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The Importance of Medical English

Placement Tests for Remedial
Curriculum Design.
A presentation by:

Dr. Amina Hadid

Department Of English
University of Setif 2
 Background of the study
 Statement of the problem
 Aims and research questions
 Research Methodology/Data Collection Tools
 Discussion of the Findings
 Implications
 Conclusion
. Numourous non- English speaking countries are incorporating English as a Medium of
Instruction in their academic institutions. This trend has gained monentum as academic
establishments strive for global acknowledgment and recognition (Coleman, 2006).

‘‘ English Language Teaching is increasingly embraced as an important aspect of

educational reforms in developing countries; Local challenges, lack of resources, and
pedagogical practices are often overlooked ’’ ( Nunan, 2011).

English has evolved as a prominent international language in the field of medical

sciences, replacing Latin and Arabic. Over time, English has gained a predominant
position , considering the amount of published journal articles and international
conferences held in English (Ferguson, 2013).
EMP (English for Medical Purposes) is a fertile field of inquiry that covers many related topics which
include; the genres, grammatical features, and aspects of medical terminology, in addition to the
spoken genres in doctor-patient consultations, conferences, and medical congress presentations.
Research in these aspects plays an important role in the course design process (Ferguson, 2013).

‘‘In Algeria, many medical faculties did not manage to find a way for students to benefit from the
advantages that mastering English as a lingua franca could bring them in their professional and
academic careers. This issue did not seem to be addressed by people specialized in the domain of EFL
in general and ESP in particular’’ (Boumaza, 2023).

‘‘Placement tests are meant to determine the student’s language skill level so that with the test results,
an advisor and student can sit down and determine a course that would best suit the student . A class
below the student’s ability would not benefit their education, and a class far above their ability could
prove frustrating’’ (McDonald, 2020).
The context out of which this study arises is a dissatisfaction with the present state of affaires i.e.
French had been the medium of instruction in the Algerian medical faculties for many decades.
However, in the age of globalization, English has emerged as the language of technological
advances and scientific research, which called for a need of its implementation in order to cope
with the international scientific research, and the demands of the global medical job market.
Shifting to English as a Medium of Instruction has been a challenging process for medical students
considering their low English proficiency level.
This study aims at highlighting the importance and the need for adopting Medical
English Placement tests to identify medical students’ linguistic deficits, on the basis
of which remedial curriculum is to be designed to meet their needs and suit their
Research Questions
 What are the perceptions of medical students on the implementation of
English as a Medium of Instruction?
 What are their views on the adoption of Medical English Placement Tests?
 What is the importance of Medical English remedial classes?
 How can results from placement tests influence course description and
requirements for Medical English curriculum?
Design: A qualitative exploratory study.

Population: Medical students the faculty of Medical Sciences, Univesity of

Constatine 2. ESP (EMP) teachers at the Department of English, university
of Constatine 1.

Sample: 34 Medical students in the faculty of Medical sciences, University

of Constantine 2. And 10 ESP (EMP) teachers.

Data Collection Tools: Questionnaires.

Q1- What are your views on the implementatin of English in higher education?

Positive Attitudes Concerns

- It is a good step for the positive effects - Application
that it is going to yield in the long run. - It takes time to change the whole system,
- It is a necessary decision for the country - It has to be introduced progressively,
(Algeria as a developing country) to cope - It is really hard to implement in a French
with the new international technological speaking country.
and scientific advancement. - Challenges
- The world of science speaks in English- It is hard for teachers to cope with this
(the language of scientific research). abrupt change.
- It is important for future job opportunities- Teachers are unable to communicate their
in the medical job market, and for ideas and explain their lectures in English,
studying abroad. and the class ends up being a mess with
- For future collaboration in scientific the students being confused and
research. Frustrated.
- Lack of awareness about the requirements
of medical English.
Q2 -Do your teachers use English as a Medium of Instruction to deliver the
course material?

Yes 6%

Q3. Would you explain, briefly, how is English implemented in your classes?

Not Implemented as an Somewhat

MI Implemented

• Handouts, PDF, and • Introducing some • The lessons are

PPTs. terminology each introduced into English
• Extra medical books lecture then translated into
• Introducing translations French.
and articles.
• References. of some scientific
• English is to be
Q4. Is it importatnt to take medical English placement tests? Explain why.

Placement Tests
- To identify linguistic deficits, and spot
their weaknesses.
- Because general English is different
from scientific English.
- To become aware of the requirements
Yes of learning medical English.
- To determine their needs, and set their
learning objectives.
Q5. Are you receiving medical Egnlish remedial classes?
Q6. How important are English remedial classes in your field?

Remedial Classes
Very important Important
Yes No Slightly important Not important

3% 12%

97% 26%
7. How can medical English remedial classes be helpful?

 Understanding scientific terminology.

 Learning scientific structures.
 Facilitating the transition from French to English.
 Learning how to write scientific artiles.
 Getting used to scientific English.
 Improving language skills.
 Even teachers should take such classes to improve their language profeciency, and be
able to explain lessons and deliver lectures in English.

Positive Attitudes Negative Attitudes

 A good idea and a great innitiative  It is a random and unplanned

for the positive outcomes it will yield decision.
in the long run.  It is a far reaching goal; it takes time
 It supports international collaboration to attain the objectives.
and academic exchange.  Not seriously or properly applied .
 It fosters a more globally competitive  Challenging for both teachers and
educational environment. students.
 It needs reconsideration , and
requires well-designed programs for
all the levels; starting from primary
Q2. Are English placement tests necessary Q3. what could be the advantages of
for ESP students? Palcement tests for ESP students?
Placement Tests
 The results enable teachers to decide on
Yes No the course content that serves the
students needs.
 Learners are to be assinged to different
language profeciency levels.
 Fixing general English before
specialized English.
Q4: What aspects of curriculum design might be affected by Placement tests results?

Curriculum Design
syllabus type
Teaching approaches
Learning Objectives
Course content
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Curriculum Design
Q5. It is necessary to design Q6. What could be the effects of designing ESP
remedial curricula for ESP curricula?
 It would guarantee a balance between
Remedial Curricula
specificity and general language profeciency
Strongly agree Agree Neutral
Disagree to effectively meet the needs of ESP
 Enhance language skills and better prepare
students for specialized academic and
professional communication,
80%  Eliminating any learning obstacles by
addressing the learners’ weaknesses
 Placement tests need to be implemented as a tool to analyze and examine the
students’ language needs and deficits.
 Placement tests help curriculum designers to develop a remedial curriculum to
meet and mend particular language and learning problems, and knowledge gaps.
 For a successful learning process , a curriculum is to be designed based on the
results obtained from the placement tests to insure the quality of instruction, and
understanding of the course material.
 EFL teachers and course material instructors should collaborate to bridge the
gap between general English and English for specific purposes.
 Students with different proficiency levels should be assigned to different ESP
 Course material teachers need to receive professional language training in their
field for a successful teaching process,

‫اتمنى ان تنتبهوا الى نقطة مهمة ‪ ،‬و هي ان التغيير الغير ممنهج و العشوائي للغة الفرنسية و استبدالها باللغة االنجليزية سيأثر بشكل‬

‫مباشر على مستوى و مردودية االساتذة باالضافة للغة اإلنجليزية نفسها لي راح تلقى نفسها مجرد لغة ركيكة " اليصال‬

‫البوليكوب" وليس لغة بحث علمي و معارف ابداعية ‪ ،‬لهذا نتنمى تجاوز شعبوية النظام في توظيف صراع لغوي و استعماله اللغة‬

‫اإلنجليزية كأداة ضغط ايدولوجية لمساومة الدولة على الضفة االخرى من المتوسط ‪ ،‬استعمال اللغة اإلنجليزية في التعليم العالي‬

‫يجب ان يتم بسالسة و عبر میکانیزمات و مراحل قد تستغرق وقتا طويال و دون اثارة مشاكل مع احد النها الطريقة االفضل و‬

‫‪.‬االكثر عملية ‪ ،‬في االخير هي لغة أغلب المجتمعات العلمية وال تحتاج لمعارك من اجل تثبيث نفسها‬


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