MC-1 Group 2 Slides Updated Final

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Members :
23OP138 Rohan Srivastava

Presented by 23OP104
Deepali Gupta Bansal
Ravi Yadav
23OP110 Kreeti Das
Group 2 23OP112 Meet Gajjar
23OP133 Raj Doshi
23OP111 Krishnasree Km
23OP114 Nishant Kumar
23OP116 Parmod Kumar Thakur
23OP118 Prashant Kumar
23OP135 Virag Shah
23OP126 Shivani Pandey
23OP129 Trisha Shrivastava
 Recap of Last Session  by
Deepali, Prashant & Virag
 Experience sharing
 by Ravi & Raj
 Case Study
 to be presented in next session
 Framework
 by Kreeti & Rohan
 Videos of interaction with CEO  by Krishnashree & Trisha
Recap of Last Session
 Session 2
 Public speaking and obstacles in communication
 Understand public speaking through exercise. Topic of choice
 1 minute speech on a topic of choice of larger interest with clear views
 Division of CEOs/ business leaders into 5 types as per Harvard Study
 Body language
 Assessment criteria for Online oration (1 minute speech)

Deepali, Prashant & Virag

Recap of Last Session

1. Charismatic type
2. Thinker type
3. Skeptics type

4. Followers type
5. Controllers type

Deepali, Prashant & Virag

Type of CEOs as per Harvard Study
Controllers, 9%

(1) Charismatic,

Followers, 36%

Thinkers, 11%

Skeptics, 19%
4. Follower’s Type

 This consists of the maximum no. of leaders i.e.
 Leading examples are Peter Coorse, Carly Fiorina  Key characteristics
(Ex CEO-HP)  Relies on own or other’s past choices to make
 They generally make decisions on how they or correct choice
their trusted executives have done so in the past  Late adopters
 They exhibit a “Pattern”- demonstrated pattern
 Tend to be risk-averse, Laggards and Late adopters
Eg. Iphone post launch users

4. Follower’s Type (contd.)

Buzz Words
Persuader’s strategy

 Expertize
 Use testimonials to prove low risk  Similar to
 Present innovative yet proven solutions- “Old wine  Innovate
in new bottle”
 Previous

5. Controller’s Type

 This consists of the 9% of all executives
 Leading examples are Ross Perot (Ex Electronic
Data systems) and Martha Stewart (ex-retail Key characteristics
businesswomen)  Unemotional
 Abhor uncertainty and ambiguity  Analytical (Dissect words)
 Focus on analytics of argument  Abhors uncertainty
 They do not like uncertainty in the VUCA world  Only implements owns ideas
 Subordinates have to be prepared, clear and on toes
 Choice of words is important and cannot be

5. Controller's Type (contd.)
Persuader’s strategy

 Present highly structured arguments

 Should not fumble or get stuck in which intention Buzz Words
gets diluted  Facts
 Full of conviction
 Reason
 Passionate about idea
 Power (full of passion)
 Self conviction important
 Good command over language
 Just do it (take charge)
 Make listeners own ideas (should seem like it was
leader’s idea)
 Avoid aggressive advocacy (no convincing)

Body Language

 Important role of Culture

 Develop sense of “neutrality” and need to “decolour”
 Mother tongue influence (MTI): depends on region where you belong
Body Language (contd)
 Territory (Proxemics)
 Intimate (6-18” for spouse, parents, children)
 Personal
 Close: 1.5” ft to 2.5 ft
 Far: 2.5 ft to 4.5 ft
 Social
 Close: 4-7 ft
 Far: 7-12 ft
 Public
 Close: 12-25 ft
 Far 25 ft +
Body Language (contd)

 Concept of “when you invade my space”

 Crowded culture
 Eye contact (looking)
 Starring
 Glances (30 sec is max then blink)
 Appraisal
Experience Sharing

Ravi & Raj

Experience Sharing


• Communication challenges were hindering the efficiency of data management and dissemination processes

• With a global network of stakeholders, including clients, data vendors, and internal teams, ensuring seamless
communication was paramount to maintaining the integrity and relevance of the indices

• the company's journey to identify and address these communication hurdles, showcasing how strategic interventions
led to tangible improvements in operational performance
Experience Sharing

Impact Solutions

The company's communication struggles Leveraging technology solutions and best

practices from the financial services
became apparent when a critical update to industry, the firm implemented a suite of
one of their flagship indices was delayed communication tools and protocols
due to miscommunication between the designed to streamline information flow
and enhance transparency across
research and operations teams departments and external partners.

Through stakeholder feedback sessions

and internal process audits, the company
Not only did the company experience a
identified key areas for improvement,
significant reduction in data processing
including the need for clearer channels of
errors and turnaround times, but client
communication, standardized data
satisfaction levels also soared
validation procedures, and enhanced
collaboration tools.

Despite having robust data analytics

capabilities, discrepancies in data
interpretation and workflow coordination
caused unnecessary setbacks, impacting
client satisfaction and eroding confidence Leadership
in the firm's capabilities. Management
Experience Sharing

• Not only did the company experience a significant reduction in data processing errors and turnaround
times, but client satisfaction levels also soared

• By fostering a culture of open communication and accountability, the firm was able to enhance its
reputation as a reliable and responsive index provider

• With improved communication channels in place, the company experienced a marked reduction in
errors and delays, leading to greater efficiency in index management

• Moreover, the streamlined communication processes facilitated smoother product launches and
updates, positioning the company for continued growth and success in the competitive landscape of
financial markets

• The company solidified its position as a trusted partner in the financial industry, attracting new clients
and retaining existing ones
Framework -
Communication with

Kreeti, Rohan
Framework for Communication with High Level

Research on
How you the person you
WWWWH Get to the Point
communicate are going to
present to

Make a follow- Listen to

Ask questions
up plan Feedback
Framework – Reporting to Leadership on PPE Availability during Covid

Issue: Shortage in availability of ISI marked PPE for supply to health care personnel
Context: Certified PPE equipment were a necessity during Covid, however there
were challenges of production and certification. Union Minister, Consumer Affairs,
was monitoring the situation and wanted a plan of action.

Type of CEO: Understood the nature of CEO to determine the persuasion strategy.
CEO belonged to "Follower" category.
Communication Plan of Action: Examined previous scenarios of similar situations. Presented plan
Approach of action based on successful approach used previously with new features to meet
Covid-related challenges
Seek Feedback: Listened to feedback and recommendations to gauge point of

• Background study on who you are presenting to helps shape approach

Key • Combine content and target audience to shape delivery
Outcomes • Take feedback and layout plan for future follow-up
Body Language analysis
from a video
(Verbal and non-verbal

By Krishnashree & Trisha


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