UTS Lesson 4

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The Physical

Self (Care for

the Self)
UTS Lesson 4
1. Which structure of the self operates on the basis of pleasure principle? (Id, Ego,
2. It is the masculine archetype in women.
3. What is the English translation of the Latin word persona, and medieval Latin
personalitas which the word personality comes from?
4. It is the archetype of darkness and repression, represents those qualities we do
not wish to acknowledge but attempt to hide from ourselves and others. (Anima,
Shadow, Introvert)
5. It is the level of consciousness referring to powerful drives that stay totally
outside of awareness but are responsible for all important human behavior.
6. According to Sigmund Freud it is a tendency to stay at a particular stage in the
psycho sexual development as a result of either frustration or over-indulgence.
7. It is the structure of the self which delays the satisfaction of id impulse until an
appropriate object is located in the external environment. (Id, Ego, Superego)
8. It is an archetype represented in mythology and legends as a powerful person,
sometimes part god, who fights against great odds to conquer or vanquish evil
in the form of dragons, monsters, serpents, or demons. (Anima, Shadow,
Animus, Hero)
9. It is the level of consciousness referring to everything that we are aware at any
given time.
10. Which of the structure of personality in Freud’s theory lies in the conscious,
preconscious and unconscious level?
11. What archetype is the feminine side of men?
12. Which complex is a tendency of a female child to get attracted to her father and
looks at her mother as a rival to her father’s affection? (Oedipus, Electra)
13. It contains thoughts, perception and memories that have minimal and emotional
significance and can be easily be brought into consciousness when focused.
14. It is the reality principle in Freud’s structure of personality.
15. What do we call people who are tuned in to their inner world with all its biases,
fantasies, dreams, and individualized perceptions.? (Introvert, Extravert)
Arrange the stages of psychosexual development in correct order.
16. Phallic
17. Oral
18. Genital
19. Latency
20. Anal

Fill in the blanks with the correct task or crisis in the psychosocial stages of Erik
21. ____________ vs. Mistrust
Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt
22. Initiative vs. __________________
23. Industry vs. ___________________
24. _________________vs. Role Confusion
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Generativity vs. Stagnation
25. Integrity vs. __________________________

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