Presentation Civil Law in Ukraine

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Civil Law in Ukraine

Exploring the Legal System and its Impact on Society

Presented by Bovsunivska Victoria


• Civil law is a legal system based on a written code

of laws, which forms the foundation of the legal
system in Ukraine.

• It provides a comprehensive framework for

resolving disputes between individuals and
organizations, ensuring justice and promoting social

• Ukraine's civil law system is influenced by

continental European legal traditions, particularly
those of Germany and France.
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Sources of Civil Law

• The main sources of civil law in Ukraine include

the Constitution of Ukraine, international treaties,
statutes, and regulations.

• Legal precedents and judicial interpretations also

play a significant role in shaping civil law in practice.

• The legislative framework ensures consistency and

predictability in legal outcomes, promoting
confidence in the legal system.
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Key Principles
• Civil law in Ukraine is guided by several key
principles, including equity, equality, and legal

• Equity ensures that legal decisions are fair and

just, taking into account the specific circumstances of
each case.

• Equality ensures that all individuals are treated

equally under the law, regardless of their social status
or background.

• Legal certainty provides stability and

predictability, allowing individuals to plan their
affairs in accordance with the law.

• These principles contribute to a transparent and

efficient legal system.
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Civil Law Proceedings
• Civil law proceedings in Ukraine follow a
structured process, typically initiated by filing a claim
with the court.

• Parties involved have the right to legal

representation and can present evidence and
witnesses to support their case.

• Courts make decisions based on the applicable

laws and evidence presented, aiming to reach a fair
and just resolution.

• The process includes various stages, such as

pleadings, discovery, hearings, and appeals.
Compensation for Damages

• One of the primary objectives of civil law in

Ukraine is to provide compensation for damages
suffered by individuals or organizations.

• Compensation may include financial restitution,

the restoration of rights, or other forms of relief.

• The amount awarded is based on the extent of the

harm suffered and aims to restore the injured party to
their previous state.

• The concept of compensation ensures

accountability and serves as a deterrent against
wrongful acts.
Contract Law

• Contract law is an essential component of civil law

in Ukraine, governing agreements between
individuals and organizations.

• It establishes the rights and obligations of the

parties involved and provides mechanisms for dispute

• Contract law promotes economic development and

provides a framework for secure and fair business

• Enforceable contracts help maintain trust and

confidence in commercial relationships.
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Property Rights

• Protecting property rights is crucial in civil law, as

it ensures individuals have control over their
possessions and assets.

• Property rights in Ukraine are safeguarded through

laws that define ownership, transfer, and protection
against unlawful interference.

• Clear and secure property rights are essential for

economic growth, investment, and fostering a stable

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• Civil law forms the backbone of the legal system
in Ukraine, providing a framework for resolving
disputes and regulating various aspects of society.


• By upholding the principles of equity, • Its comprehensive nature ensures the

equality, and legal certainty, civil law protection of individual rights, economic
contributes to a just and orderly society. development, and social stability.

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