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Last Updated April 2021
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Who is this pitch deck designed for? How do you use this pitch deck?
• Local government staff tasked with 1. Identify the story you are trying to tell and the relevant slides in this deck that
achieving ambitious renewables goals. can help you convey that message.
2. Read the instruction callout on each slide, update the slide contents as
What is the purpose of this pitch deck? needed, and then delete the callout.
• To provide a tool to easily prepare a pitch 3. Enter “Slide Show” mode by clicking on the Slide Show icon in the bottom
deck for key decision makers (city council, right to view the slide animations. Modify animations in the Animation Pane in
mayor, city CFO, etc.) to help secure early the Animations tab.
buy-in and required resources for exploring 4. Update and add any content outside of the instructions to help convey your
large-scale renewables aggregation. message.
5. Review speaker notes on each slide for talking points or additional information.
What does this pitch deck include? 6. Put this presentation in your local government’s standard template (if
• Slide templates with easily modifiable applicable) and delete the existing introductory slides before presenting.
graphs and helpful information to pitch 7. If you have suggestions or comments, please email
renewables aggregation.
Renewables Aggregation Process:
RFP Issued Contract Signed

Evaluate Form a Align on Start the Select Negotiate Share

Procurement Procurement Desired Project Procurement Suppliers Contract Terms Success
Needs Group Details Process

Pitch #1 Pitch #2 Pitch #3

Getting Approval to Move Getting Approval to Enter Getting Approval to Sign
Forward with a Group into a Joint RFP Contracts
Key Points: Key Points: Key Points:
• Benefits of aggregation • Desired project details • Selected project statistics
• Potential partners • Governance structure • Output allocation
• Expected project benefits • Project benefits
• Securing initial buy-in for an aggregated renewable energy deal
• Starting to prepare decision makers to ultimately authorize the
contract that the group negotiates
Update the title of this presentation
to reflect the purpose of and
intended audience for this deck.
• Update the presenter information
Presented by: [Name], [Title], [Email] in [red brackets]
• Replace this photo with one of your
[Placeholder: Political or economic context]

This is an optional slide for you to summarize your community’s overall
political or economic context and reiterate why renewable energy
should be a priority NOW.
Potential topics to cover include:
• Federal climate actions
• Climate or sustainability goals your community or leadership has
already committed to
• The benefits of renewable energy compared to fossil fuels
• Senior leaders’ broader goals
• Local demand for employment opportunities
• Successes achieved by other local governments

We are [30%] of the way to meeting our goal of serving [100% of our
municipal operations] electricity needs with renewable energy by [2030]

To meet our goal, we will require [X] MW of additional renewable generation capacity.
300 1. Update the red bracketed text in the slide’s title to fit
your community’s situation.
2. Right click on the graph, then click ‘Edit Data in Excel’
to update the graph with your city’s data.
3. Follow the instructions in the Excel file to update the
200 community’s overall energy demand, current renewable
Electricity Consumption energy use, and future renewable energy needs.

150 [considering trends and plans related to 4. Update the red text under Electricity Consumption to
city growth, energy efficiency programs, explain generally what assumptions have been made
100 and increasing electrification (of New about
future energy Needed
buildings and transport] 5. If you do not have a MW number determined, you can
50 roughly estimate it by dividing the number of MWh that
your community will need by the number 2278 for a solar
Current Renewables project, or by 3670 for on-shore wind (these figures
0 assume a 26% and 42% capacity factor for solar and
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025wind
2026 2027 2028
respectively). More2029 2030
representative, state-specific
Current RE Generation New RE Needed Electricity Consumption
capacity factors can be found in the linked excel as well.
6. Update the [X] MW in the top blue box.
7. To update the bottom GHG section, reopen the Excel file
A [#] MW project would reduce [#] metric tons of CO2 equivalent per
for theyear.
graph and click on the “GHG Inputs & Results”
tab of the embedded excel file.
This is equivalent to: 8. Follow the associated instructions to calculate the GHG
[#] homes powered per year [#] vehicle miles driven perand
benefits year
then modify the remaining red bracketed
Note: it is OK to use estimates based on high-level7
assumptions for this graph—the point is show that
We cannot efficiently purchase the [X] MW needed to meet our goal without a
large-scale, off-site power purchase agreement (PPA) deal

The number of projects required to meet our goal of [X] MW

# of projects 1. Replace the [X] in the title and the chart header with the
number of MW your organization still needs to purchase to
meet your goal (i.e., the MW figure you added to the blue
box on last slide).
2. Modify the Excel chart by right-clicking on the chart and
selecting “Edit Excel Data.” Then enter this same number of
MW in cell E3.
3. If you have completed a community-wide on-site renewables
assessment, consider replacing this chart with a bar chart
511 that contrasts i) the total MW capacity the city/county/tribe
can purchase through on-site (and/or community solar
projects, if applicable) vs. ii) the total MW needed to meet
the community’s goals (the MW # in the title).

53 1
On-Site Solar Community Solar Off-Site PPA

* Excludes 3% of community solar projects as outliers.

Source: EIA’s 2018 Annual Electric Generator Report; Community Solar Hub’s Online Database; Renewable Energy Buyer's Alliance (REBA).
To reach our goal, we can partner with [partner names] to sign a PPA
together, which is known as aggregation

Potential Partners: Desired Deal Characteristics:

[List partners here] Procurement type: [Physical power purchase

agreement / virtual power purchase agreement]

Energy resource: [Solar/ wind/ etc.]

Why We Should Partner with Them: Project location: [Add more details here]
[Geographical/ economic/ political/ social/
environmental reasons] Deal size: [#] MW

1. Update the red bracketed text
Timeline: Potential Impact: to fit your community’s
2. If you do not have enough
[Anticipated request for proposal (RFP) issue date] Reducing [#] metric tons of CO2 equivalent
the timeline
or desired deal characteristics
[Anticipated commercial operation date of the project] and powering [#] homes per year, moving us [#]% of
at this point, feel free to remove
the way towards our renewables goal.
those sections from the slide.
3. For the potential impact data,
you can use
EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Equival
encies calculator
The size and structure of off-site aggregated PPAs will provide several key

Larger Size and Bigger Impact Access to More, Large-Scale Projects

Helping us meet our renewable Expanding our set of project opportunities by
energy goal more efficiently attracting interest from additional developers

Greater Economies of Scale Reduced Market Risk

Leading to a lower power purchase Benefits of Limiting our exposure to any one
agreement price Aggregation project (if multiple projects are
ultimately selected)

Shared Expenses Built-in Peer Network

Reducing our expenses relating to Providing our team with access to
external legal and consulting services entities with more experience and

These aggregated deals have successfully been implemented in the past
You can add or remove case studies as

• Multiple contracts for 125 MW of • Group signed a physical PPA for 88 GWh

290 MW
Apple, Akamai, Etsy, Swiss Re
wind in Illinois and 165 MW of
solar in Virginia, signed in 2018.
• Apple was the anchor off-taker,

City of Melbourne, City

per year from an 80 MW wind project.
• Group began collaborating in late 2014;
project became operational in 2019.
taking a majority of the MWs and of Moreland, City of Port • Out of 14 total partners, a sub-group of 6
Phillip, City of Yarra, made most of the decisions while still
allowing the smaller buyers to and 10 more buyers.​
access the same deal terms.1 coordinating with the rest of the buyers.4

• The contract for a 120 MW solar project in

• 25-year contract for a 60 MW
MW solar project in North MW Virginia was signed in 2020.
Carolina, signed in 2016. • Amazon was the anchor off-taker,
MIT, Boston Medical Center, Amazon, Arlington VA purchasing majority of the output (82 MW).
• The North Carolina project site
Post Office Square Redevelopment chosen because it was in a Arlington County purchased the remainder
Corporation of the output (38 MW).5
dirtier grid than their own.2

"Entering into a renewable power purchase agreement was our next step, but our 2
consumption is too small to do it alone. It is exciting to join forces with two
industry leaders, allowing us to mitigate 100 percent of our electricity footprint.” 019

- Pamela Messenger, General Manager of Friends of Post Office Square 3
nergy-project.aspx 11
The process to sign an aggregated renewables deal is expected to take [X]
months of staff time

Where Contract
We Are [X] Months Signed

Evaluate Form a Align on Start the Select Negotiate Share

Procurement Procurement Desired Project Procurement Suppliers Contract Terms Success
Needs Group Details Process
[3-6] Months [3-6] Months [3-6] Months [4-9] Months [6] Months
1. The timelines in red are estimates that can vary based on
your organization’s situation, urgency, and staff capacity.
2. Select a timeline for each stage that seems appropriate to you
We would like to get approval to form a the font color to black.
and change
3. Replace the [X]’s in the title and the grey textbox with the
procurement group total number of months required to run the entire process.
4. Depending on where you are currently at in the process, move
the “Where We Are” box.
If approved to move forward, our next steps will be […] Instructions:
Update next steps based on where your
city/county/tribe is in the procurement process.

[Aligning with potential partners to [Managing risks with legal and

establish a governance structure] accounting teams]

1 2
3 4
[Discussing and refining desired [Aligning with partners on
project details with partners] developer selection criteria]

• Update the presenter information
in [red brackets]
• Replace this photo with one of your

Thank You! community.

Reminder: If you have any comments

or questions on this pitch deck template,
please email us at
Presented by: [Name], [Title], [Email]
Appendix: Physical PPA

1. The buyers agree to purchase 3. The renewable energy reduces

energy generated by the the amount of electricity that the
renewable generator at a fixed buyers need to buy from their
price over ~10-25 years. normal energy provider.

2. The electricity from the renewable plant is

delivered to the buyers as it is generated.
Typically, the plant owner also delivers
the associated renewable energy
Renewables certificates (RECs). Electricity Provider

Appendix: Virtual PPA

2. The buyers sign a separate agreement to 1. The buyers continue to

purchase the energy and the renewable energy purchase electricity from
certificates (RECs) generated by a developer at their energy provider as
a fixed price over ~10-25 years. usual.

/M Wh
Fi x ed $

h m al r a
t $/ M te
r ke
Ma Buyers

Renewables $ /M W
h Electricity Provider

3. The renewable energy is sold into the wholesale • When market price > PPA price, the
electricity market at the prevailing market price. developer pays the buyer the difference.
The variable revenues from these sales are Electricity Market • When market price < PPA price, the
passed through to the buyers. buyers pay the developer the difference.
Appendix: Physical PPAs vs. Virtual PPAs


Physical PPAs Virtual PPAs
Buyers purchase electricity A financial transaction where a buyer
from a utility-scale, off-site pays a fixed price in exchange for a MISO
How it works
renewables floating market price and the project’s
generator/developer RECs CAISO SPP

Deregulated retail markets

Buyer (which allows retail ERCOT
Anywhere in the US
Location choice), or elsewhere with
a utility special contract

Locations with access to

Project Locations with access to wholesale
the same wholesale
Location electricity markets
market where the buyer is

The buyer takes title to the

Electricity The buyer does not take legal title to the
electricity at the delivery
ownership electricity
The buyer pays a fixed (1) When market prices > PPA price, the
amount and either developer pays the buyer the difference;
receives a credit or a (2) When market prices < PPA price, the
reduction on their utility bill buyer pays the developer the difference.

2. 17
Appendix: What our team will require to complete this process
1. Update the red bracketed text to
fit your city’s situation and
department titles.
2. If not needed, delete the 3rd
Staff and Resources section (”Other Requirements”).
Executing a transaction will require active engagement and support from our [finance,
treasury, legal, accounting, procurement, and energy] teams through the contract
negotiation phase.

While the developer will manage the upfront costs to install the project, our team
anticipates needing [$X] in order to hire the appropriate energy and legal consultants to
support our RFP and negotiation processes.

[Other Requirements]
[Enter any other requirements given your situation. This might include clear indications of
support from city leadership, direction on which type of transaction the team should
prioritize, etc.]

• Getting approval from senior leadership to enter into the joint
request for proposal (RFP)
• Updating leadership on the desired project attributes and
anticipated community benefits
Update the title of this presentation
to reflect the purpose of and


intended audience for this deck.
Update the presenter information
in [red brackets]

RENEWALBE ENERGY DEAL • Replace this photo with one of your


Presented by: [Name], [Title], [Email]

[Placeholder: Political or economic context]

This is an optional slide for you to summarize your community’s
overall political or economic context, celebrate the procurement
group’s key wins, or reiterate why renewable energy should be a
priority NOW.
Potential topics to cover include:
• The team’s recent accomplishments (naming the team members
who successfully put the coalition together)
• Federal climate actions
• Climate or sustainability goals your community or leadership has
already committed to
• The benefits of renewable energy compared to fossil fuels
• Senior leaders’ broader goals
• Local demand for employment opportunities
• Successes achieved by other local governments
To meet our climate goal, we are working on procuring [X] MW of renewable
energy through an off-site PPA with [X] partners in [state name]Update theInstructions:
red bracketed texts in
the slide title and the timeline chart to
fit your community’s situation.

Where Contract
[X] Months We Are [X] Months Signed

Evaluate Form a Align on Start the Select Negotiate Share

Procurement Procurement Desired Project Procurement Suppliers Contract Terms Success
Needs Group Details Process

We would like to get approval to issue the

joint request for proposal (RFP)

Our plan is to procure [X-MW] of [solar/wind/geothermal] energy in [location]
through a joint [physical/virtual] power purchase agreement

Update the red bracketed text to
fit your organization’s desired deal
and roles.

Contract Type Project Size

[Off-site Physical/Virtual [MW/ MWh per Year/
PPA] % of Total Load]

Energy Resource Project Location

[Solar/Wind/Geothermal [Location Preference]

Our Role: [Evaluation Panel Member/ Steering Committee Member/ Contract Negotiator/ Anchor Off-taker…]

By partnering with [partner names], we can collectively sign a more impactful
deal at lower prices

Why We Should Partner with Them:

Partner List
Aggregated Deals’ Economies of Scale Sharing External Expenses

[Partner name] Commercial PV System Cost (2018

USD/Wdc) 1
[Costs of hiring external consultants and
1.46 1.35 negotiating contracts]
1.21 1.13
Logo [Partner name]
5 MW 10 MW 50 MW 100 MW
1. Update the red bracketed texts to fit your organization’s
2. Partner list: Specify the output percentage each buyer will
take if known
Logo and replace the red circles with partner logos.
[Partner name] Enabling Small Buyers’ Access Building Long-term Partnerships
3. When talking about “enabling small buyers’ access,”
• If your organization will be one of the larger buyers, PPA Size [Small Buyer
then focus on how this aggregated deal can scale Minimum: Name] Load:

10 [5]
your organization’s impact and help peer
Logo with[Partner name]
smaller loads. [Group Photo]
• If your organization is a smaller buyer whose load is
smaller than 10 MW, then emphasize that your
community would not be able to access an off-site MW MW
PPA deal without partnering with others.
1. NREL, US Solar Photovoltaic System Cost Benchmark: Q1 2018. 24
This aggregated deal can bring multiple benefits to our community

The [X] MW project would… Diversity, Equity & Inclusion:

We [can/will] reserve jobs for
Help us meet [X]% of our [100%] renewables goal [low-income populations] and
require [local workforce training
Create [#] construction and installation jobs 1,2 programs] as part of our RFP.

Generate [XXX] MWh clean electricity per year Instructions:

1. Update the red bracketed text in the slide to fit your city's or county’s situation.
2. To calculate the number of estimated jobs:
Provide [$X] public health benefits per year 3
1) Solar: Multiply the total project size in MW by 16.5 FTE jobs per MW 1.
2) Wind: Multiple the total project size in MW by 0.5 FTE jobs per MW 2.
3. To calculate annual public health benefits, go to this EPA webpage and find the table
Power [#] homes per year 4 labeled “Health Benefits per kWh values”.
1) Identify the range of possible health benefits attributable to 1 kWh of wind or
solar. Select whichever value you feel is most appropriate.
Reduce [#] metric tons of CO2 emissions per year 4
2) As the values on this webpage are in ¢/kWh, multiply your value by 10 to get
the $/MWh value.
3) Then, multiply this number by the anticipated number of MWh to estimate the
* Jobs per MW may be lower today given efficiency gains since these 2012 and 2013 reports were published.
annual health benefits.3. EPA,
1. L Billman and D Keyser, Assessment of the Value, Impact, and Validity of the Jobs and Economic Development Impacts (JEDI) Suite of Models , NREL, 2013. Page iii. Estimating the Health Benefits per-Kilowatt Hour of Energy Efficiency and
4. To calculate the number of homes
2. J. Brown J. Pender R. Wiser E. Lantz B. Hoen; Ex post analysis of economic impacts from wind power development in U.S. counties. Energy Economics 2012.
Renewable Energy and CO2 emissions reduction, use EPA’s
Greenhouse Gas .. Calculator.
R Pollin, J Heintz, and H Garrett-Peltier, The Economic Benefits of Investing in Clean Energy, PERI, 2009.
4. EPA, Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator. 25
If approved to move forward, our next steps will be… Instructions:
1. Update the red bracketed text to fit your
organization’s situation and procurement
2. When to formalize members’ level of
commitment depends on whether you are
using a piggybacking model (members
can accept or decline bid assignments after
Issuing the Request for Proposal (RFP) the proposal evaluation process) or a
traditional model (all members are fully
Timeline: [RFP issue date, pre-proposal meeting date, proposal due date] committed to a certain number of MW
Responsible parties: [Staff name/ buyer name] before the RFP is issued).

Evaluating Proposals
Evaluation panel members: [Member names]
Evaluation process: [Process overview]

Selecting Proposals [and Formalizing Members’ Level of Commitment]

[When will the group formalize members’ level of commitment?]
[Who will allocate shares of the project to the aggregation members?]
[Who will negotiate the contract?]

• Update the presenter information
in [red brackets]
• Replace this photo with one of your

Thank You! community.

Reminder: If you have any comments

or questions on this pitch deck template,
please email us at
Presented by: [Name], [Title], [Email]
• Getting final approval from senior leadership to enter into a
contract with the selected supplier
• Updating senior leaders on specifics of the deal after the key
contract terms have been negotiated
Update the title of this presentation
to reflect the purpose of and


intended audience for this deck.
Update the presenter information
in [red brackets]
• Replace this photo with one of your
Presented by: [Name], [Title], [Email]
[Placeholder: Political or economic context]

This is an optional slide for you to summarize your community’s
overall political or economic context, celebrate the procurement
group’s key wins, or to reiterate why renewable energy should be
a priority NOW.
Potential topics to cover include:
• The team’s recent accomplishments (naming the team members
who successfully put a coalition together)
• Federal climate actions
• Climate or sustainability goals your community or leadership has
already committed to
• The benefits of renewable energy compared to fossil fuels
• Senior leaders’ broader goals
• Local demand for employment opportunities
• Successes achieved by other local governments
To meet our climate goal, we are working on procuring [X] MW of renewable
energy through an off-site PPA with [X] partners in [state name]Update the Instruction:
red bracketed text in the
slide title and the timeline chart to fit
your community’s situation.

RFP Where Contract

Issued We Are Signed
[X] Months [X] Months

Evaluate Form a Align on Start the Select Negotiate Share

Procurement Procurement Desired Project Procurement Suppliers Contract Terms Success
Needs Group Details Process

We would like to get approval to sign the

contract with [selected supplier name]

The evaluation panel has selected [#] project[s] in [location] after receiving
[###] proposals through a competitive bidding process Instruction:
Update the red bracketed text
based on the selected proposal(s).

About the Developer[s] About the Project[s] About the Bid

• Name: […] • Name: […] • Procurement Type:
• Location: […] • Location: […] [Physical/Virtual PPA]
• Qualifications: […] • Size: [XX] MW • Contract Length: [#]
• Estimated Output: [XX] years
MWh/year • Amount of Purchase:
• Commercial operation [XX] MWh/year
date: [mm/dd/yyyy] • Pricing: [$/MWh]

In the procurement group with [#] members, our roles include [anchor off-
taker, evaluation panel member, contract negotiator, and/or bid assigner]
Update the red bracketed text in
the slide title and the table to fit your
procurement group’s situation.

Member Role Amount of Purchase

[Partner name] [Evaluation panel member, [XX% of total output or XX MW]
contract negotiator, bid assigner] [Anchor off-taker]

[Partner name] [Evaluation panel member] [XX% of total output or XX MW]

[Partner name] [Evaluation panel member] [XX% of total output or XX MW]

[Partner name] [XX% of total output or XX MW]

This project is expected to have a net present value (NPV) of [$] over the
project lifespan with the total cost of [$] in the first year

vPPA Overall Results NPV: $1,747,557

Assuming Fixed Percent Increase in Electricity Costs Annual Cost (Year 1):




As a comparison:

$500,000 Instructions: Our team’s previous estimates for this project: [$]
1. Please put finance-related information in your organization’s standard
template (if applicable).
2. To make the financial performance chart you can use the Average annual cost of solicited projects: [$]
Solar and Wind Off-site PPA Economic Calculator (SWOPEC) that the
Renewables Accelerator team developed or your own financial model.
Cumulative NPV
3. You can compare the contract you want to sign to:
Annual energy value (based on variable wholesale market prices)
The estimates of projections the team previously created to
Annual cost of [project X]: [$]
inform theenergy
RFP; cost (based on PPA price)
2) Other proposals you got, to emphasize your desired contract’s
favorable characteristics and to be transparent; or
3) Other expenses or budgets of your organization, such as 34
historic annual expenditures on electricity.
This aggregated deal can bring multiple benefits to our community

The [X] MW project would… Diversity, Equity & Inclusion:

We [can/will] reserve jobs for
Help us meet [X]% of our [100%] renewables goal [low-income populations] and
require [local workforce training
Create [#] construction and installation jobs 1,2 programs] as part of our RFP.

Generate [XXX] MWh clean electricity per year Instructions:

1. Update the red bracketed text in the slide to fit your city's or county’s situation.
2. To calculate the number of estimated jobs:
Provide [$X] public health benefits per year 3
1) Solar: Multiply the total project size in MW by 16.5 FTE jobs per MW 1.
2) Wind: Multiple the total project size in MW by 0.5 FTE jobs per MW 2.
3. To calculate annual public health benefits, go to this EPA webpage and find the table
Power [#] homes per year 4 labeled “Health Benefits per kWh values”.
1) Identify the range of possible health benefits attributable to 1 kWh of wind or
solar. Select whichever value you feel is most appropriate.
Reduce [#] metric tons of CO2 emissions per year 4
2) As the values on this webpage are in ¢/kWh, multiply your value by 10 to get
the $/MWh value.
3) Then, multiply this number by the anticipated number of MWh to estimate the
* Jobs per MW may be lower today given efficiency gains since these 2012 and 2013 reports were published.
annual health benefits.3. EPA,
1. L Billman and D Keyser, Assessment of the Value, Impact, and Validity of the Jobs and Economic Development Impacts (JEDI) Suite of Models , NREL, 2013. Page iii. Estimating the Health Benefits per-Kilowatt Hour of Energy Efficiency and
4. To calculate the number of homes
2. J. Brown J. Pender R. Wiser E. Lantz B. Hoen; Ex post analysis of economic impacts from wind power development in U.S. counties. Energy Economics 2012.
Renewable Energy and CO2 emissions reduction, use EPA’s
Greenhouse Gas .. Calculator.
R Pollin, J Heintz, and H Garrett-Peltier, The Economic Benefits of Investing in Clean Energy, PERI, 2009.
4. EPA, Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator. 35
If approved to move forward, our next steps will be…
Update the red bracketed text in the slide title
and body to fit your procurement group’s

Finalizing the Contracts

[Key timeline, responsible parties, etc.]

Monitoring Project Construction and Operation

Construction completion date: [mm/yyyy]
Commercial operation date: [mm/yyyy]

Sharing Success
[When and how to announce the deal; who will work on the announcement]

• Update the presenter information
in [red brackets]
• Replace this photo with one of your

Thank You! community.

Reminder: If you have any comments

or questions on this pitch deck template,
please email us at
Presented by: [Name], [Title], [Email]

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