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A software program called the Restaurant Reservation System was created to make it easier for restaurants to manage bookings effectively.
The system's goals are to make it easier to reserve tables, keep track of available table capacity, and guarantee that patrons and restaurant
employees have a pleasant dining experience.
The core components of the system include the following:
•Reservation Management: Customers can use the system to make bookings by entering their contact information, the number of visitors,
and their names. It guarantees that bookings are made within the parameters of the restaurant's capacity and allows available tables according
to the needs of the patrons.
•Table Management: The restaurant table numbers, seating capacity, and reservation status are all stored in a database that is managed by the
system. When a reservation is verified, tables can be dynamically designated as reserved; once guests have finished eating, they can be
•User Interface: The system features an easy-to-use interface with buttons to view and make new bookings as well as to stop the program. It
ensures user-friendliness by guiding consumers through the reservation process.
•Display of Reservations: The ability of the system to show the available bookings enables restaurant employees to effectively control the
flow of patrons. Table allocation can be planned and optimized with the help of this functionality.

By lowering overbooking, raising customer happiness, and streamlining the reservation management procedure, this restaurant reservation
system increases the restaurant's operational effectiveness. It also provides the framework for additional improvements like managing
waitlists, changing reservations, and managing several restaurant locations.
By offering a dependable and user-friendly solution for managing reservations, the Restaurant Reservation System benefits the hospitality
sector and eventually improves the eating experience for both patrons and restaurant employees.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction - 7

2 Model design - 11

3 Implementation – 13 to 16

Table of 4 Output - 17
Conclusion & Future
Work – 19 to 20

6 Benefits - 18

7 References - 20
Welcome to our presentation on the "Restaurant Reservation System." In
today's restaurant industry, efficient reservation management is essential for
delivering exceptional dining experiences. This case study showcases how
data structures are utilized to optimize reservations, table assignments, and
customer preferences, emphasizing their crucial role in restaurant management
systems. Let's explore how this system enhances operational efficiency and
customer satisfaction.
Key Points:
1.Reservation Optimization: Efficiently manages reservations to maximize
table utilization and minimize customer wait times.
2.Table Assignments: Intelligently assigns tables based on party size and
customer preferences for an enhanced dining experience.
3.Customer Preferences: Personalizes the dining experience by storing and
utilizing customer seating location, dietary, and occasion preferences.
4.Waitlist Management: Accurately estimates wait times, notifies customers
when tables become available, and handles walk-in diners effectively.
5.Real-time Updates: Provides staff with real-time information to adapt to
changes, respond to customer requests, and make on-the-fly adjustments for a
seamless dining experience.
Purpose & Goal
Project Purpose:
• The primary objective of this project is to develop and showcase an
innovative Restaurant Reservation System.
• This system is designed to address the challenges faced by the restaurant
industry in managing reservations, table assignments, and customer
preferences efficiently.

Goal: Efficient Reservation Management

• The central aim of this case study is to emphasize the significance of
efficient reservation management.
• It demonstrates how the implementation of appropriate data structures
can greatly enhance the restaurant's ability to manage reservations,
allocate tables, and cater to customer preferences seamlessly.
• By achieving this goal, the project seeks to elevate the dining experience
for customers while maximizing the restaurant's overall capacity and
Importance of Data
1. Efficiency: Data structures optimize reservation and
table assignment processes, ensuring a streamlined and
quick experience for both customers and staff.
2. Capacity Management: Data structures help maximize
the restaurant's capacity by efficiently organizing tables
and accommodating varying group sizes.
3. Customization: They enable the system to cater to
customer preferences, such as seating preferences or
dietary restrictions, enhancing the overall dining
4. Data Retrieval: Data structures facilitate rapid retrieval
of reservation information, reducing wait times and
improving customer satisfaction.
5. Resource Optimization: By using the right data
structures, the project minimizes resource wastage and
operational costs while delivering a top-notch dining
Key Features
Reservation Handling
- Efficiently manage customer reservations.
- Secure online booking system with user-friendly interface.
- Real-time updates and confirmation notifications.
- Simplify booking modifications and cancellations.

Table Assignments
- Smart table allocation based on group size and customer preferences.
- Optimize table turnover for peak dining hours.
- Avoid overcrowding while maximizing seating capacity.
- Streamline the seating process for the restaurant staff.

Customer Preferences
- Capture and store customer preferences (e.g., seating location, dietary
restrictions, special occasions).
- Personalized dining experiences based on customer profiles.
- Prompt staff to provide tailored service, enhancing guest satisfaction.
- Improve loyalty and repeat business through a memorable dining experience.
Model design
Model Design for Restaurant Reservation System:
• tableNumber (int): The unique identifier for each table.
• capacity (int): The maximum number of guests the table can accommodate.
• reserved (int): Flag indicating whether the table is reserved or not.
• reserveTable(int numGuests): Marks the table as reserved if it can accommodate the given number of guests.

• name (char[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]): The name of the person making the reservation.
• numGuests (int): The number of guests for the reservation.
• contactNumber (char[MAX_CONTACT_LENGTH]): The contact number of the person making the reservation.
• displayReservation(): Displays the details of a reservation.

• displayMenu(): Displays the menu options for the restaurant
reservation system.
• getUserChoice(): Gets the user's choice from the menu.
tables (array of Table): An array of Table objects representing restaurant tables.
reservations (array of Reservation): An array of Reservation objects representing reservations.
reservationCount (int): The count of reservations made.
numTables (int): The total number of tables in the restaurant.

initializeTables(): Initializes the tables in the restaurant by taking user input for table capacities.
findAvailableTable(int numGuests): Finds an available table that can accommodate the given number of guests.
makeReservation(): Allows users to make reservations, interacting with Table and Reservation objects.
displayReservations(): Displays the list of existing reservations.
Header Inclusions:
#include <stdio.h> These lines include standard C libraries for input/output
#include <string.h> operations (stdio.h) and string manipulation (string.h).

Constants and Structure

#define MAX_TABLES 50
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 50
• The #define directives define some constants for
struct Reservation { the maximum number of reservations, tables,
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; and the maximum length of the name and
int numGuests;
char contactNumber[MAX_CONTACT_LENGTH];
contact number.
• Two structures are defined: struct Reservation to
struct Table { store reservation information (name, number of
int tableNumber; guests, and contact number) and struct Table to
int capacity;
int reserved; represent restaurant tables (table number,
}; capacity, and a reserved flag).

void initializeTables(struct Table tables[], int numTables) {

for (int i = 0; i < numTables; ++i) {
tables[i].tableNumber = i + 1;
printf("Enter capacity for Table %d: ",
scanf("%d", &tables[i].capacity);
tables[i].reserved = 0;
initializeTables Function:
void initializeTables(struct Table tables[], int numTables) {
for (int i = 0; i < numTables; ++i) {
This function initializes the restaurant tables. It takes an array of struct
tables[i].tableNumber = i + 1;
Table and the number of tables as parameters. It assigns table numbers and
printf("Enter capacity for Table %d: ",
capacities based on user input and sets the reserved flag to 0 (indicating the
table is not reserved).
scanf("%d", &tables[i].capacity);
tables[i].reserved = 0;

findAvailableTable Function:
int findAvailableTable(struct Table tables[], int numTables, int
numGuests) {
for (int i = 0; i < numTables; ++i) { This function is used to find an available table that can accommodate a
if (!tables[i].reserved && tables[i].capacity >= given number of guests. It iterates through the array of tables and checks
numGuests) { if a table is not reserved and has sufficient capacity for the requested
return i; number of guests.
return -1; // No available table
makeReservation Function:
void makeReservation(struct Reservation reservations[], int* count, struct
Table tables[], int numTables) {
//Check Reservation Limit:
if (*count >= MAX_RESERVATIONS) {
printf("Sorry, the restaurant is fully booked.\n");
//Collect Reservation Details:
struct Reservation reservation;
printf("Enter your name: ");
scanf(" %49s",; // Read a single word This function allows users to make reservations. It collects reservation
printf("Enter number of guests: "); details from the user, checks for an available table using
scanf("%d", &reservation.numGuests); findAvailableTable, marks the table as reserved, and stores the reservation
printf("Enter contact number: "); details in the reservations array.
scanf(" %14s", reservation.contactNumber); // Limit input length
//Find an Available Table:
Check Reservation Limit:
int tableIndex = findAvailableTable(tables, numTables,
reservation.numGuests); Collect Reservation Details:
//Make Reservation or Display Error: Find an Available Table:
if (tableIndex != -1) { Make Reservation or Display Error:
tables[tableIndex].reserved = 1;
reservations[*count] = reservation;
printf("Reservation confirmed at Table %d. Thank you!\n",
} else {
printf("Sorry, no available table for %d guests.\n",

displayReservations Function:
void displayReservations(struct Reservation reservations[], int count) {
printf("Name\t\tGuests\tContact Number\n"); This function is used to display existing reservations stored in the
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { reservations array.
printf("%s\t%d\t%s\n", reservations[i].name,
reservations[i].numGuests, reservations[i].contactNumber);
main Function:
int main() {
struct Reservation reservations[MAX_RESERVATIONS];
struct Table tables[MAX_TABLES];
int reservationCount = 0; The main function is the program's entry point. It does the
int numTables;
printf("Enter the number of tables in the restaurant: "); following:
scanf("%d", &numTables); • Declares arrays to store reservations and tables and initializes
initializeTables(tables, numTables); some variables.
int choice;
• Initializes restaurant tables using the initializeTables function.
do {
printf("\nRestaurant Reservation System\n"); • Presents a menu to the user, allowing them to make a
printf("1. Make Reservation\n"); reservation, view reservations, or exit the program.
printf("2. View Reservations\n"); • Uses a do-while loop to repeatedly handle user input until the
printf("3. Exit\n");
printf("Enter your choice: ");
user chooses to exit.
scanf("%d", &choice); • The switch statement inside the loop directs the program's
switch (choice) { behavior based on the user's choice. The program provides a
case 1: simple interactive interface for restaurant reservation
makeReservation(reservations, &reservationCount,
tables, numTables); management.
case 2:
displayReservations(reservations, reservationCount);
case 3:
printf("Exiting the program. Thank you!\n");
printf("Invalid choice. Please try again.\n");
} while (choice != 3);
return 0;

Improved Efficiency Enhanced Customer Cost and Resource

Experience Savings
•Faster Reservation Handling: Using
•Personalization: Customer preferences
the right data structures ensures quick
are readily available, enabling tailored •Maximized Capacity: Effective table
access and modification of assignments and reduced wait times lead to a
service, leading to increased customer
reservations, reducing wait times for higher table turnover rate, maximizing revenue.
•Reduced Overheads: Improved efficiency can
•Reduced Wait Times: Efficient
•Optimized Table Assignments: lead to reduced operational costs in terms of
reservation and table assignment
Efficient data structures enable smart labor and resource management.
management means customers spend less
table assignments, reducing table •Resource Optimization: Proper data
time waiting for their tables.
turnover time during peak hours. structures help allocate resources effectively,
•Memorable Dining: A smooth, ensuring that the restaurant operates at its peak
•Streamlined Service: Better
personalized experience enhances the performance without waste.
organization leads to a more efficient
overall dining experience, increasing
seating process for restaurant staff.
customer loyalty.
In conclusion, the provided C program establishes a fundamental
restaurant reservation system, offering a practical framework for
managing reservations and table availability. The implementation
incorporates structures, functions, and user interaction through a
simple menu. Users can make reservations, view existing
bookings, and exit the program, with checks in place to prevent
Key Features:
• Reservation Functionality: Users can successfully make
reservations, and the system ensures that the restaurant does
not exceed its maximum capacity.
• Table Management: The program effectively manages tables,
capturing their capacities and reservation statuses.
Future work
Error Handling:
• Enhance error handling for unexpected inputs.
• Address potential issues such as non-integer inputs when entering the number of tables.

Data Persistence:
• Implement a basic file-based data persistence system.
• Allow the program to save reservations to a file for retention between executions.

Cancellation Functionality:
• Add a basic cancellation feature to free up tables for new bookings.
• Provide users with the ability to cancel their reservations.

Dynamic Table Configuration:

• Allow for dynamic adjustment of table configurations.
• Implement basic functionality to add or remove tables without modifying the code.

• Optimize the code for improved efficiency.
• Consider more efficient data structures to handle larger datasets.

These focused future work points aim to improve error handling, implement basic data persistence, provide
cancellation functionality, allow dynamic table configuration, and optimize the code for better performance,
addressing critical aspects of the reservation system.
1.C Programming:
"C Programming Absolute Beginner's Guide" by Perry, Miller

2.Data Structures:
"Data Structures and Algorithms in C" by Adam Drozdek

3.Software Development:
"Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship" by
Robert C. Martin

4.Database Management:
"Fundamentals of Database Systems" by Elmasri, Navathe


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