benefic.
•while the 6th house is regarded as the Dasa though Venus will Furthermore, the 6th house is a
moderately malefic. continue to give its natural Moola Trikona house, which
•and the 11th house is seen as the benevolence. should offer relief. However, due
most malefic. to Mercury's role as a Trishadaya
•. lord, fluctuations in life are likely
to be evident during its Dasa or
11th Gemi

libra 6th

In the case of a Libra Ascendant, In the case of Gemini Ascendants, Mars,

Jupiter, which holds the positions of who serves as both the 6th and 11th
the 3rd and 6th house lord, is a house lord, is typically considered a
natural benefic planet. Moreover, the natural malefic planet and becomes a
3rd house is Jupiter's Moola Trikona Trisha Daya Adipati. Consequently,
house. However, despite these during the Dasa or Bukthi periods
favorable factors, fluctuations in life associated with Mars, the conditions
are observed during the Dasa or can be regarded as highly unfavourable,
Bukthi periods associated with unless there are favourable aspects
Jupiter from benefic Jupiter or Venus.
The concept of Badhaka Sthana is a result based on the sign or Rashi in Jyothisha.

The term "Badhaka" signifies hindrances or obstacles encountered in our lives.

For Movable Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), the 11th Bhava becomes the
Badhaka Sthana, and the Badhaka houses are Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio. The
lords associated with these Badhaka houses are Saturn, Venus, Sun, and Mars

In Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), the 9th Bhava serves as the Badhaka
Sthana, with the Badhaka houses being Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra. The lords
of these Badhaka houses are Saturn, Mars, Moon, & Venus.

For Dual Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces), the 7th Bhava is designated as the
Badhaka Sthana, and the Badhaka houses consist of Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, and
Virgo. The lords governing these Badhaka houses are Jupiter and Mercury.

Result During the Dasa or Bukthi of the Badhaka lord, the houses corresponding to
the 11th, 9th, and 7th will confront obstacles
The concept of Badhaka Sthana is a result based on the sign or Rashi in Jyothisha.

The term "Badhaka" signifies hindrances or obstacles encountered in our lives.

For Movable Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), the 11th Bhava becomes the
Badhaka Sthana, and the Badhaka houses are Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio. The
lords associated with these Badhaka houses are Saturn, Venus, Sun, and Mars.

1 canc
1 er 11 ca
The concept of Badhaka Sthana is a result based on the sign or Rashi in Jyothisha.

The term "Badhaka" signifies hindrances or obstacles encountered in our lives.

In Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), the 9th Bhava serves as the Badhaka
Sthana, with the Badhaka houses being Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra. The lords of
these Badhaka houses are Saturn, Mars Moon and Venus.

Taur Aquari
us 9 us
9 o Scorp
io 9
Badhaka Sthana is a result based on the sign or Rashi in Jyothisha.

The term "Badhaka" signifies hindrances or obstacles encountered in our lives.

In Dual Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, & Pisces ) the 7th Bhava serves as the Badhaka
Sthana, with the Badhaka houses being Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, and Virgo. The lords
of Badhaka houses are Jupiter and Mercury.

7 7 PI
Ge S

7 G 7
Trika Bhava & Lord of 6th, 8th, & 12th

Trika, a Sanskrit term, carries the meaning of "triple" or "threefold," encompassing

multiple interpretations derived from various Sanskrit texts.
In the realm of Jyothisha, Trika Bhava signifies the presence of three malefic houses or
bhavas within an astrological chart.

These malefic houses correspond to the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses in every chart. They
yield unfavourable outcomes, both due to their inherent lordships and their specific
placements of the lord within the chart.

Among these three, the 8th house 8th lord holds a distinctive position as the most malefic
bhava & lord It is often referred to as the “Randa Stana,” symbolizing attributes such as a
hole, an aperture, a cavity, or an opening.
This symbolism underscores the challenges and transformative experiences associated
with the 8th house.
During the Dasa Bukthi of planets placed in or aspecting the 8th house or the ruler of the
8th house, life-altering decisions are often made, or profound transformations occur.
Trika Bhava & Lord - 6th, 8th, & 12th
The 12th house and its ruling lord are considered moderately malefic. This is
because the 12th house governs matters related to loss and endings,
contributing to challenges and transitions in one's life journey.

Conversely, the 6th house and its ruling lord are regarded as the least malefic
among the three. The 6th house is also categorized as an "Upachya Stana,"
signifying its potential for growth and improvement amidst challenges.

In summary, Trika in Sanskrit denotes the concept of "triple" or "threefold,"

and in Jyothisha, it signifies the presence of three malefic houses and
malefic Lords in an astrological chart, namely the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses,
each with varying degrees of malefic influence based on their lordships and
Trishadaya-Adhipatis &Ashtma-Adhipati
The 8th house and its ruling lord are referred to as the "Asthma Adipati.“

While the lords of the 3rd, 6th, and 11th houses share a common lord, they are collectively termed the
"Trisha Daya Adipati"
When the Asthma Adipati and Trisha Daya Adipati share a common lord then It's crucial to note that
when the 8th lord along with any one of the Trisha Daya Adipati is common it is considered to be
highly malefic and During their dasa or Bukthi periods, the lord of Trish Adaya Adipati’s being the
same as Asthma- Adipati can yield unfavorable outcomes.

For Taurus ascendant, the 8th house, and the 11th lord is Jupiter.
For Virgo, both the 3rd and 8th lords are Mars.
For Scorpio, the 8th and 11th lords are Mercury.
For Pisces, the 3rd and 8th lord s are Venus
Despite a planet's natural beneficence, when it holds the titles of Trihadaya Adipati and Asthma
Adipati, it tends to produce unfavorable results due to these significant house associations .
The effects are generally felt during the Dasa or Bukthi of these Planets
Sage Parashara, In his thesis, the Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, has illustrated
the subject of Yogas, particularly in Chapter 35, known as Nabhasa Yoga,
and Chapter 36, referred to as Vividha Yoga.

The term "Nabhasa" originates from Sanskrit and conveys the essence of an
open expanse, similar to the boundless sky or the divine naval of Lord

These Yogas are characterized by specific conditions that apply to them;

thus, they are not extensively employed in astrological practice.
Remarkably, there exist a staggering 1800 distinct combinations within
these Yogas, comprising of Asraya Yogas, Dala Yoga, Akritri Yoga, and
Sankhya Yoga etc.

On the other hand, "Vividha" denotes diversity or dissimilarity, aptly

describing the array of Yogas summarized within this category. These Yogas
encompass various facets, with a notable focus on Planetary Yogas.
In the realm of Jyothisha, the term "Yoga," signifies the union of two
In Chapter 36 of Brihat Hora Shastra, Sage Parashara introduces the
classification of Yogas. Firstly, he categorizes Yogas into two main types:
Subha Yoga in Ascendant/Lagna: This type of yoga occurs when a benefic
planet is placed in the Ascendant or Lagna. It can also manifest if benefic
planets are positioned in both the 2nd and 12th houses, or in all three
houses: 1st, 2nd, and 12th.

Asubha Yoga in the Ascendant/Lagna: Conversely, an Asubha Yoga forms

when malefic planets are situated in the Ascendant or Lagna. It can also
occur if malefic planets occupy both the 2nd and 12th houses, or all three
houses: 1st, 2nd, and 12th.

Sage Parashara further elaborates that the quality of Subha Yoga varies:
Subha Yoga is considered good when the benefic planet is placed in the
It becomes better when the benefic planet is positioned in the 2nd or 12th
house from the Ascendant.
The best results are expected when benefic planets are present in all three
houses: 1st, 2nd, and 12th.

On the other hand, adverse results can be anticipated when an Asubha Yoga
is formed.
It's essential to note that this analysis is quite broad and must consider
other factors such as planetary dignity, including factors like Planetary
Sage Parashara, in Chapter 36 discussing Vividha Yogas, has explained several yoga,
including Gaja Kesari Yoga, Alma yoga, Paravata Yoga, Kahala Yoga, Chamara Yoga, Sankha
Yoga, Bheri Yoga, Mridanga Yoga, Srinatha Yoga, Sarada Yoga, Matsya Yoga, Koorma Yoga,
Khadga Yoga, Lakshmi Yoga, Kusuma Yoga, Kalanidhi Yoga, Kalpadrum Yoga, Trimurthi
Yoga, and Lagnadhi Yoga.
Given below explanation of some of the main Yogas
Gaja Kesari Yoga is a significant yoga that emerges when certain conditions are met, To
form Gaja Kesari Yoga:
Jupiter should be in a Kendra (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th) from the Moon.
There are exceptions to this yoga:
Jupiter should not be Aspected or associated with Mars, Saturn, or Rahu/Ketu.
Jupiter should not be in Capricorn (it’s a sign of debilitation).
The Moon should not be Aspected by Mars, Saturn, or Rahu/Ketu.
The Moon should not be in a waning phase or approaching the new Moon.
The Moon should not be in Scorpio (its sign of debilitation).
When these conditions are met, Gaja Kesari Yoga is formed.

Results of Gaja Kesari Yoga: Natives possessing Gaja Kesari Yoga exhibit high levels of
energy, diligence, and industry. They display the courage akin to that of a lion and often
achieve financial prosperity. These individuals may hold leadership positions within their
communities, countries, or villages.
Additionally, they tend to enjoy long lives. Even if the Gaja Kesari Yoga is weak, it can
nullify many negative influences in the lives of the natives.
Raja Yoga’s

Raja Yogas are configurations formed by the positions of Planets, either

from the Ascendant (Lagna) or from the Moon (Chandra Lagna). There
are approximately 108 distinct combinations of Raja Yogas.
These Yogas are considered concerning both the Lagna and the Moon.
Any connection between Kendra houses 1, 4, 7, and 10, either among
themselves or with each other, forms a Raja Yoga. Or Kendra lords with
Trikona lords forms Raja Yoga
The outcomes of these Raja Yogas are as follows:
The house in which the Yoga is formed will yield beneficial results,
depending on the planets involved.
These placements indicate potential and promise in the birth chart.
They became active during the Dasa and Bukthi periods of the
associated planetary lords.
Natural benefic planets enhance the potential of these Yogas.
Functional benefic planets also strengthen the promise of Raja Yogas.

Kedar Yoga: Kedar Yoga occurs when all seven planets are positioned in only
four specific signs (Rashi), excluding Rahu and Ketu.

Result: Individuals with Kedar Yoga may amass wealth and agricultural land.
They tend to be affluent and have a strong inclination towards social service.
They often stand out from others, command respect, and possess inner

Bhava Yoga: Bhava Yoga is a term used to describe yoga formed due to the
influence of the lords of specific houses (Bhava lords).
Result: The Bhava becomes intensified and motivated, amplifying the energy of
the Karaka Tawta associated with that individual house.

Vipreet Raja Yoga: manifests when the rulers of the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses
are located within the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses, or when the respective lords
are situated in such positions. Additionally, it occurs when the lords of these
houses are collectively placed in any of the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses.
Individuals experiencing any variation of Vipreet Raja Yoga frequently undergo
remarkable growth following significant upheavals or challenges.
Expectational Raja yoga’s

Harsha Yoga: Harsha Yoga takes place when the lords of the 6th,
8th, and 12th houses are together in the 6th house.
Result: Individuals with Harsha Yoga may experience good
fortune, possess a healthy body, and enjoy happiness.

Sarala Yoga: Sarala Yoga occurs when the lords of the 6th, 8th,
and 12th houses are positioned in the 8th house.

Result: Those with Sarala Yoga tend to live long lives without
fear, and they often enjoy prosperity.

Vimala Yoga: Vimala Yoga is formed when the lords of the 6th,
8th, and 12th houses are found in the 12th house.

Result: Individuals with Vimala Yoga are typically frugal in their

expenses and exhibit exemplary behaviour towards others. They
have good conduct, and independence, and often achieve fame.

Additionally, Sage Parashara discusses various Raja Yogas that are formed based
on planetary positions from the natal chart.
Positional Raja Yogas: These are formed due to the planets' positions in specific
One notable group of Raja Yogas mentioned is the "Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga,"
which involves five major planets: Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, and Saturn.
These yogas are explained in detail by Sage Mantreswar in the Phaladeepika in
chapter YOGAS.

Ruchaka Yoga: is created when Mars is positioned either in its exaltation sign or in
its own houses identical to the Kendra's (1,4,7,10) as described in Phaladeepika
chapter 6 YOGAS sloka 1.
Individuals born with Ruchaka Yoga exhibit a formidable and assertive personality.
They possess abundant courage and a natural inclination towards daring
adventures. They possess the ability to take on and complete projects is
Furthermore, the Dasa or the bukthi of Mars significantly boosts their reputation
and fame.


Bhadra Yoga Is characterised by the presence of Mercury in either its

exaltation sign or its own house, and is identical to the Kendra’s
(1,4,7,10) as described in Phaladeepika chapter 6 YOGAS sloka 1.
This yoga blesses individuals with exceptional intelligence, fostering
substantial professional advancement, accompanied by both physical
and financial comfort.
These favourable effects are typically experienced during the periods
(Dasa) or sub-periods (bukthi) influenced by Mercury.

Hamsa Yoga Jupiter is in its exaltation sign or its own houses identical
to the Kendra’s (1,4,7,10) as described in Phaladeepika chapter 6 YOGAS
sloka 1.
This yoga bestows individuals a disposition marked by benevolence,
philosophical depth, righteousness, and religiosity.
During the Dasa and bukthi periods, of Jupiter they tend to exhibit
assertiveness, with an enhanced commitment to righteousness and a
deepening connection with religious or spiritual aspects of life.

Malavya Yoga manifests when Venus is positioned in its exaltation

sign or either in Taurus or Libra and identical to the Kendra’s (1,4,7,10)
as described in Phaladeepika chapter YOGAS sloka 1.
This yoga bestows individuals with a strong sense of creativity and
potent sexual desires. In the case of Venus being situated in the 7th
house of a male's birth chart, there is often a penchant for beautiful
women. During the Dasa or bukthi periods influenced by Venus, their
creative abilities flourished, leading to the acquisition of fame, but
occasionally accompanied by scandals.

Sasa Yoga, on the other hand, takes form when Saturn is in its
exaltation sign or either Capricorn or Aquarius and is identical to the
Kendra (1,4,7,10 ).
This yoga imparts traits of ambition, independence, ruthlessness, and
the display of leadership qualities. Natives with Sasa Yoga tend to be
fearless and accumulate wealth. During the periods (Dasa) or sub-
periods (bukthi) ruled by Saturn, individuals exhibit a keen sense of
these qualities, often succeeding where others would falter.
Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga
Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga: The term "Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga" is derived from
Sanskrit, where "Neecha" signifies debilitating, and "Bhanga" means
This yoga refers to the cancellation of debilitation of a planet, and it occurs
under the following circumstances:

•When a planet in debilitation receives an aspect from an exalted planet.

•When a debilitated planet is conjunct with an exalted planet.
•When a debilitated planet receives an aspect from the ruler of the house where
it is debilitated.
•When a debilitated planet is located in an angular house (Kendra) relative to the
Ascendant or Moon.
•When a debilitated planet is aspected by the lord of the house where the planet
is exalted.
•When a debilitated planet in the natal chart is exalted in the Navamsha (D-9

•During the Dasa or Bukthi of the debilitated planet that has undergone
cancellation, the individual initially encounters the adverse effects typically
associated with that planet. Nevertheless, in the latter phase of the Dasa period,
the individual starts to reap the rewards of the cancellation, thereby alleviating
the detrimental influences of the debilitated planet.

Yoga that are influenced by the alignment of planets relative to the

Subha Vesi Yoga: Occurs when any planet occupies the 2nd position
from the Sun, excluding the Moon and the Nodes.
Results The 2nd position from the Sun bestows growth, similar to the
2nd position from the Lagna (Ascendant).
Hence, the presence of benefic planets in this alignment promotes
steady and smooth growth. Conversely, if malefic (Papa vesi) planets are
involved, they hinder growth.

Subha Vasi Yoga: Takes place when any planet is positioned in the 12th
position from the Sun, excluding the Moon and the nodes.
Results The 12th position from the Sun is associated with losses. Benefic
planets in this configuration impart a charitable disposition to the
natives, while malefic (Papa Vasi) planets tend to make the natives
greedy with undue expenses.

Ubhayachari Yoga: Occurs when planets are

present on both sides of the Sun, excluding the
Moon and the Nodes.
Benefic planets in these positions endow the native
with a generous disposition, and their expenditures
are purposeful. This alignment strengthens their
confidence, fuels ambition, and fosters loyal
relationships with friends and family.
If malefic (Papaachari) planets are involved, self-
doubt prevails, and ambition is lacking.
Lunar Yogas are configurations determined by the relative
positions of planets in relation to the Moon. Two such yoga’s are
as follows:
Sunapha Yoga:
Sunapha Yoga manifests when any planet, except for the Sun and
the lunar nodes (Rahu and Ketu), resides in the 2nd house from
the Moon.
If a benefic planet occupies the 2nd house, it enhances the
qualities associated with that house.
In the presence of a malefic planet in the 2nd house, it can exert
adverse effects on the attributes linked to the 2nd house.
When a combination of both benefic and malefic planets is found
in the 2nd house, the outcomes may exhibit a blend of positive
and negative influences.
Typically, these effects come into play during the Dasa and Bukthi
periods of the planets posted in the 2nd house from the Moon.
Anapha Yoga:
is established when any planet, excluding the Sun and the lunar
nodes (Rahu and Ketu), is posted in the 12th house from the
If a benefic planet occupies the 12th house, it tends to bring
contentment to the individual.
The presence of a malefic planet in the 12th house can result in
unnecessary and wasteful expenditures for the native.
Results These effects become more pronounced during the Dasa
and Bukthi periods of the planets situated in the 12th house
relative to the Moon.
Durdhara Yoga:
Any planet other than the Sun and the Nodes in the 2nd and the
12th house from the Moon.
Result: If benefic planets on both sides of the Moon the Native
will be emotionally stable and prosperous.
If malefic on both sides from the Moon, the native will have mood
swings & and wasteful expenditure.
Both Prosperity and expenditure are felt during the Dasa and
Bukthi of the planets placed in these houses.
Kemadruma Yoga:
Arises when there are no planets, except for the Sun and the lunar
nodes, located in either the 2nd or 12th house from the Moon.
This configuration tends to bring about feelings of sorrow, loneliness,
unhappiness, and difficulty in expressing one's desires.
These emotional challenges become more pronounced during the
Dasa of the Moon if it occurs in isolation, or during the Dasa and
Bukthi periods of the lunar nodes.

Note: It's important to consider the qualities of the Rashi (zodiac

sign) as well, as they can provide additional subtle variations in the
effects of these yogas.

Raja Bhanga Yoga is the term used to describe yoga which is

the cancellation of the positive effects of Raja yoga that occurs.

This cancellation typically arises from several astrological

factors, among them the most important ones are:
• Jupiter is positioned in a sign of debilitation with no planet
in exaltation.
• A weak Moon located in the final degrees of a sign or
• The absence of any planets in the Kendra houses.
• The Sun is placed in a sign or Rashi of debilitation.
• The presence of debilitated planets in the Lagna (1st
house) and a malefic planet in the 10th house.

As a result of these factors, the positive outcomes anticipated

by the Raja yoga combinations are nullified or marred in the
astrological chart.
Sage Parashara in his thesis, Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra introduced the
concept of Nakshatras in the third chapter.
These Nakshatras are a crucial element in Vedic Jyothisha, representing
specific groups of stars that appear on an imaginary belt known as the
This zodiac, encircling the Earth is a circle with 360 degrees,
This circle is divided into 27 equal parts, each part measuring 13°.20 ‘and
is referred to as a Nakshatra.
The planets, traverse through these Nakshatras, There are 27 Nakshatras,
beginning with Aswini. Additionally, the same zodiac circle is divided into
12 equal parts, known as Rasi or Signs, commencing with Aries.

Each Nakshatra is precisely 13°. 20’ is divided into 4 padas, each spanning
3 °. 20 ‘.
Within each Sign or Rashi, there are 9 padas, each measuring 3°.20’.

Each planet or Graha is governed by specific Nakshatras, Every planet is

associated with three Nakshatras, depending on its placement within the
Rashi or Sign.
This intricate system forms the foundation of Planetary observations and
interpretations in Vedic Jyothisha.
Nakshatras, or lunar mansions, play a significant role in Vedic
astrology, often associated with the signs of the zodiac, known as
Each Rashi comprises a set of Nakshatras that influence various
aspects of life and personality traits.

In Vedic Jyotisha, there are 27 Nakshatras spread across the 12 Rashi's.

these Nakshatras hold distinct characteristics and attributes that
impact individuals born under them.
They are intricately connected to the movement of the Moon and are
considered essential in determining an individual's nature, behaviour,
and destiny.

Each Nakshatra within a Rashi possesses unique qualities, ruling

deities, and symbolic representations, offering profound insights into
an individual's life path and experiences.
Understanding the Nakshatras within their corresponding Rashi's is
fundamental to interpreting the complex interplay of planetary
influences in Vedic Jyotisha.
Introduction to Nakshatras based on their respective Rashi's:
Revathi 4 Mercury Ashwini -4- Ketu Krittika - 3-Sun Mrigashira -2-Mars
Uttra Bhadra 4 Saturn Bharani-4 –Venus Rohini – 4- Moon Ardra -4-Rahu
P Bhadra 1 Jupiter Kritika -1 –Sun Mrigashira -2- Mars Punarvasu -3- Jupiter

P Bhadra 3 Jupiter Each Pada =3˚20ʹ Punarvasu 1- Jupiter

Satabhisha 4 Rahu Each Nakshatra =13˚20˚ Pushya -4-Saturn
Each Rashi = 30˚
Dhanishita 2 Mars Each Rashi has =9 pada’s Ashlesha -4- Mercury
Dhanishita -2-Mars 27 nakshatra is governed by 9 planets. Magha-4-Ketu
Shravana 4- Moon Each planet governs 3 nakshatras P ubba- 4 –Venu
U Ashadha 3 Sun Uttra -1- Sun
Mulla -4- Ketu Vishaka - 1- Jupiter Chita – 2- Mars Uttra -3 –Sun
P Ashada -4 –Venus Anuradha -4-Saturn Swati- 4 - Rahu Hasta -4- Moon
U Ashada- 1- Sun Jyeshta – 4- Mercury Vishaka -3- Jupiter Chitra -2- Mars

Nakshatra Nakshatra Nakshatra 3rd Nakshatr

1st set 2nd set set a Lord

Ashwini Magha Moola Ketu

Bharani Purva Purva Venus

Phalguni Shadda
Krittika Uttara Uttara Sun
The 27 nakshatras are divided into 3 sets Phalguni Shadda
each-: Rohini Hasta Shravana Moon
1st set starts with the Movable sign and
ends with the next Movable sign. Mrigashira Chitra Dhanishta Mars
2nd set starts from the fixed sign and ends
Ardra Swati Shatabishak Rahu
in the next fixed sign.
3rd set starts from the Dual sign and ends Punarvasu Vishaka Purva Jupiter
in the next Dual sign Bhadrapada
Pushyam Anuradha Uttara Saturn
Ashlesha Jyeshta Revathi Mercury
Introduction to Shodasa Vargas
Sage Parashara in his thesis has subdivided the Rashi
Chart into multiple divisional charts by assigning
specific degree divisions to create new charts.

In Saravali the commentators have highlighted that

Varga charts play a crucial role in comprehending the
nuances of certain areas of life, offering insights that
may have been eluded in the Rashi Chart.

With many events occurring in a single Bhava or

house, pinpointing or predicting individual events can
be challenging.

Varga Charts come to our aid in understanding these


The Rashi chart is divided into 16 divisional charts

known as Shodasa Vargas.
The Names of the Shodasa Vargas
Rashi Chart D 1 Individual chart Rashi is 30⁰ each
Hora D 2 Wealth, 15⁰ each.
Drekkana D3 Happiness through Siblings, effort,
10⁰ each
Chaturthamsa D4 Good luck & fortune 7.5⁰ each
Sapthamsa D7 Children 4⁰17’57” each
Navamsha D9 Married Life, Spouse 3⁰20’ each
Dasamsa D10 Career,& Status 3⁰ each
Dwadamasa D12 Parents , Heredity 2⁰30’
Shodasamasa D16Happiness through
Vimsamsa D20 Spiritual Happiness 1⁰30’
Chaturvimsam D24 Academic 1⁰15’
Saptha- D27 Strength & weakness 1⁰6’40”
Trimsamsa D30 Good & Bad luck 1⁰
Khavedamsa D40 Auspicious& inauspicious 45’
Sage Parashara’s in the inspiring thesis underscores the fundamental role played by the Divisional Chart
9, also known as the Navamsha.

The Navamsha is the 9th part of the Rashi chart, and each Rashi is divided into 9 parts of 3 °20 ‘ each. &
is called the pada or padas.

In any chart, whether meticulously constructed by hand or generated using computerized tools, the
Navamsha chart is inseparable from the Rashi chart. This dual representation serves a profound purpose,
yielding a three-way insight into the astrological context:

1. Strength of the Planets:

2. Quality of the Spouse
3. Quality of Marriage

4.Strength of the Planets:

The Navamsha chart undertakes the role of assessing the planetary strength. It does this by examining
the placement of the planets situated in specific houses.

2. Planets in their own house are considered potent.

A} Planet in their exalted house is considered to give full results.
B) Planets residing in the houses of their friendly counterparts also contribute to their strength.
C) Planets placed in their adversaries may experience challenges in manifesting their influences.
D) When a planet is debilitated in the Navamsha chart, it may exhibit diminished strength.
2. Quality of the Spouse:
The Navamsha chart is a foundation for knowing marital quality in Jyotisha.
It gives the attributes of the spouse and plays a pivotal role in delineating the characteristics
and potential traits of the life partner.
This aspect assists in a more comprehensive understanding of the marital union.

3.Quality of Marriage:
More than characterizing the spouse, the Navamsha chart also serves to define the overall
quality and dynamics of the marriage itself. It provides valuable insights into the compatibility,
harmony, and challenges that may be encountered within the marital relationship.

In sum, Sage Parashara's recognition of the Navamsha chart as an integral part of Vedic
Jyotisha is rooted in its ability to offer a multi-faceted analysis.
It empowers astrologers and enthusiasts to gauge planetary strength, interpret the attributes
of the spouse, and gain a deeper understanding of the marriage's quality,
thereby enhancing the accuracy and completeness of astrological readings.
In Jyotisha, the zodiac signs are known as Rashi’s,

 Each Rashi or Sign is subdivided into 9 equal parts.

• This is called the Navamsha Or D9 chart.
• Each part measuring 3°20’.
 This division is referred to as "Padas.“
 The position of a planet within a specific degree corresponds to the associated
Navamsha.As seen below.

degrees Navamsa Rashi ‘s elements are used to construct

0⁰to 3⁰20 1st Navamsha the Navamsha chart D9.
Fiery signs: Aries, Leo & Sagittarius.
3⁰.20’ to 2nd Navamsha Earthy Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
6⁰40’ Airy Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
6⁰to 10⁰ 3rd Navamsha Watery Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
10⁰to 13⁰20’ 4th Navamsha The 4 Simple Rules for Navamsha are as follows
13⁰20’to 5th Navamsha 1. Planets Posited in the Fiery sign will start from Aries.
16⁰40’ 2. Planets are positioned in the Earthy sign will start from
16⁰40’to 6th Navamsha
3. Planets Posited in Airy Sign will start from Libra.
20⁰ 4. Planets Posited in Watery Sign will start from Cancer
20⁰ to 7th Navamsha
Mo 14 °

Ma 04°

Ju 29°

Counting starts from Aries

Let us determine the positions of the planets in the Navamsha

The Moon currently resides at 14° in Aries and occupies the 5th Amsha, spanning
from 13°20’ to 16°40, it will transition to Leo.

Mars, on the other hand, is positioned at 4° in Leo, within the 2nd Amsha, which
extends from -03°20’ to 6°40’., Mars will find its place in Taurus.

Jupiter holds its position at 29° in Sagittarius, precisely within the 9th Amsha,
ranging from 26°40’ to 30°. Interestingly, Jupiter remains in Sagittarius.

Mo 14 °

Ju 29°

Ma 04° Jupit

Starting from Capricorn,

we can analyze the positions of the planets in the Navamsha

1.The Moon, located at 14° in Taurus, falls within the 5th Amsha, 13°20’ to
16°40’. remaining in Taurus.
2.Mars, situated at 4° in Virgo, is positioned within the 2 nd Amsha, 03°20’ to
6°40’. thus falling into Aquarius.
3.Jupiter, at 29° in Capricorn, falls within the 9th Amsha, 26°40’ to 30°.
indicating its presence in Virgo

Mo Ju
14 °
Ma D-9

Commencing from Libra,
Let's examine the positions of the Planets in the Navamsha chart.:

1.The Moon, positioned at 14° in Gemini, falls within the 5th Amsha, which spans
from 13°20' to 16°40'. Consequently, the Moon will be located in Aquarius.

2.Mars, situated at 4° in Libra, is found in the 2nd Amsha, covering the range of
3°20' to 6°40'. As a result, Mars will be positioned in Scorpio.

3.Jupiter, positioned at 29° in Aquarius, spanning from 26°40’ to 30°. falls within
the 9th Amsha, indicating its presence in Gemini.
Ju 29° Jupi


Beginning with Cancer as the reference point,

Let's determine the positions of the Planets in the Navamsha :

Moon, situated at 14°, falls within the 5th Amsha, which spans from 13°20' to
16°40'. the Moon will be positioned in Scorpio.

Mars, positioned at 4°, in the 2nd Amsha, ranging from 3°20' to 6°40'. result,
Mars will be positioned in Leo.

1.Jupiter, at 29°, falls within the 9th Amsha, ranging from 26°40' to 30°. This
places Jupiter in Pisces.

• According to the Vedic Puranas, it is believed that reciting

the names of the Panchang elements can bring blessings
from the Supreme Being. Each aspect of the Panchang has a
unique influence:

• Uttering the Vara (Day of the Week) is thought to promote


• Focusing on the Nakshatra (Star the Moon is placed in) is

believed to aid in dissolving negative karmas.

• Paying attention to the Tithi (Moon Phase) facilitates wealth


• Embracing the Yoga is believed to ward off afflictions.

• Engaging with Karana is thought to lead to the desired

The first element among these components is Vara, which means The Week.
The Sanskrit names along with the representation of the Planets for the days
of the week are as follows:

No Day Hindu name of the

1st Sunday Ravi Vara - Sun

2nd Monday Soma Vara - Moon

3rd Tuesday Mangal Vara- Mars
4th Wednesda Budha Vara- Mercury
5th Thursday Guru Vara - Jupiter
6th Friday Sukra Vara - Venus
7th Saturday Shani Vara –Saturn
Tithi, signifying a lunar day, spans from sunrise to

There are 15 Tithis that cycle within the 30-day lunar month.
The Tithis commence from the New Moon and extend to the Full Moon, constituting the 15 Tithis
known as the Shukla Paksha, which represents the bright, waxing phase of the moon's cycle.
The second phase of the Moon's cycle runs from Full Moon to New Moon and is referred to as
Krishna Paksha, the dark half or waning phase of the Moon’s cycle.
• The Hindu Tithi are classified into five types:

1. Nanda Tithi - bestows happiness and joy.

2. Bhadra Tithi - good for starting new work.

3. Jaya Tithi - good for winning over enemies.

4. Rikta Tithi - not good for any important work, so it is avoided.

5. Poorna Tithi - very good to complete all types of Deeds

The names of the 15 Tithis along with the Deity and the meanings of the Tithis are given.











• Auspicious Days If the Tithis coincide with the 1st Prapada, 6th Sasthi, or 11th Ekadashi falling on a
Friday, OR if the 2nd Dwitiya, 7th Saptami, or 12th Dwadashi aligns with a Wednesday, it is deemed
auspicious, suggesting that positive outcomes may be attained.
• INAUSPICIOUS DAYS – there is a fear of hurdles, obstructing the accomplishment of the work. The
names of these inauspicious days have been given as follows:

• Dagdha Yoga, known as the "burnt" Yoga, occurs when the 12th Tithi falls on Sunday, the 11th on
Monday, the 5th on Tuesday, the 2nd or 3rd on Wednesday, the 6th on Thursday, the 8th on Friday,
and the 9th Tithi on Saturn.
• Hutasana Yoga, named after "one who burns offerings," occurs when the 12th Tithi falls on Sunday,
the 6th on Monday, the 7th on Tuesday, the 8th on Wednesday, the 9th on Thursday, the 10th on
Friday, and the 11th Tithi on Saturday.

• Visha Yoga, which translates to "poison" Yoga, manifests when the 4th Tithi aligns with Sunday, the
6th with Monday, the 7th with Tuesday, the 2nd with Wednesday, the 8th with Thursday, the 9th
with Friday, and the 7th Tithi with Saturday.

• Samvartaka Yoga, known as "dissolution" Yoga, is formed when the 1st Tithi occurs on Wednesday
and the 7th Tithi falls on Sunday. It is noteworthy that Samvartaka Yoga is regarded as one of the
most unfavourable combinations of Vara/Tithi Yoga.

• . Inauspicious Tithi to be considered when muthas are for House warming, marriage, and travel.
Revathi 4 mercury Ashwini -4- Ketu Krittika - 3-Sun Mrigashira -2-Mars

Uttra Bhadra 4 sat Bharani-4 –Venus Rohini – 4- Moon Ardra -4-Rahu

P Bhadra 1 jup Kritika -1 –Sun Mrigashira -2- Mars Punarvasu -3- Jupiter

P Bhadra 3 Jup Each Pada =3˚20ʹ Punarvasu 1- Jupiter

Satabhisha 4 Rahu Each Nakshatra =13˚20˚ Pushya -4-Saturn

Each Rashi = 30˚
Dhanishita 2 mars Each Rashi has =9 pada’s Ashlesha -4- Mercury
27 nakshatra is governed by 9 planets.
Dhanishita -2-Mars Each planet governs 3 nakshatras Magha-4-Ketu

Shravana 4- Moon P ubba- 4 –Venu

U Shadha 3 Sun Uttra -1- Sun

Mulla -4- Ketu Vishaka - 1- Jupiter Chita – 2- Mars Uttra -3 –Sun

P Ashada -4 –Venus Anuradha -4-Saturn Swati- 4 - Rahu Hasta -4- Moon

U Ashada- 1- Sun Jyeshta – 4- Mercury Vishaka -3- Jupiter Chitra -2- Mars
In his thesis "Brihat Parashara Shastra," Sage Parashara delineates the names
and attributes of each Nakshatra in the very first chapter. These attributes are
divided into three tirades, each comprising nine Nakshatras, with their names
and characteristics provided on page 118
Let us learn more about them:- 1st tirade
• 1 Aswini Nakshatra spans from 0° to 13° 20' in the sign of Aries. Its presiding deities are Aswini Kumaras,
also known as Dashara and Nasatya, along with Brahma and Ganesh. This Nakshatra is considered
favourable for commencing new ventures, laying foundations, engaging in healing practices, conducting
transactions such as buying and selling, as well as for learning purposes. However, it's noteworthy that the
first pada (segment) of this Nakshatra is deemed less auspicious.

• 2. Bharani Nakshatra extends from 13° 20' to 26° 40' in the sign of Aries. Its divine presences are Yama and
Kali. This Nakshatra is conducive to activities characterized by intensity, such as engaging in acts of aggression,
participating in warfare, embracing sexual activities, conducting fertility rituals, involving in agricultural
pursuits, commencing and concluding ventures, performing purification rites, and dealing with matters
related to children.

• 3. Krittika Nakshatra spans from 26° 40' in Aries to 10° 00' in Taurus. It is governed by the divine energies of
Kartikkeya and Agni. This Nakshatra is particularly auspicious for practices involving fire worship and
purification rituals. It encourages initiative, assuming leadership roles, culinary pursuits such as cooking,,
educational ventures, and activities involving cutting or severance.
4,. Rohini Nakshatra extends from 10° Taurus to 23° 20' Taurus, under the guardianship of Brahma. It
signifies an opportune period for agricultural activities like planting and sowing, engaging in trade and
financial dealings, celebrating marriages, connecting with nature, indulging in romance, and acquiring
material possessions.

5. Mrigashira Nakshatra spans from 23° 20' Taurus to 6° 40' Gemini, guided by the energies of Chandra and
Parvati. It fosters light-hearted enjoyment, facilitates travel and exploration, encourages activities such as
hunting and artistic pursuits, supports healing and education, promotes socializing, and inspires the
creation of altars.

6. Ardra Nakshatra occupies 6° 40' Gemini to 20° 00' Gemini, under the influence of Rudra. It favours
activities that involve destruction, intellectual pursuits, research, creativity, and facing challenges head-on.
7. Punarvasu Nakshatra ranges from 20° Gemini to 3° 20' Cancer, governed by Aditi. It marks the beginning
of new startups, provides a foundation for healing and education, facilitates commercial activities,
encourages journeys, discovery, and pilgrimages, promotes renewal, generosity, and spiritual quests, and
invites worship of the Mother Goddess.

8. Pushya Nakshatra spans from 3° 20' Cancer to 16° 40' Cancer, with Brihaspati as its deity. It is an ideal
time to commence ventures, manage adversaries, engage in nurturing professions, indulge in pleasurable
activities, seek spiritual growth, and solicit divine assistance.

9. Ashlesha Nakshatra extends from 16° 40' Cancer to 30° 00' Cancer, under the guardianship of the Nagas.
It supports activities related to administering poisons, initiating lawsuits, scheming and plotting, engaging in
sexual activities, taking calculated risks, and practising Kundalini yoga.

10.Magha: Spanning from 0° 00 Leo to 13° 20' Leo, ruled by the deity Pitris, this period is auspicious for
rituals, matrimony, and theatrical and public displays,. processions, recognition events, historiography, career
advancement, philanthropy, devotional practices, seeking ancient wisdom, and petitioning authorities for

11.Purva Phalguni: From 13° 20' Leo to 26° 40' Leo, governed by the deity Bhaga, this phase is favorable for
marriage, intimacy, interpersonal connections, leisure, recreation, pleasure, artistic activities, innovation, and
property affairs.

12.Uttara Phalguni: Extending from 26° 40' Leo to 10° 00' Virgo, under the governance of Aryaman, this
period is conducive to sex, marriage, new beginnings, dealings with authority, making promises, sacred
ceremonies, charitable deeds, and paternal activities.

13.Hasta: Covering 10° 00' Virgo to 23° 20' Virgo and presided over by Savitar, this phase is favorable for sun
worship, arts, crafts, comedy, hobbies, planting and gardening, learning languages, magic tricks, business
activities, marriage, buying and selling, bargaining, children, stealing, and travel.

14.Chitra: From 23° 20' Virgo to 6° 40' Libra, ruled by Vishwakarma, this period encourages self-
improvement, buying new clothes and adornments, home renovations, engagement in arts, and crafts,
technical skills, architecture, nurturing relationships, and beautifying surroundings.

• 15. Swati, spanning from 6° 40' to 20° 00' Libra, is overseen by the deities Vayu and Saraswati.
This celestial phase is advantageous for conducting business and trade, pursuing educational
pursuits, engaging in social activities, managing finances, refining personal appearance, tending to
plant and harvesting activities, and participating in diplomatic negotiations..

• 16 Vishaka, extending from 20° 00' Libra to 3° 20' Scorpio, is governed by the deities Indra and
Agni. This period is conducive to assertive and decisive actions, including executive roles and
determined pursuits. It supports intense focus, goal-setting, and ceremonial practices. Additionally,
it favours social gatherings, romantic encounters, and intimate connections.

•17 Anuradha spans from 3° 20' Scorpio to 16° 40' Scorpio and is associated with the deities Mitra
and Saraswati. This phase is conducive to collective activities scholarly research, delving into the
occult, meditative practices, venturing into natural surroundings, embarking on journeys abroad,
managing financial matters, engaging in secretive activities, and fostering friendships.

• 18 Jyestha, spanning from 16° 40' to 30° 00' Scorpio, is under the influence of the deity Indra.
During this phase, it is conducive to assertive actions, wielding authority, making judgments, and
imposing discipline. Additionally, it supports engagements in occult practices, assisting elders,
addressing family matters, undertaking acts of penance, and delving into the mystical arts.
• 19. Mula, spanning from 0° 00' to 13° 20' Sagittarius, is governed by the deity Kali. This celestial sector fosters pursuits
related to knowledge acquisition, eloquent speech, herbalism, medical practices, agricultural activities , laying strong
foundations, embarking on daring adventures, decisive actions, introspective meditation, profound transformations,
and the study of astrology.
• . 20 Purva Shadha, spanning from 13° 20' to 26° 40' Sagittarius, is under the patronage of the deity Apah. This celestial
segment is conducive to acts of bravery, daring adventures, facing challenges head-on, engaging in water-related
activities, showcasing talents through performance, agricultural pursuits, celebrating marriages, expressing intimacy,
and participating in athletic sports

• 21. Uttara Shadha, extending from 26° 40' Sagittarius to 10° 00' Capricorn, is under the guardianship of the deity
Ganesh and the 10 Vishva Devas. This celestial phase is auspicious for commencing new endeavors, strategic planning,
engaging in spiritual practices, conducting business affairs, entering into contracts, celebrating marriages, embracing
intimacy, navigating authority figures and legal issues, and initiating various ventures or ceremonies.

• 22. Shravana, spanning from 10° 00' to 23° 20' Capricorn, is governed by the deities Vishnu and Saraswati. This
celestial phase is conducive to religious practices, launching new ventures, property-related matters, healing and
medicinal pursuits, seeking counsel, engaging in musical endeavors, acquiring knowledge and proficiency in languages,
deepening meditation practices, expressing intimacy, organizational tasks, significant communications, and embarking
on journeys.

• 23 Dhanishta, stretching from 23° 20' Capricorn to 6° 40' Aquarius, is under the auspices of the deity Shiva and the
Vasus. This celestial period is conducive to religious observances, fostering creativity, indulging in music and dance,
collaborating in group endeavors, participating in festive celebrations, making purchases, embarking on journeys,
extending financial assistance, and engaging in spiritual practices.
• 24. Shatabisha, spanning from 6° 40' to 20° 00' Aquarius, is governed by the deities Shiva and Varuna. This celestial zone is
auspicious for a multitude of activities, including contracts, property transactions, educational pursuits, travel, meditation,
intimate connections, shamanic rituals involving plants, astrological studies healing practices, technological engagements,
sea-related activities, and moments of introspective solitude.

• 25. Purva Bhadrapada, stretching from 20° 00' Aquarius to 3° 20' Pisces, is under the guardianship of the deities Aja-
Ekapada, Rudra, and Kali. This celestial sector is associated with activities fraught with risk or danger, particularly in
mechanical or technological realms. It's also a time conducive to transformations, marking endings or transitions, including
rituals related to death such as funerals. Water-related and agricultural pursuits, acts of penance, and occult practices
concerning themes of mortality are also favored during this phase.

• 26. Uttara Bhadrapada, spanning from 3° 20' to 16° 40' Pisces, is under the influence of the deity Shiva. This celestial
segment encourages activities such as meditation, solitary contemplation, scholarly research, and practices related to
awakening kundalini energy. It's also auspicious for making commitments, entering into contracts, celebrating marriages,
embarking on construction projects, engaging in charitable endeavors, expressing intimacy, healing ailments, tending to
gardens, and collaborating with organizations.

• 27. Revati, extending from 16° 40' to 30° 00' Pisces, is overseen by the deities Pushan and Vishnu. This celestial phase
heralds beginnings and closures, making it propitious for initiating ventures, concluding matters, conducting business,
managing finances, and engaging in trade. It's also conducive to marital unions, intimate relations, religious observances,
journeys, acquiring gemstones, making purchases, expressing creativity, extending acts of charity, considering adoption,
offering assistance to others, pursuing education, fostering healing, and embracing leisurely pursuits.

Nithya Yoga = (Longitude of Sun + Longitude of Moon) DIVIDED 13°20′

Nitya Yoga reveals the individuality of a person. The governing planet of the
Nakshatra on a given day of birth becomes auspicious and can have favourable
outcomes during its transit.

Conversely, the ava-yogi planet is determined as the 6th Nakshatra in relation to

the yoga-bestowing Nakshatra.
When the ava-yogi planet transits, it may bring about obstacles in the daily
activities of the natives.
These yoga are considered minor indicators and only hold significant value when
they reinforce the impact of major indicators in the horoscope.

The names of Yoga’s, the qualities and the meanings are as follows.
Sl Name of Quality Explaination
no yoga.
1 VISHKMBH Supported) prevails over others, victorious,
YOGA A wealthy
2 PRITI Fondness) well-liked, attracted to the
opposite sex, enjoys life.
3 AYUSHMA Long lived good health and longevity,
4 SAUBHAGYA Good enjoys a comfortable life full of
Fortune opportunities, happy
Nithya Yoga = (Longitude of Sun 5
+ Longitude of Moon) divided 6 .ATIGANDA Danger or difficult life due to numerous
by13°20 obstacles obstacles and accidents;
revengeful and angry.

7 SUKARMA Virtuous performs noble deeds,

magnanimous and charitable,
8 DHRITI Determinatio enjoys the wealth, goods and
n spouses of others; indulges in
the hospitality of others.
9 SOOLA Spear, Pain confrontational and contrary,
quarrelsome, angry.
No Name of Quality Explanation
10 GANDA Danger or flawed morals or ethics,
obstacles troublesome personality.

11 VRIDDHA Growth intelligent, opportunistic and

discerning; life constantly improves

12 DHRUVA Constant steady character, able to

Nithya Yoga = (Longitude of concentrate and persist, wealthy
Sun + Longitude of Moon) 13 . Beating cruel, intent on harming others
divided by13°20′ VYAGATHA

14 Thrilling intelligent, delights in merriment

HARSHANA and humor
15 VAJRA Diamond, well-off, lecherous, unpredictable,
Thunderbol forceful
16 . SIDDHI Success skillful and accomplished in several
areas; protector.

17 VYATAPATA Calamity prone to sudden mishaps and

reversals, Contd…..
fickle and unreliable.
18 .VARIYAN Comfort loves ease and luxury, lazy,
Name of yoga. Quality Explanation

19 PARIGHA Obstruc encounters many obstacles to

tion progress in life.

20 SIVA Auspici honored by superiors and government,

ous learned and religious, wealthy.

21 SIDDHA Accomp accommodating personality, pleasant

lished nature, ritual spirituality.

YOGA OR NITAYA YOGA 22 SADHYA Amenab well behaved, accomplished manners

le and etiquette
23 .UBHA Auspici lustrous body and personality, but
ous problems with health; wealthy,
24 SUKLA Bright impatient and impulsive; unsteady
White and changeable mind.

25 BRAHMA Priest, trustworthy and confidential,

God ambitious, good discernment
26 INDRA Chief) interest in education and knowledge;
helpful, well-off.

27 VAIDHRITI Poor critical, scheming nature; powerful

Support and overwhelming mentally or
Karana ½ a Tithi or Moon Phase is Called Karana
There are four Fixed Karana’s, they occur only once a month .

N Names of Results
o fixed These results can be used for a Birth chart as
Karana's well as a Prasana chart
1 Shakuni The person born under this Karana will be calm, intelligent, gifted with intuition
& good deeds. Its ruling deity is Garuda (eagle).

Shakuni Karana falling in the night in the 14th day of Krishna paksha is
suitable for committing theft, crimes , chasing enemies OR soldiers, taming
birds, start to take medication and all kinds of war operations. ( this is used in a
Murtha char)

2 Chatushpa will do independent business, take great pains in work and will be truthful.Its
ruling deity is Vrishabha (Bull). This Karana falling on Amavasya (New Moon) is
da suitable for vanquishing enemies through Tantric methods. It gives success in
all business related to four footed animals, particularly cattle. Shraddha and
Tarpanam work done in this karana also gives quite good results. ( this is used
in a Murtha chart)
Karana ½ a Tithi or Moon Phase is Called Karana
There are four Fixed Karana’s, they occur only once a month .

3 Naga will be a specialist and successful in professions connected with

minerals. Will be of good character and capable of mesmerizing
and catching snakes.Its ruling deity is Naga (deified form of
serpent). Naga Karana falling in Amavasya (New Moon) is more
suited for destructive and subversive act( this is used in a Murtha

4 Kaustuva Persons of this Karana are intelligent but may be bent on doing bad deeds; are
heartless, unpopular and may suffer in life.
or Its ruling deity is Kubera (Lord of wealth). This karana falling on Sukla Paksha
Kimstughn Pratipada (1st day of Waxing Moon Phase) causes Vaisvadeva Yoga, which is
a held to be the best karana for doing any work.(this is used in a Murtha chart
There are seven Moveable (Recurring) Karana’s.
They occur eight times during the lunar month,

No Moveable Results
1 Bava will be poor but will be kind and content with what
they get. They will be successful in a career with the
2 Balava will be handsome, courageous, sacrificing and will be
interested in sports and extra-curricular activities.

3 Kaulava Natives born in this Karana will do bad deeds as they

were born in a negative environment..
4 Taitila will be soft hearted, even tempered and with strong
convictions. Constitutionally the person will be
5 Gara will be a good strategist, imaginative and talkative.
6 Vanija will have good business acumen and will be capable
of succeeding in any type of business.
7 Vishti will be heartless, without friends and will be bent on
doing bad deeds.

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