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Let’s write about an animal

2º bimestre – Aula 5
Ensino Fundamental: Anos Finais
Conteúdo Objetivos

● Temático: animais suas ● Conhecer as principais
habilidades e características do gênero
características; ficha informativa (fact sheet);
● Gênero textual: ficha ● Ler uma ficha informativa
informativa (fact sheet). sobre um animal;
● Utilizar vocabulário relativo a
● Planejar a elaboração de uma
ficha informativa sobre um
Para começar

1. The words in the box Trunk Garganta ( )
Stick Soprar ( )
are related to the text
Tip Permitir ( )
about African elephants
Blow Pegar ( )
you will read in this unit.
Deep Puxar para baixo ( )
Use the words from the Allow Tromba ( )
box. Match English and Pick Profundo ( )
Portuguese. Check the Pull down Ponta ( )
pronunciation of the Entire Grudar ( )
words and repeat. Throat Inteiro/inteira ( )
Para começar

Trunk Garganta ( 10 )
1. The words in the box Stick Soprar ( 4 )
are related to the text Tip Permitir ( 6 )
about African elephants Blow Pegar ( 7 )
you will read in this unit. Deep Puxar para baixo ( 8 )

Use the words from the Allow Tromba ( 1 )

box. Match English and Pick Profundo ( 5 )

Pull down Ponta ( 3 )
Portuguese. Check the
Entire Grudar ( 2 )
pronunciation of the
Throat Inteiro/inteira ( 9 )
words and repeat.
Foco no conteúdo

2. In pairs, have a quick
look at the text on the side COMMON NAME: African elephants
and answer the questions TYPE: Mammals
below: DIET: Herbivore
a. The text is a(an).... SIZE: Height at the shoulder, 8.2 to 13 feet
WEIGHT: 2.5 to seven tons
( ) Synopsis. • When an elephant drinks, it sucks as much as 2 gallons (7.5 liters) of
( ) Interview. water into its trunk at a time. Then it curls its trunk under, sticks the tip of
( ) Fact sheet. its trunk into its mouth, and blows. Out comes the water, right down the
elephant's throat.
b. We will find information in the text… • Elephants also use their trunks as snorkels when they wade in deep
water. An elephant's trunk is controlled by many muscles. Two fingerlike
( ) Specific and objective information parts on the tip of the trunk allow the elephant to perform delicate
about the African elephant. maneuvers such as picking a berry from the ground or plucking a single
leaf off a tree.
( ) Long and detailed information about
the live of African elephants. • Elephants can also use their trunks to grasp an entire tree branch and
( ) About how zoos care for elephants. pull it down to their mouths and to yank up clumps of grass and shove the
greenery into their mouths.
Foco no conteúdo

2. In pairs, have a quick COMMON NAME: African elephants
look at the text on the side TYPE: Mammals
and answer the questions DIET: Herbivore
below: GROUP NAME: Herd
a. The text is a(an).... SIZE: Height at the shoulder, 8.2 to 13 feet
WEIGHT: 2.5 to seven tons
• When an elephant drinks, it sucks as much as 2 gallons (7.5 liters) of
( ) Synopsis.
water into its trunk at a time. Then it curls its trunk under, sticks the tip of
( ) Interview. its trunk into its mouth, and blows. Out comes the water, right down the
( X ) Fact sheet. elephant's throat.
• Elephants also use their trunks as snorkels when they wade in deep
b. We will find information in the text… water. An elephant's trunk is controlled by many muscles. Two fingerlike
parts on the tip of the trunk allow the elephant to perform delicate
( X ) Specific and objective information maneuvers such as picking a berry from the ground or plucking a single
about the African elephant. leaf off a tree.
( ) Long and detailed information • Elephants can also use their trunks to grasp an entire tree branch and
about the live of African elephants. pull it down to their mouths and to yank up clumps of grass and shove the
( ) About how zoos care for elephants. greenery into their mouths.
Foco no conteúdo

• Uma ficha técnica (fact sheet) traz informações específicas e
objetivas sobre um produto, um serviço ou um tópico: no texto
da aula de hoje, apresentamos uma ficha técnica sobre um
• É o autor da ficha técnica quem define os itens que acha
• As fichas informativas frequentemente utilizam elementos como
listas, tabelas, diagramas, fotos ou imagens para transmitir as
informações de forma rápida e eficaz.
Na prática


3. In pairs, read the information in

the fact sheet.
Fill in the sentences below:
a. ............. is the scientific name
of African elephants. • When an elephant drinks, it sucks as much as 2 gallons (7.5 liters) of
water into its trunk at a time. Then it curls its trunk under, sticks the tip of
its trunk into its mouth, and blows. Out comes the water, right down the
b. They are not carnivores, they elephant's throat.

are ........ • Elephants also use their trunks as snorkels when they wade in deep
water. An elephant's trunk is controlled by many muscles. Two fingerlike
parts on the tip of the trunk allow the elephant to perform delicate
c. They live up to ....... maneuvers such as picking a berry from the ground or plucking a single
leaf off a tree.
d. Elephants’ weight is ........ • Elephants can also use their trunks to grasp an entire tree branch and
pull it down to their mouths and to yank up clumps of grass and shove the
greenery into their mouths.
Na prática

Correção Reading

3. In pairs, read the information in

the fact sheet.
Fill in the sentences below:
a. Loxodonta is the scientific
name of African elephants. • When an elephant drinks, it sucks as much as 2 gallons (7.5 liters) of
water into its trunk at a time. Then it curls its trunk under, sticks the tip of
its trunk into its mouth, and blows. Out comes the water, right down the
b. They are not carnivores, they elephant's throat.

are herbivores. • Elephants also use their trunks as snorkels when they wade in deep
water. An elephant's trunk is controlled by many muscles. Two fingerlike
parts on the tip of the trunk allow the elephant to perform delicate
c. They live up to 70 years. maneuvers such as picking a berry from the ground or plucking a single
leaf off a tree.
d. Elephants’ weight is 2.5 to • Elephants can also use their trunks to grasp an entire tree branch and
pull it down to their mouths and to yank up clumps of grass and shove the
seven tons. greenery into their mouths.
Na prática

4. Read the fact sheet again and write T (True) or F (False) to the sentences
a. The African elephant sucks 10
gallons of water into its trunk at
time. ( )
b. The elephants don’t use their trunks
• When an elephant drinks, it sucks as much as 2 gallons (7.5 liters) of
when they drink water. ( ) water into its trunk at a time. Then it curls its trunk under, sticks the tip of
its trunk into its mouth, and blows. Out comes the water, right down the
c. Elephants also use their trunks as elephant's throat.

snorkels when they wade in deep • Elephants also use their trunks as snorkels when they wade in deep
water. An elephant's trunk is controlled by many muscles. Two fingerlike
water. ( ) parts on the tip of the trunk allow the elephant to perform delicate
maneuvers such as picking a berry from the ground or plucking a single
d. Elephants can’t use their trunks to leaf off a tree.
• Elephants can also use their trunks to grasp an entire tree branch and
grasp an entire tree branch and pull pull it down to their mouths and to yank up clumps of grass and shove

it down to their mouths. ( ) the greenery into their mouths.

Na prática

4. Read the fact sheet again and write T (True) or F (False) to the sentences
a. The African elephant sucks 10
gallons of water into its trunk at
time. ( T )
b. The elephants don’t use their trunks
• When an elephant drinks, it sucks as much as 2 gallons (7.5 liters) of
when they drink water. ( F ) water into its trunk at a time. Then it curls its trunk under, sticks the tip of
its trunk into its mouth, and blows. Out comes the water, right down the
c. Elephants also use their trunks as elephant's throat.

snorkels when they wade in deep • Elephants also use their trunks as snorkels when they wade in deep
water. An elephant's trunk is controlled by many muscles. Two fingerlike
water. ( T ) parts on the tip of the trunk allow the elephant to perform delicate
maneuvers such as picking a berry from the ground or plucking a single
d. Elephants can’t use their trunks to leaf off a tree.
• Elephants can also use their trunks to grasp an entire tree branch and
grasp an entire tree branch and pull pull it down to their mouths and to yank up clumps of grass and shove the
it down to their mouths. ( F ) greenery into their mouths.
Na prática


5. Answer the questions below:

a. What information about African elephants, presented in the fact sheet,

did you already know?

b. What other information about African elephants are you still curious to


Planning a fact sheet about an animal

In pairs, you are going to write an animal fact sheet.

Follow the steps below:

1. Look for information about the animal: websites, books,

magazines etc.

2. Write the first draft in your notebook. Use the fact sheet from
slides 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 e 11 as an example.

Planning a fact sheet about an animal

3. Exchange your draft with a classmate and your teacher.

4. Get a feedback.

5. Make the necessary adjustments.

O que aprendemos hoje?

● Expandimos vocabulário relacionado
a animais: suas habilidades e
● Conhecemos as principais
características do gênero ficha
informativa (fact sheet);
● Lemos uma ficha informativa sobre
um animal;
● Planejamos a elaboração de uma
ficha informativa sobre um animal.

Slide 3 – Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 jan. 2024.

Slides 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 e 11 – Disponível em: Acesso em: 29
jan. 2024;
Acesso em: 29 jan. 2024.

Slide 7 – Disponível em:
Acesso em: 29 jan. 2024;
/4460. Acesso em: 29 jan. 2024

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