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International Classification of

Functioning, Disability, and

Solomon Fasika MPT
Physiotherapy department
University of Gondar

April 24, 2024 1

Presentation Overview
What is disability?

Introduction to the ICF

How can the ICF inform disability measurement?

April 24, 2024 2

is an umbrella term for body function, body structures,
activities and participation.

It denotes the positive or neutral aspects of the interaction

between a person’s health condition(s) and that individual’s
contextual factors (environmental and personal factors).

is an umbrella term for impairments, activity limitations and
participation restrictions.

It denotes the negative aspects of the interaction between a

person’s health condition(s) and that individual’s contextual
factors (environmental and personal factors).
April 24, 2024 3
What is disability?
It is a complex, dynamic, multidimensional and
contested issue

It should be viewed neither as purely medical nor as

purely social issues

It is a ‘bio-psycho-social’ issue

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What is the ICF?
A framework for describing the feature of human

A classification system – not a measurement tool

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Where did the ICF come from?
Developed by the World Health Organization (WHO)
in May 2001

Large international and multidisciplinary


Extensive field testing

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The Aims of the ICF
To provide a scientific basis for the consequences
of health conditions

To establish a common language to improve


To permit comparisons of data across:

 Countries, Health care disciplines, Services and Time

To provide a systematic coding scheme for

health information systems

April 24, 2024 7

ICF Applications
Health sector
Social security
Education sector
Labour sector
Economics & development sector
Legislation & law
Other ….

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Human Functioning
 ICF does not measure disability
It describes people’s functional abilities in
various domains

Health conditions that affect

functional status are not part of
classification system
April 24, 2024 9
ICF components
Body Function and Structures



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ICF components
ICF defines functioning and disability as multi-
dimensional concepts, relating to:

The body functions and structures of people

The activities people do and the life areas in which they

participate; and

The factors in their environment that affect these


April 24, 2024 11

Definitions of components
Body functions are the physiological functions of body
systems (including psychological functions)

Body structures are anatomical parts of the body, such as

organs, limbs and their components

Impairments are problems in body function and structure,

such as significant deviation or loss.

Activity is the execution of a task or action by any


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Definitions of components
Participation is involvement in a life situation.

Activity limitations are difficulties an individual may have

in performing activities.

Participation restrictions are problems an individual may

experience in involvement in life situations.

Environmental factors make up the physical, social and

attitudinal environment in which people live and conduct
their lives
April 24, 2024 13
Body Functions and Structures Broken into
Eight Chapters
Mental functions Structures of the nervous system

Sensory functions and pain The eye, ear and related structures

Voice and speech functions Structures involved in voice and speech

Functions of the cardiovascular, Structures of the cardiovascular,

haematological, immunological and immunological and respiratory systems
respiratory systems
Functions of the digestive, metabolic and Structures related to the digestive,
endocrine systems metabolic and endocrine systems
Genitourinary and reproductive functions Structures related to the genitourinary and
reproductive systems

Neuromusculoskeletal and movement- Structures related to movement

related functions
Functions of the skin and related structures Skin and related structures

April 24, 2024 14

Activities and Participation
Describes individual’s functioning as a whole
 as opposed to function and structure of his/her body

Range from Basic to Complex

basic would be, for example, dressing, eating,
and bathing
complex include work, schooling, civic activities

April 24, 2024 15

Classification of Activities and
1 Learning & Applying Knowledge
2 General Tasks and Demands
3 Communication
4 Movement
5 Self Care
6 Domestic Life Areas
7 Interpersonal Interactions
8 Major Life Areas
9 Community, Social & Civic Life

April 24, 2024 16

Environmental Factors
 Products and technology

 Natural environment and human-made

changes to the environment

 Support and relationships

 Attitudes

 Services, systems and policies

Interaction of Concepts ICF 2001
Health Condition

Body function
Activities Participation
and structure
(Limitation) (Restriction)

Environmental Personal
Factors Factors

April 24, 2024 18

Example: Polio
May have caused paralysis of legs (Body

 Affects ability to walk or climb stairs


Hinders ability to attend school or find

employment within the current
environment (Participation)
April 24, 2024 19
Example, continued
Mobility related activities, such as getting around
the house or community can be improved with
accessible environment and assistive devices

Participation can be increased with reduced

stigma, accessible environments and flexible job

Disability is NOT independent of the

environment, and therefore is not static

April 24, 2024 20

A family in a rural developing country
is ashamed of having a child with
cerebral palsy who is unable to walk,
speak, and is incontinent. The child
has not been out of the house since he
was 3 years old and the family keeps
him hidden from the community. Local
rehabilitation workers are unaware of
the child’s existence
April 24, 2024 21
Group discussion in five groups
1. Discuss the commonly observed factors which affect the
individuals participation, in Ethiopia

2. Discuss the medical aspect of viewing of disability

3. Discuss the social aspect of viewing disability

4. Discuss the possible reason to maximize individual


5. Discuss whether disability is viewed as either disability is

a yes or no issue or disability is a less or more issue
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Example 1

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Example 2

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