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More Form Tools

Combo Box (displays a list)

Check Box (yes/no)

Option Button (exclusive choice)

Frame (groups option buttons)

Ref Edit (user selects cells)

UserForm Objects
 Label
 Text Box
 Command Button
 Check Box
 Option Button
 RefEdit
 Combo Box
UserForm Code
 Display form: 1-line macro
 All other code event driven
 User clicks a button
 User checks a box
 Text changes in a box
 Double-click the object to create code
Object-Oriented Code
 Reference Object, Property
vText = txtIn.Text
 Text box – Text
 RefEdit – Text (“B3”)
 Option Button – Value (T/F)
 Check Box – Value (T/F)
 ComboBox – Text
 End by closing the form
 Unload Me
 Me.Hide
Option Button Code
 Option Buttons – one controls
If optRed.Value = True Then
Activecell.Font.Color = vbRed
ElseIf optBlue.Value = True Then
Activecell.Font.Color = vbBlue
ElseIf optGreen.Value = True Then
Activecell.Font.Color = vbGreen
Activecell.Font.Color = vbBlack
End If
 Frame: used to group option buttons
Check Box Code
 More than one may occur
 Each box should have its own “If..Then”
If chkBold.Value = True then
ActiveCell.Font.Bold = True
End If

If chkUnd.Value = True then

ActiveCell.Font.Underline = True
End If
Advanced Form Example
Make it User-Friendly
 Form Lay-out
 Tab Stop, Tab Index
 SetFocus
 Canceling (clicking the “X”)_
 Add a Button
 Code to Close
 Cancel Property – Esc key
Event-specific Code
 Change font color in TextBox when
option buttons are clicked:
 Double-click an option button
 New sub – fill in your action
Sub optRed_Click( )
txtData.Font.Color = vbRed
End Sub
 Note this doesn’t change the cell color
“Open File” Box
 Open File Box
 GetOpenFilename([Filter], [Index], [Title])
 Filter – “Description, form”
“Text Files (*.txt), *.txt, Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls”
 Index – number: which item appears as default
 Returns the name of the file
FileName = GetOpenFileName(“All (*.*), *.*”)
 Returns “False” if user cancels
 Use to open file
Workbooks.Open FileName

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