P. 61 Linkers of Contrast Unit 6

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Linkers of contrast

Linkers of contrast

They went for a walk, even though it was raining.

Despite being short, he’s really good at basketball.

It was a difficult exam. However, they passed.

although / even though

My dad told me I had to get up.

I didn’t want to get up.

Although I didn’t want to get up, my dad told me I had to.

Even though I didn’t want to get up, my dad told me I had to.

I didn’t want to get up, although my dad told me I had to.

I didn’t want to get up, even though my dad told me I had to.
despite / in spite of

I had studied hard for the test.

I failed the test.

I failed the test, despite studying hard.

I failed the test, in spite of studying hard.

Despite studying hard for the test, I failed.

In spite of studying hard for the test, I failed.
however / nevertheless

The training was difficult.

I really can’t cook. However, mum
Nevertheless, she worked
helped me and we made a nice meal.
really hard and is now a pilot.
I looked back in his direction however, he had vanished.
I looked back in his direction. However, he had vanished. 
I’m still hungry, in spite of I have just eaten dinner.
I’m still hungry, in spite of having just eaten dinner.
I’m still hungry, even though I have just eaten dinner. 
Although not feeling well, I went out.
Although I didn’t feel well, I went out.
Despite not feeling well, I went out.

Language in action

In September last year my mum did the Shine Marathon in

though she walked regularly, she hadn’t
London. ………….………
In spite of having a busy life,
walked that far before. ……………....
working and looking after me and my sister, my mum
trained for four months. She walked through the night and
However, she really
was really tired in the morning. …………….….…..
enjoyed the experience.
Can you remember the rules?
To contrast ideas and facts, we use linking words.

1 The linkers although and even though are followed by a clause. They can
be used at the beginning of a sentence or before the second clause.

I passed my driving test, although / even though I made some mistakes.

Although / Even though I made some mistakes in my driving test, I passed.
Can you remember the rules?
2 The linkers despite and in spite of are followed by a noun phrase or a gerund.
They can be used at the beginning of a sentence or before the second clause.
I passed my driving test, despite / in spite of (making) some mistakes.
Despite making some mistakes in my driving test, I passed.

3 The linkers however and nevertheless come at the beginning of a sentence and
introduce a contrast with what was said in the previous sentence. They are
followed by a comma.
I made some mistakes in my driving test. However / Nevertheless, I passed.
Most people thought the Ice Bucket Challenge was brilliant. However /
Nevertheless, there were people that disagreed.
Work in pairs. How many sentences can you
make in 1 minute?

He’s got a lot of money. We went to see something else.

He dreads playing it!
My friend recommended a film. Despite We walked around the forest all
We didn’t have much homework. In spite of afternoon.
My dad likes watching sport. However, He doesn’t like spending it.
They went on a few dates. Even though, They aren’t going out with each
Nevertheless, other now.
The weather was bad.
We didn’t finish it.
Choose a task and work with a friend. With each
task, try to use as many contrast linkers as you can.
Create a role play. Student A is a customer and Use the prompts to create a story. You decide
Student B is an employee at the train company. what happened in the end.
• Jamie ask out / Ellie
• Train is late – make a
• Go on a few dates
despite • Ellie / make an announcement / moving
• Enquire about the problem
in spite of away
– get no information
although • Jamie and Ellie keep in touch by
• When train arrived
even though phone/email but split up
nowhere to sit
however • Jamie doesn’t get over Ellie / Ellie
• No heating on the train –
nevertheless meets new boyfriend
freezing cold
• Jamie sings a love song for Ellie / puts it
• Refund/compensation
on YouTube / song goes viral
• Ellie …

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