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Definition of date
When writing datesin
English using British
style, the format used is
MM-YYYY). If you
want to add a day, you
can add it in front of the
How to write day
The English word for day is
“day”. Now try looking at
English Monday,Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday and
To express the day in
English, we can use the
adverbs today, tomorrow,
and yesterday
Today artinya hari ini, So, if you
want to say, “hari ini hari jumat
”, then you can say, “today is
Friday”. Then, Tomorrowatrtinya
besok, you want to say, “besok
adalah hari sabtu”, then
“tomorrowis Saturday”.
Lastly, yesterdayartinya kemarin,
So, if you want to say, “kemarin
adalah hari kamis ”, then
“yesterday was thursday”.
How to write
Januari (january)

Februari (February)

Maret (march)

April (april)

Mei (may)

Juni (june)

Juli (july)

Agustus (august)

September (september)

Oktober (october)

November (November)

Desember (december)
How to write years
For example, this year
2021, we can read the
two numbers in front,
namely twenty, and the
two numbers in the back,
namely twentyone. So,
2021 in English is twenty
How to write date

To express dates in
English, we use ordinal
numbers. There are two
ways, namely British
format and American
format. What’s the
difference, anyway?
British format
British format is a way of
writing and reading dates
commonly used in the UK and
most countries in Europe. So,
the order of writing and
reading it is the same as in
Indonesia, namely starting
with the date, month and year.
In British format, dates are
written and read with ordinal
American format
American format is a way of
writing and reading dates
commonly used in the United
States. Different from the
British format, the American
format starts with the month
first, then the date and year.
In American format, dates are
written with cardinal
numbers, but read with
ordinal numbers.
Example date
03/07/2023 (britsh format )
3rd July 2023
The third of july twenty
03/07 /2023 (american
format )
July 3, 2023
July the third twenty

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