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Marketing management

Lecture 1
Overview of marketing

Daroon Faridun

Topic Outline
Define marketing
The importance of marketing
Explain important aspects of marketing
Define the different business orientations
Explain the 4 Ps of marketing
Explain the 7PS of service marketing
What are the difference between product
and services
Kotler on Marketing

“Good Marketing is no accident, but a result

of careful planning and execution”

Myths about Marketing

Marketing is advertising
Marketing makes people buy things they
don’t need
Marketing is selling
Marketing is just one of the departments
of the organisation

So what is Marketing?

 Marketing is the management function responsible for

identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer
requirements profitably

 Marketing is an organisational function and a set of

processes for creating, communicating and delivering
value to customers and for managing customer
relationships in ways that benefit the organization and
its stakeholders

The Importance of Marketing for the
Success of a Business
Getting Word Out
Higher Sales
Company Reputation
Healthy Competition
Adding value for customers

Important concepts in Marketing

Customer Needs, Wants, and Demands

It can be understood as:

• States of deprivation
• Physical—food, clothing, warmth, safety
Needs • Social—belonging and affection
• Individual—knowledge and self-expression

• Form that human needs take as they are shaped by
culture and individual personality

Demands • Want becomes demand only when the want is

supported by purchasing power

Exchange transaction

Exchange is the act of obtaining a desired object

from someone by offering something in return
A transaction is an outcome of an exchange
Consumer Cost & benefit
Quench thirst
Education 9
Markets are the set of actual and potential
buyers of a product or service
(A market as an exchange between buyer
and seller)

Marketing Management
Marketing management is the art and
science of choosing target markets
and building profitable relationships
with them
– What customers will we serve?
– How can we best serve these customers?

Marketing Management Orientations

Marketing Management Orientation
Production concept:- is the idea
that consumers will favor products that
are available or highly affordable
Product concept:- is the idea that
consumers will favor products that
offer the most quality, performance,
and features. Organizations should
therefore devote its energy to making
continuous product improvements

Marketing Management Orientations

Selling concept:- is the idea that

consumers will not buy enough of the
firm’s products unless it undertakes a
large scale selling and promotion effort.
Marketing concept:- is the idea that
achieving organizational goals depends
on knowing the needs and wants of the
target markets and delivering the desired
satisfactions better than competitors do

Difference between
 Selling concept

 Marketing concept

Marketing Management Orientations
Societal marketing concept is the
idea that a company should make
good marketing decisions by
considering consumers’ wants, the
company’s requirements, consumers’
long-term interests, and society’s long-
run interests

The Marketing Mix
•The marketing mix is the set of tools
(four Ps) the firm uses to implement its
marketing strategy. It includes product,
price, promotion, and place.
The 4Ps concept was originally
introduced by Macarthy(1960)
The success of a marketing program
would depend on a synergistic
integration of the elements of the 4 Ps
as well as decisions within the 4 Ps
Marketing Mix (4PS)

The 7 Ps of services marketing

Physical evidence

The difference between
products and services
Product services
1- Tangible 1- Intangible
2- Is concrete 2- is activity or process
3- Homogeneous 3- heterogeneous
4- Product and distribution is 4- product , distribution
Separated from consumption and consumption is

1- Define Marketing and explain the
orientations of marketing management?
2- Give the meaning of each of wants, needs,
demands ?
3- define marketing mix and explain its
4- Draw the figure of Marketing mix?
5- Define the market and how to make an
exchange between buyers and sellers?
6- what are the 7PS of service marketing

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