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Chapter 12 – Help and

support for enterprise
Help and support for enterprise Tuesday 29th January

L.O. To be able to explain the different formal sources of help and support for

Explain why an enterprise may need help and support, especially when starting up
Discuss how a government body could provide effective help and support to an enterprise
……………………………………………………………………………………………… Please ensure
…………………………………………… you have your
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……………………………………………………………………………………………… lessons along
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Help and support for enterprise Thursday 1st February

L.O. To be able to explain the different formal sources of help and support for

Define negotiation

Explain how friends and peers and family can provide assistance to an enterprise
……………… Please ensure
you have your
Discuss how different sources of help and support may be more suitable to one devices for all
enterprise than another lessons along
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… with the rest of
……………… your equipment.
(failure to bring
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… device results in
……………… C1)
Learning criteria

 To be justify the best source of help

and support for an enterprise

 To be able to explain informal

sources of help and support

 To be able to explain the formal

sources of help and support
Key terms
Business license: A permit
that allows a business to
operate in a certain area and Import duties: A tax to be
sell a specific product or paid by a business to the
service it is issued by the government for importing
government goods from another country

Trade barriers: Steps taken Tariff: A tax/charge to be paid

by the government to control by a business to the
international trade. An government for importing for
example would be changing a importing (buying goods from
tax on imports other countries) and exporting
(selling goods to other
Micro loans: Small amounts of
money that can be borrowed
more easily that by traditional
bank loans
There are various sources of help and support for small and upcoming
organisations. The entrepreneur will be provided with different sources
of help and support in different contexts. They will be able to find out
what is available to them within their country and choose the most
suitable support

What sources of support can you think

Different countries provide enterprises
with different forms of help and support
Government grants and loans
A grant is a sum of money provided by the government to a business that
does not have to be repaid. A grant can be given to an enterprise for
many reasons such as starting up or encourage research and
A sum of money given by the government to businesses operating in
certain industries to keep the prices of those goods/service low.
Setting up dedicated agencies
Some governments set up agencies to support small enterprises. These
agencies promote micro and small enterprises in the region.
Different countries provide enterprises
with different forms of help and support
Assistance to develop skills and capability of staff is provided through
apprenticeships. This provides work-based learning for young people
allowing companies to recruit labour easily at a lower cost
Tax incentives
Reduced tax rates or complete tax exemptions for a period of time are
given to some enterprises working in certain industries or locations. For
example, no tax for start-ups until X date.
Relaxed policies
Policies such as rapid and easy business licensing, encourage potential
entrepreneurs to take initiative to start their enterprise.
Group tasks – promote the institute

I would like you to look into the following help and support available to
enterprises and create a small presentation including images, examples and as
much information as possible to convince an enterprise to use your help and
support: Tip: Try to sell your
help and support to
the enterprise

Consultants Financial Charity and not Teachers Business

institutions for profit networks
Key terms

Seed capital: The money

needed to start a business.
This money often comes from
the owner’s personal assets
and their friends and family Business network : A group of
likeminded people/entrepreneurs
who meet on a regular basis to
share ideas and explore future
business partnership

Mentor: A tax/charge to be
paid by a business to the
government for importing for
importing (buying goods from
other countries) and exporting
(selling goods to other

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