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Online diagnosis and

Advantage and disadvantages

With the development of technology and the spread of the •

Internet, medicine has become a restricted and easy way to
provide health services to patients who cannot reach
hospitals, medical centers or private clinics, and easily using
some specialized applications to conduct online
consultations that you meet with your doctor, audio and
.video, no matter where you are
It is a program to provide support for online treatment and diagnosis by relevant specialists •

.and specialists

The person who wants to benefit from online treatment and diagnosis applications is •

required to have received face-to-face service from experts in hospitals, private clinics, or

.health centers before

It is a method used by people who cannot find time due to intense work, who do not have * •

.a preferred doctor in their areas, and who want to receive treatment in their own language

People who wish to receive treatment and diagnosis via the Internet must obtain this * •

.service from a trustworthy institution that adheres to the rules of privacy and confidentiality
:Contrary to popular beliefs, online treatment and diagnosis has many advantages •
.People living abroad want to receive treatment in their own language -1 •
.No problems with residence and transportation-2 •
If an epidemic disease is found during the treatment period-3 •
4The desire to avoid crowds •
Maintains confidentiality, especially psychological illnesses •
5The comfort that comes from interviewing over the Internet •
6Identify customers and their privacy measures •
7Determine the time of treatment via the Internet according to the client’s timetable. In •
this way, the service becomes flexible and smooth
A good way for those who cannot leave the house or tell them about their problems 8 •
.Some health insurance companies do not cover 1 •

Some countries do not allow service providers to work outside 2 •

their jurisdiction, and the service provider must have a permit to

concerns about confidentiality, privacy and unreliable 3 •


.is not suitable for those suffering from serious mental illnesses 4 •

Not suitable for emergency situations 5 •

How to prepare for the online
medical sessions
There are steps and tips to help prepare for the online treatment and diagnostic session •

Camera check: Be careful to use high-quality cameras for image clarity -1 •

Adjust the level of the camera. 3-Voice quality verification 2 •

Allow the right place-4 •

Check the Internet-5 •

Close all unimportant programs, some programs slow down the hardware and have a -6 •
negative impact

Take care to choose the right browser -7 •

Good lighting-8 •

Read The patient's file before the appointment-9 •

Prepare what is needed to write notes -10 •

?How is the treatment done online

Treatment is not provided for every problem or person. Online treatment is determined through expert •


.Online treatment is not applied to a patient who presents to the hospital for the first time •

Treatment begins online after a meeting with consultants and a doctor who is an expert in his field, and •

it is agreed that he is suitable for treatment. After conducting the evaluation, the appropriate day and

time are determined, and the method of communication that will be conducted is determined. The

conversation during the interviews is kept confidential in accordance with the rules, while adhering to

ethical principles and responsibilities. With the feeling of comfort that occurs during the online

interview, the person tells any problem he is suffering from without feeling bored, and it is easier to

achieve positive results

Diagnosis online

the doctor will listen to your complaints and •

medical history and see your previous tests, if any,
and can preview the signs that appear on you
.through the image directly
Ob •

Not enabling many diseases to use technology, especially the elderly. 2- The need for expensive electronic tools.. Usually, -1 •

doctors do not need electronic tools from a computer.. a modern phone.. with a large capacity. Microphone..a high-quality

camera, which doubles the price needed to buy it. 3- Privacy is one of the most important obstacles that doctors face when

treating and detecting via the Internet. It is the privacy problem, as the penetration of the privacy of the doctor's

information and the patient records is the most worrying for doctors and platform owners. 4- Availability of technology:

electronic devices may not be available in many doctors’ clinics because they are not previously approved, such as the high-

speed Internet. On the other hand, technology may not be available in the hands of many diseases that do not have modern

computers or mobile phones. 5- Difficulty diagnosing sometimes, despite the development of technology and its great

contribution to making a high-definition hypothetical date between the doctor and the patient, but the doctor faces some

problems related to the patient's lack of vision for the diagnosis and prevalence of some diseases regarding confidentiality.

6- Inappropriate electronic payment methods for some people: Online treatment and diagnosis requires the choice of

electronic payment, which makes it difficult for some patients who do not use machine cards. 7- Many people are not

.convinced of the benefit of communication medicine in general

How is can be treated or
diagnosis online
Diseases that have already been diagnosed with chronic diseases, can benefit from following up on - •

their condition, controlling their doses, and obtaining medical advice. 2- Diseases that have already

been diagnosed and want to obtain a second opinion to confirm the diagnosis or separation of the

therapeutic decision. 3- Medical tourism patients, where they can present their condition and

examinations to the doctor before traveling, so that he is more willing to receive them and deal with

them with their condition before reaching them. * Cases that are not recommended and cannot be

carried out medical diagnosis and treatment: 1- Emergency cases such as stroke, angina

pectoris..accidents, fractures, bleeding, poisoning and awareness disorders.. 2- Any complaint or A new,

unfamiliar show that happens for the first time and has not been examined by any doctor. 3 Those who

suffer from alcoholism .. They often tend to write constantly and talk constantly 4 who have thoughts of

.suicide. 5 People with hallucinations

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