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Module 9

Dynamics – part 1
• Newton Law of Motion
• Linear Momentum

 In kinematics we only learn about how to describe a motion. We learn that
motion can be changed when there are acceleration. But we did not learn
what causes the change of motion.

 Newton introduced the concept of Force which causes the change in

motion. When we know the sources and characteristics of Forces,
Newton’s Law of motion helps us to predict the motion.

 In everyday life, we know there are many forces, such as when we push or
pull a body, when we stretch or crush something.

Newton’s Law of Motion 2

Forces are everywhere, from a book resting on a table, a take off plane
or even the Earth’s orbiting the Sun.

Newton’s Law of Motion 3

At the end of this section, you should be able to :
 State each of Newton’s Law of motion
 Show an understanding that mass is the property of a body
that resists change in motion
 Describe and use the concept of weight as the effect of
gravitational field on a mass
 Recall and solve problems using the relationship
F = ma.
 Appreciating that acceleration and the resultant force are
always in the same direction.

Newton’s Law of Motion 4

 Some forms of Forces in daily life:
 Push (e.g pushing a trolley)
 Pull (e.g pull a nail from a wall)
 Strike (e.q strike a tennis ball using a racket)
 Stretch (e.q. stretching(e.g a rubber band)
 Hang (e.g hanging a sign-name)

 Force is a vector quantity, it has magnitude and direction

Newton’s Law of Motion 5

Aristotle (wrongly) believed that the natural state of a body was a
state of rest, a force was necessary to make it move. The greater
the force the greater the speed

Galileo suggested that the natural state of a body is at rest or moving

with constant velocity. He introduced the effect of friction on

It is the force of friction which change the state of motion (slow

If the friction is vanishingly small then a body moving with constant
velocity will keep moving with constant velocity.

Newton’s Law of Motion 6

Observation Prediction Assumption Illustration
A ball rolling down Therefore a ball The reason objects
a slope speeds up. rolling on a do slow down on Reaches
A ball rolling up a horizontal surface horizontal surface the same
slope slow down should continue is the result of the height
without speeding friction force
up or slowing down

A ball rolling up a The ball will The reason objects

slope that is not as continue up the not quite reach the Reaches
steep as the slope shallow slope until same height is due the same
it rolled down will it has reached the to the friction force height
continue farther height from which although
along the it was originally the slope is
shallower slope released less
When the second The ball would The friction force
slope is zero continue forever preventing this to
(horizontal) the happen naturally Rolls
ball will continue to forever
roll without

Newton’s Law of Motion 7

The First Law of Motion (re-statement of Galileo’s principle):
Every body continues in its state of rest, or of uniform straight line
motion, unless compelled to change that state by a net force.

Change of state of motion = change the velocity

Velocity is a vector, therefore the change can be in:
- its magnitude
- its direction
- both

Net force  total or resultant. Unless the resultant force is not zero then the
state of motion remains the same.

Newton’s Law of Motion 8

No force Uniform No force
At rest, F=0 Remain at motion F=0 v Remain the
v=0 rest v=0 v=constant same

Uniform motion resultant v Remain the

resultant v=constant force F=0 same
At rest, force F=0 Remain at
v=0 rest v=0
F1 F2 F1 F2

F2=-F1 F2=-F1

Newton’s Law of Motion 9

Possible change of state of motion = change in velocity

v1 v2
Change in

Change in

Change in v1 v2

Newton’s Law of Motion 10

The Second Law of Motion :
For a body of constant mass, its acceleration is directly proportional to
the net force applied to it.

If the resultant force is not zero then the state of motion will change.
It means the velocity will change.
Rate of velocity change is acceleration.
Acceleration is proportional to the resultant force.
Thus direction of acceleration = direction of the resultant force.

Force = mass X acceleration


Newton’s Law of Motion 11

In SI units: m is in kg
a is in ms-2
F is in kg.m.s-2 or it is called newtons or N

1 newton is a force that will give 1 kg body acceleration of 1 ms-2 in

the direction of the force.s

Newton’s Law of Motion 12

change of state of motion = change in velocity 
there is a resultant force Change in V Direction
of a and F

v1 v2 v2
Change in
magnitude v1 V2- v1

v1 v1
Change in

direction V2- v1

Change in v1 v2
Both V2- v1
Newton’s Law of Motion 13
A lift of 1 ton is to accelerated vertically upward with 0.5 ms-2, what is the
resultant force needed?

By Newton second law, F = ma,
The mass, m=1 ton= 1000kg (take care the unit!)
The acceleration, a = 0.5 ms-2, therefore, the
resultant force will be:

F = m a = 1000 (0.5) = 500 N

Do you the tension force on the lift’s cable is greater,

the same or smaller than 500N?

Newton’s Law of Motion 14

Budi is driving a sedan in a toll way. When his speed is 72 km/hour he hits
the brake. He wants to stop in 8 seconds, what is the resultant force
needed? The mass of the car and its passeger is 1.8 tons.

First, take care the unit, the speed when braking is started
U = 72 km/hr = 72*1000/3600 ms-1 = 20 ms-1.

Next, calculate the acceleration, assuming to be uniform:

V = U + a t, when it stops, V = 0
0 = 20 + a * 8  a = -20/8 = 2.5 ms-2
The acceleration is negative, since the car is slowing down!
The magnitude of resultant force needed, according to the second law:
F = m a = 1.8*1000 * 2.5 = 4500 N

Newton’s Law of Motion 15

The Third Law of Motion :
Whenever one body exerts a force on another, the second exerts an
equal and opposite force on the first

The Third Law of Motion (action-reaction):
To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction

Elements of action-reaction forces:

• action on different objects
•Equal in magnitude
•Opposite direction

Newton’s Law of Motion 16

Examples of action-reaction forces : Pushing a trolley

The hands exert a The trolley exerts a

force to the trolley force to the hands

The foot exerts a

force to the floor

The floor exerts a The wheel The floor exerts a

force to the wheel exerts a force force to the foot
to the floor

Newton’s Law of Motion 17

In the following, what gives the force (action) and where is the reaction
a) A force to accelerate a rocket
b) Weight of a book lies on top of a table
c) A force that hold a book on top of a table?
Force by gas

a) The force that accelerates a rocket is given by the
gas expelled downward by the rocket. The reaction
is the force by the rocket to expel the gas.

Newton’s Law of Motion Force by the rocket 18

b) The weight of the book is the
gravitational force exerted by the
Earth. The reaction is the same in
magnitude force action on the Earth
but in the opposite direction. The

The force
on the
Earth by
the book

Newton’s Law of Motion 19

Answer: N is the force given
c) The force that hold a book on top of by the table to hold
table is given by the table, the the book
reaction is the pressing the table N
given by the book.

The reaction is M is
force experienced
by the table.
Newton’s Law of Motion 20
The gravity force which acts on an object is called the weight of the

An object near the Earth’s surface will free fall with acceleration a=g,
according to the Newton second law of motion:

F=ma  W = mg

Weight is a force, force is a vector  Weight is a vector, it has direction.

The weight of an object at the Earth’s surface points toward the center of
the Earth.
The mass of a body is a scalar quantity. It is a measure of inertial. The
larger the mass the more difficult to change its motion state.

Newton’s Law of Motion 21

N: normal contact
N force to the book
by the table

W: weight, a force
W N’: reaction force
by the Earth by book to the
N’ table
The forces experienced by
W ’: the reaction the book are: W and N
force on the Earth
by the book The reaction forces are W’
and N’ acting on different
objects (the Earth and the
Newton’s Law of Motion 22
Friction force play important role in many situations, for examples:

1. Object moving in a surface will experience friction force

2. In a viscous fluid, the friction force is termed viscous force
3. In air, objects move with high speed and significant cross section area
experience friction force which depends on the objects speed.
4. Friction force will oppose the motion

Detail view of surfaces, the source of friction force

Newton’s Law of Motion 23
1. Make a general sketch of the problem
2. Define a system: a body or a group of bodies
3. Draw the free body diagram for the body or bodies: all the forces
experienced by the body/ bodies:
 All forces acting on that body (known and unknown forces)
 Label each force (known force with its value, unknown with a
 Label the direction of each force
 Identify the source of each force
4. Use Newton’s Second Law of motion to analyze
5. Possible situation:
 Static/ equilibrium situation when the body is at rest of moving
with uniform constant velocity. This is the case when the resultant
force is zero.
 Dynamics situation when

Newton’s Law of Motion 24

Possible situation:
 Static/ equilibrium situation when the body is at rest of moving
with uniform constant velocity. This is the case when the resultant
force is zero. Total vector sums of forces is equal to zero.
 Dynamics situation when the resultant force is not zero

Resolve forces into component when necessary

 Resolve into perpendicular force components
 Apply Newton’s Law of Motion on each components
 Select the direction which simplify the problem

Newton’s Law of Motion 25

Draw a free body diagram for a box at rest in floor.

N : normal, contact force

N from the floor

W W : weight, gravitational
force from the Earth

Newton’s Law of Motion 26

Draw a free body diagram for a two boxes on floor with masses m1 and m2
respectively (see figure), m1 box is pushed by a horizontal force P.

m1 m2

Newton’s Law of Motion 27

Consider m1 and m2 as a system, the forces
N1 acting on the system are:

N2 Weight : W1 and W2
F21 Normal forces: N1 and N2
m1 m2 P : the horizontal force pushing the system

F12 is the force on m1 by m2

F21 is the force on m2 by m1
W1 These last two forces are action-reaction forces.
When we consider m1 and m2 as a system
they are internal (of the system) forces.
Thus actually we do not need to draw them.
The resultant of internal forces is zero.

Newton’s Law of Motion 28

Draw a free body diagram for m2 (see figure), when m1 box is pushed by a
horizontal force P.

m1 m2

Newton’s Law of Motion 29

Consider only m2 as a system, the forces
acting on the system are:

N2 Weight : W2
F21 Normal force: N2
F21 is the force on m2 by m1

Notice that P works on m1!! Therefore it does not

W2 appear on this free body diagram

Newton’s Law of Motion 30

A box of mass 5.0 kg is pulled along a horizontal floop by a force P of
25N, applied at an angle of 30º to the horizontal (see figure). A
frictional force of 20N acts parallel to the floor. Calculate the
acceleration of the box.

Newton’s Law of Motion 31

First, draw a free body diagram of forces acting on the box


Since the pulling force P is to

the right, the friction force F is
W to the left

Newton’s Law of Motion 32

Second, analyse the motion on horizontal direction:
Resultant force on the horizontal direction, T:

T = P cos 30º - F = 25 cos 30º- 20 = 1.65 N

According to Newton’s Law of Motion (II) :

T = m a (on horizontal direction)

a = T/m = 1.65/5.0 = 0.33 ms-2

Can you calculate the normal force , N? Is it the same as W?

Newton’s Law of Motion 33

A gardener pushes a lawnmower of mass 18 kg at constant speed. To do
this requires a force P of 80N directed along the handle, which is at
an angle of 40º to the horizontal (see figure).
a) Calculate the horizontal retarding force F on the mower
b) If this retarding force were constant, what force, applied along the
handle, would accelerate the mower from rest to 1.2 ms-1 in 2 s?


Newton’s Law of Motion 34

The free body diagram of forces on the lawn mower:

The forces acting on the mower

W : weight
N : normal force on mower
P : pushing force
R : retarding force
The mower moves in horizontal
R direction.

Newton’s Law of Motion 35

a) Since the mower moves with constant velocity in horizontal direction, the
resultant force on horizontal direction is zero:

P cos 40º - R = 0
R = P cos 40º = 80 cos 40º = 61.3 N

b) If the retarding force is the same = 61.3N,

to achieve the speed v= 1.2 ms-1 in t= 2.0s from rest,
it needs to accelerate = a
v = at  a = v/t = 1.2/2.0 = 0.6 ms-2.

The new pushing force along the handle is P’. According to the
Newton’s Law of Motion (II) in horizontal direction:
P’ cos 40º - R = m a
P’ cos 40º - 61.3 = 18* 0.6
P’ cos 40º = 72.1  P’ = 72.1/ cos 40º =94.1N

Newton’s Law of Motion 36

Forces are
involved in many
daily activities:
pushing a
trolley, pulling a
ship, ploughing,
riding and a
Newton’s Law of Motion 37
 Newton’s Law of motion define force and it effects to the motion
 Newton’s Law of motion:
The First Law of Motion:
Every body continues in its state of rest, or of uniform straight line motion,
unless compelled to change that state by a net force.

The Second Law of Motion :

For a body of constant mass, its acceleration is directly proportional to
the net force applied to it.

The Third Law of Motion :

Whenever one body exerts a force on another, the second exerts an
equal and opposite force on the first

 Weight is the gravity force, W = mg

 Friction force opposes the direction of motion

Newton’s Law of Motion 38

Module 9

Dynamics – part 1: Exercises

• Newton Law of Motion
• Linear Momentum

A 485 kg elevator is rated to hold 15 people of average mass 75 kg. The
elevator cable can withstand a maximum tension of 3.74x104N, which is
twice the maximum force that the load will create (a 200% safety factor).
What is the greatest acceleration that the elevator can have with the
maximum load?

Newton’s Law of Motion 40

Draw a free body diagram for each of the following situations.
a) A submarine moves horizontally with a constant velocity through deep
b) A car accelerates from a stoplight
c) A pail is lifted from a deep well at constant velocity using a rope

Newton’s Law of Motion 41

A friend pushes a 600 g text book along a lab bench at constant velocity
with 5N of force at an angle 30º to the horizontal direction.
a) Determine the normal force supporting the textbook
b) Calculate the friction force between the book and the bench

Newton’s Law of Motion 42

A 15 kg wooden box experiences a horizontal applied force of 5.5N and an
opposing frictional force of 2.5N. If the box starts from rest, how far will
it have traveled after 4.0s?

Newton’s Law of Motion 43

A 1700 kg car is towing a larger vehicle with mass 2400 kg. The two vehicles
accelerate uniformly from a stoplight, reaching a speed of 15 km/h in 11
s. Find the force needed to accelerate the connected vehicles, as well as
the minimum strength of the rope between them.

Newton’s Law of Motion 44

Three identical blocks of mass 2 kg each, fastened together by a
string, are pulled across a surface by a constant force F= 12N. If
each block experience a friction force of 1.2N, calculate the tension
of the string connecting the last block (C) and the middle block


Newton’s Law of Motion 45

Apply Newton’s third law to each situation in order to determine the
reaction force, magnitude and direction.
a) A soccer ball is kicked with 85 N
b) A bulldozer pushes a concrete slab directly south with 45 000N
of force.
c) A 450 N physics student stands on the floor

Newton’s Law of Motion 46

Module 9

Dynamics – part 1 :
Solved Exam Questions and
Further Exercises
• Newton Law of Motion
• Linear Momentum

A wooden block of mass 0.60 kg is on a rough horizontal surface. A force
of 12 N is applied to the block and it accelerates at 4.0 ms-2.

a= 4 ms-2


What is the magnitude of the frictional force acting on the


A 2.4N B 9.6 N C 14 N D 16 N

Newton’s Law of Motion 48

The free body diagram of forces working on the wooden block
N a= 4 ms-2

R F=12N

N and W are normal force exerted by the floor and the weight exerted by
the Earth. But, we don’t need to know the magnitude of these forces.
The acceleration a= 4 ms-2 is on the horizontal direction.
The resultant force in the horizontal direction is FR = F – R
Where R is the friction force.
Newton’s Law of Motion 49
According to Newton’s Second Law of motion:
Resultan Force, FR = m a
12 – R = 0.60 * 4
R = 9.60 N

Therefore the correct answer is B

Newton’s Law of Motion 50

A car with front-wheel drive accelerates in the direction show

Which diagram best shows the direction of the total force exerted by the
road on the front wheels?

Newton’s Law of Motion 51

The free body diagram on forces acting on the front wheels is given
below. N is the normal forces acting on the wheels (front and back), W is
the weight of the car, f is the friction force given by the road to the
wheels. R is the resultan force acting om the front wheel.

Therefore the correct answer is B

Note: Can you identify other forces acting on the car?

Newton’s Law of Motion 52

A submarine descends vertically at constant velocity. The three forces
acting on the submarine are viscous drag, upthrust and weight.
Which relationship between their magnitudes is correct?

A weight < drag

B weight = drag
C weight < upthrust
D weight > upthrust

Newton’s Law of Motion 53

Answer: U
The free body W: weight force
D : viscous drag force,
always the opposite of
V U : upthrust, which will
Descending at bring the submarine
constant velocity W upward.

Since the submarine descend at constant velocity, there is no

acceleration, which means that the total vertical forces is zero, or
Therefore the correct answer is D, the weight > upthrust.

Newton’s Law of Motion 54

Two blocks X and Y of masses m and 3m respectively, are accelerated
along a smooth horizontal surface by a force F applied to block X as


What is the magnitude of force exerted by block X on Block Y during this

A F/4 B F/3 C F/2 D 3F/4

Newton’s Law of Motion 55

The free body diagram on (X+Y) as a system for the forces on horizontal
direction only


Since the surface is smooth there is no friction force. According to

Newton’s Law of motion:
F = (mX+mY) a = (m + 3m) a = 4m a, or
a = F/(4m)

Newton’s Law of Motion 56

The free body diagram on Y as a system for the forces on horizontal
direction only


Where R is the force given by X to Y. This system moves with

acceleration a = F/(4m), but according to Newton’s Law of Motion
for Y:
R = mY a = 3m {F/(4m)} = 3F/4
The correct answer is : D

Newton’s Law of Motion 57

A cyclist is riding at a steady speed on a level road.
According to Newton’s third law of motion, what is equal and opposite
to the backward push of the back wheel on the road?

A the force exerted by the cyclist on the pedals

B the forward push of the road on the back wheel
C the tension in the cycle chain
D the total air resistance and friction force

Newton’s Third Law states that for every action there is reaction. But the
action-reaction forces must be equal, opposite and work on different
objects. In this case, the backward push of the back wheel on the road is
as the action force, the reaction must be the forward push of the road on
the back wheel (B)
Newton’s Law of Motion 58
A force F is applied to a freely moving object. At one instant of time, the
object has velocity v and acceleration a.
What quantities must be in the same direction?

A a and v only
B a and F only
C v and F only
D v, F and a

Newton’s Law of Motion 59

A ball falls from rest through air and eventually reaches a constant
velocity. For this fall, forces X and Y vary with time as shown.

What are forces X and Y ?

Force X Force Y
A Air resistance Resultant force
B Air resistance Weight
C Upthrust Resultant force
D Upthrust weight
Newton’s Law of Motion 60
The diagrams show 3 forces acting on a body.
In which diagram is the body in equilibrium?



Newton’s Law of Motion 61

A constant mass undergoes uniform acceleration
Which of the following is a correct statement about the resultant force
acting on the mass?

A it increases uniformly with respect to time.

B It is constant but not zero
C It is proportional to the displacement from a fixed point
D It is proportional to the velocity

Newton’s Law of Motion 62

 A girl G is riding a bicycle at a constant velocity of 3.5 ms-1. At time t=0,
she passes a boy B sitting on a bicycle that is stationary, as illustrated:

3.5 ms-1

 At time t=0, the boy sets off to catch up with the girl. He accelerates
uniformly from time t=0 until he reaches a speed of 5.6 ms-1 in a time of
5.0s. He then continues at a constant speed 5.6 ms-1. At time t=T, the boy
catches up with the girl. T is measured in seconds.

 If the boy and the bicycle has the combine mass 70 kg, compute the force
necessary to accelerate the boy’s bike!

Newton’s Law of Motion 63

 A small block with mass m1= 2 kg is push by a force F onto a second larger
block with mass m2=5 kg (see figure). If the coefficient of static friction
between m1 and m2 is μ = 0.4, what is the minimum force F must be
applied so that m1 is not slipped down. Assume the floor is frictionless and
given the friction force f = μ N where N is the normal force between the
surfaces in contact.

Newton’s Law of Motion 64

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