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Feb 3rd

Listen 聽 &
Read 讀
VOC (EN + CN) + GP + Making GP
Write 寫

Recording x
Online Quiz X
Spelling Practice

Quiz 考試 X

2/3 的作業請於 2/10 上課前完成並拍照上傳,謝謝

What kind of sweet
things do you like ?
What kind of sweet
things do you like ?

Can you tell me about

sweet-things-related jobs
that you know about?
GP (Hydrated)
• feedback(n) helpful information or that is given to someone
Ex: we have obtained valuable feedback from the teacher.

• reputation(n) quality of someone seen or judged by people

Ex: The salesman has ruined the company's reputation

• qualification(n) two organs which fill with air when you breathe in
Ex: He is studying for his teaching qualification.

• eagerness(n) enthusiasm to do or to have something

Ex: the player showed eagerness to join the game.
GP (Hydrated)
• description (n) a statement that tells you how something or someone looks, sounds
Ex: People who had seen him were able to give a description.

• allergies (n) a reaction from a things in the environment

Ex: The police emptied her bag and examined the contents

• fluent(adj) you speak easily, quickly and with no pauses.

Ex: She's fluent in French and she speaks fluent English.

• aspect(v) a part or feature of something

Ex: Travel is the favorite aspect of my job,

• texture(n) the physical feel of something, or how something looks

Ex: The cake has a nice light texture.
GP (Hydrated)
• fundamental (n) the most basic or most important thing
Ex: Make sure that you drink plenty of fluids.

• confectionery(n) all kind of sweet and sugary items (business)

Ex: There is always a crowd at the local confectionery
Vocabulary: What is the word?

feedback description

reputation allergies

qualification fluent

eagerness texture

confectioner fundamental
GP (Hydrated)

• Water is the source of life on Earth.

Q: What is the source of energy?

• Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

Q: What can you do to stay hydrated?

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