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Compare and Contrast

Key Features
Do an online research to find out Advantages
the key features, Disadvantages
advantages, andPurpose
disadvantages of technologies shown in the chart
Social Media
Facebook Staying connected with friends
Newsfeed, profiles, groups,
Privacy concerns,
and family, sharing news and
Connecting with
events, messaging information, building misinformation, others, sharing
addiction information, and
Twitter Microblogging, hashtags,
trending topics, retweets
Sharing quick updates and
thoughts, following news and
Limited character Sharing quick
events, connecting with like- count, negativity updates and news,
minded people
and trolling, echo following interests
chambers and influencers,
staying informed
Tumblr Blogging, photo sharing, video
sharing, customization
Expressing oneself Potential for spam and mature
.Self-expression, creativity,
sharing interests, building a
creatively, building content, lack of privacy, difficulty personal brand
building followers
a personal brand,
sharing interests
Compare and Contrast

Discussion and Information Platforms

Key Features Advantages Disadvantages Purpose

Blog Written text

Accessible, easy to create, wide
range of topics, good for SEO
Requires writing skills,
competition is high, limited
.Share information, educate,
entertain, build thought

Vlog Videos Engaging, personal, builds

connections, showcases visuals
Higher production costs, editing
takes time, can be intimidating
Technical setup,
.Share experiences, inspire,
showcase personality,
connect with viewers
editing can be complex, harder
to grab

Podcast -audio Convenient,

multi-tasking friendly, in-depth
conversations, niche audiences
Technical setup, editing can be
complex, harder to grab
Inform, discuss, entertain, build
communities, offer expert
Compare and Contrast

File Sharing Platforms

Key Features Advantages Disadvantages Purpose

Google Cloud storage, document

editing, file sharing, integration
with Google apps
Free 15GB storage, integrates
seamlessly with Google
ecosystem, collaborative
Less free storage, shared
storage with other Google
products, lower file size limit
General cloud storage,
document creation and
collaboration, file sharing with
Drive editing, advanced search (10GB), less intuitive file
individuals and teams

Dropbox Cloud storage, file sharing, file

syncing, version control,
security features
Faster syncing,
more robust file
Higher cost for
increased storage,
Secure file storage,
syncing across
sharing options, no built-in devices, sharing
selective syncing, document editing, large files,
better offline less integrated with collaborating on
access other apps project files
Compare and Contrast

Video Sharing Platforms

Key Features Advantages Disadvantages Purpose

Youtube Massive audience, diverse

content, ads, built-in
Reach millions,
strong SEO,
High competition, algorithm
challenges, intrusive ads,
content restrictions
Reaching large audiences, viral
potential, broad content creation

potential, built-in
Vimeo High-quality video playback,
curated content, professional
Beautiful videos,
Smaller audience, limited
monetization, niche focus
Artistic expression, professional
showcase, curated viewing

community, niche
focus, ad-free
viewing options
Dailymotion News focus, international reach,
short-form content, less
intrusive ads
Global exposure,
diverse content,
Smaller user base, stricter
upload limits, less emphasis on
creator tools
Sharing news, international
reach, watching diverse short-
form content

less competitive,
unique news focus
The main output for this course is a social change
project related to the track or strand you are
pursuing for SHS. To help you prepare for this,
brainstorm for initial ideas.

On the chart (next slide), list down some issues or

challenges that you can observe in your community
or locality and take note of the individuals or
groups affected by each. Reflect and write on why
you want to address each issue or challenges you
have noted.
Social Issue Who are affected by the Why do I want to address
issues? this issue?

1 Mental Health Issues Anyone who is in a terrible place Because it is a wide spread issue
in life, usually teenagers, young that can effect anyone.
adults or middle aged people,
though it can be an issue for
everyone .
2 Racism Anyone on this planet can be a Because it leads to inequality and
victim of it, though it is more unfairness .
common towards minorities.

3 Pollution Ethose who live in near factories, Because it is slowly degrading

dumps and other places where our world.
pollution is rampant.

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