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History of Management

 Management thought developed in the

mid-late 1800’s
 Ran parallel with the industrial
– Prior to that time organizations were small
– Agrarian society moved to a mass
production society
Five Viewpoints of
 Classical- late 1800’s
– Bureaucratic, Scientific, Administrative
 Behavioral- 1930’s, 40’s, 50’s
 Systems-50’s, 60’s, 70’s
 Contingency-60’s, 70’s, 80’s
 Quality-80’s, 90’s

History of Management
Quality Viewpoint

Contingency Viewpoint

Systems Viewpoint

Behavioral Viewpoint

Traditional Viewpoint

1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2

Adapted from Figure 2.1

Assumptions of Viewpoints
 Continuous viewpoints do not replace
each other but have differing
 All differ on how they view:
– behavior of individuals
– organizational goals
– issues that the organization faces
– how those issues should be resolved
Bureaucratic Management
 Max Weber wanted to eliminate
nepotism, and favoritism in

 A rational method-scientific and logical

approach to business
Negative View of Bureacracy
 Bureaucracies “strip all relations of
content but that which is strictly
applicable to the attainment of
organizational ends” (Lincoln, 1982: 21)
 How we view bureaucracy
– School
– Taxes
– Government
Aspects of Bureaucracy
 Formal Rules for uniformity
 Impersonality in hiring, evaluation, etc.
rather than social status, or personality
 Division of labor into specialized areas
 Hierarchy
 Set Decision/Power Structure

Hierarchical Organization Chart

Top Manager

Middle Manager Middle Manager

First-Line Manager First-Line Manager First-Line Manager First-Line Manager

Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work

Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group

Adapted from Figure 2.2


Continuum of Bureaucratic
Orientation U.S
Dreamworks Postal
SKG Coca-Cola Service

Construction Hoechst-Celanese UPS

Low High
Bureaucratic Mid-Range Bureaucratic
Structure Bureaucracy Orientation

Adapted from Figure 2.3

Positive and Negative Aspects
 Positive aspects
– efficiency
– consistency
– set lines of communication
 Costs
– follows rigid rules for the sake of rules
– slow or change
– can’t respond to a dynamic environment
Scientific Management
 Fred Taylor
 Time and Motion studies
 Proposed “One most efficient way” for
completing a task
 Employees are economically motivated
 Formen
Gilbreths and Therbligs
 Frank and Lillian
 Broke tasks down by each motion called
 Used motion video
 Lillian later played an instrumental role
in behavioral movement
Administrative Management
 Management is a science that can be
 Division of Labor
 Authority of Managers
 Discipline
 Unity of Command
 Centralization of power
Behavioral/Human Relations
 People and their behaviors matter
within the organization
 In light of that assumption this school
looks at how managers do their job in
order to affect the behavior of
Major Players
 Follet
– Involvement of workers
– Continuous aspect of management
 Barnard
– Organizations are social systems
– Acceptance theory of authority
 understand, believe, see benefits
Hawthorne Studies
 Western Electric Studies
 Mayo
– Theorized that workers would be more
productive if given favorable working
– Theory did not hold, but......
– Found that the attention given to workers
was the variable that affected performance
Behavioral Viewpoint
 Employees are social beings, not just
economically motivated
 The social aspect of humans must be
addressed by management
 Fulfillment of needs and participation
will motivate employees
Systems Viewpoint
 Organizations are machines that
operate within an environment
– Inputs-human, financial, physical, and info
– Processes
– Outputs-products and services
 A change in one part of the system
affects the whole system
 Closed-limited interaction with the
environment, only at input and output
 Open-systems- all parts of the
organization interact with the
 Subsystems- parts within the
– groups (formal and informal), individuals,

Basic Systems View of


Human, physical, TRANS- OUTPUTS
financial, and FORMATION Products
information and
PROCESS Services

Feedback Loops

Adapted from Figure 2.4

Contingency Approach
 “It Depends!”
 Must assess the environment and use
aspects of the three previous
approaches in combination to maximize
 No prescriptive “One best way”

Contingency Viewpoint

Behavioral Viewpoint
 How managers influence others:
 Informal Group
 Cooperation among employees
 Employees’ social needs

Systems Viewpoint Traditional Viewpoint

How the parts fit together: What managers do:
 Inputs  Plan
 Transformations  Organize
 Outputs  Lead
 Control

Contingency Viewpoint
Managers’ use of other viewpoints
to solve problems involving:
 External environment
 Technology
 Individuals
Adapted from Figure 2.6
Quality and Ed Demming
 Society has passed the point of concern
with quantity of production, because for
the most part quantity has been maxed-
 Quality is now the issue when
performance is discussed
 Demming pioneered the quality
movement, and was ignored in the US
Demming’s Story
 Developed the quality idea
 Was rejected by US companies
 Sold his ideas in Japan
 Japan excelled in automobile, and
technological quality
 US companies had to play catch-up in
the 1980’s
Demming’s Principles
 Quality at the beginning will lead to
lower costs and greater productivity in
the long-run
 use of statistical methods to assess
 all employees are responsible for quality
 leads to company image, lower costs,
less product liability

Importance of Quality
Costs &
Positive Higher
Company Market
Image Share


Adapted from Figure 2.7

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