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Learning Competency :
Write an objective/balanced review or critique of art, event or a
program (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP Id-f-18)
Specific Objectives :
1. Define reaction papers, reviews, and critiques;
2. Follow the guidelines in writing an effective reaction paper, review,
and critique
3. Form opinions based on facts;;
4. Cite specific sources to support your claims;
5. Present ideas convincingly;
6. Write an objective or balanced review or critique of a work of art, an
event, or a program.
English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Task 1. True or False?
Direction: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.
_______1. A review or reaction paper involves higher order thinking
_______2. A review must always be organized using a structure.
_______3. Feminist criticism relates to conflicts between classes.

_______4. Marxist criticism involves the analysis of the intrinsic

features of a text.
_______5. A review or critique is entirely a form of summary from the

material read or viewed.

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Task 1. True or False?
Direction: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.
_______6. The reviewer’s overall impression of the material being
reviewed should be placed in the introduction.
_______7. When writing a review, reaction paper, or critique, only one
perspective should be used.
_______8. In order to review or critique one has to get the main topic
or the concept presented.
_______9. Personal opinion is not allowed in writing a review or
_______10. Citing sources in making reviews and critiques is needed.
English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Task 1. True or False?

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Task 2: Take a Look at Me!
Directions: Take a closer look at
the picture and answer the
following questions below.
1.What is the picture all about?
(Describe the picture)
2.Do you like it? Why or why not?
3.Which part of the picture do you
like best? Why? Which part did you
not like?
4.What common theme do you find
in all the scenarios?

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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A reaction paper, a review and a critique are

specialized forms of writing in which a reviewer or
reader evaluates any scholarly work (e.g., academic
and and comprehend
articles), a work oftheart concept presented
(e.g., performance
about a reaction
art, play, dance, paper,
sports,review, and critique.
film, exhibits), You (e.g.,
designs may
industrialthe important
designs, conceptsfashion
furniture, you finddesign),
in the text.
After reading
graphic the text, do
designs the next
(e.g., task related
posters, to this.
commercials, and digital media).

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Reaction papers, reviews, and critiques usually

range in length from 250 to 750 words. They are
not simply summaries but are critical assessments,
analyses, or evaluation of different works. As an
advanced form of writing, they involve your skills in
critical thinking and recognizing arguments.
However, you should not connect the word critique
to cynicism and pessimism.

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Reviewers do not simply rely on mere opinions;

rather, they use booth proofs and logical reasoning
to substantiate their comments. They process ideas
and theories, revisit and extend ideas in a specific
field of study, and present an analytical response to
a book or article.

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Critical Approaches in Writing a Critique

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Critical Approaches in Writing a Critique

1. Formalism

- a formalist approach is one that studies a text as a text

and nothing more. For example, a formalist reading of a poem
would focus on its rhythms, rhymes, cadences, and structure.
It would not seek to locate the poem in a wider political or
cultural context except insofar as it helped to improve the
reader's understanding of the text itself.

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Critical Approaches in Writing a Critique
1. Formalism
Following are the common aspects looked into in formalism:
• Author’s techniques in resolving contradictions within the work
• Central passage that sums up the entirety of the work
• Contribution of parts and the work as a whole to its aesthetic
• Contribution of rhymes and rhythms to the meaning or effect of
the work
• Relationship of the form and the content

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Critical Approaches in Writing a Critique
1. Formalism
Following are the common aspects looked into in formalism:
• Use imagery to develop the symbols used in the work
• Interconnections of various parts of the work

• Paradox, ambiguity, and irony in the work

• Unity in the work

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Critical Approaches in Writing a Critique
1. Formalism : Example of a formalist review
A Review of the story “The World is an Apple” by Alberto Florentino
We can see different ideologies and class systems that affect human
behavior. Classicism is distinctly seen in the text, when Gloria emphasized to
Mario that he should have not tried to bring home an apple because they are not
rich. Gloria has this belief that since they are poor they should not be aspiring
for better things. She believed that they could only have things that are allotted
for the poor (e.g. Lugaw). Injustice is also evident in the text, just by stealing a
single apple, Mario was fired out of his work. This points me to Economic Power.
The company where Mario worked was just waiting for him to make mistakes. In
this way they can throw men out without any reason and replace them with men
whom they know or whom they want. This shows how status and power works
in our society. Mario can’t even complain because whatever he does these people
who have the authority will always win .
English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Critical Approaches in Writing a Critique

2. Feminist criticism or feminism

- focuses on how literature presents women as subjects of

socio-political, psychological, and economic oppression. It also
reveals how aspects of our culture are patriarchal, i.e., how our
culture views men as superior and women as inferior.

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Critical Approaches in Writing a Critique
2. Feminist criticism or feminism
The common aspects looked into when using feminism are as
• How culture determines gender
• How gender equality (or lack of it) is presented in the text
• How gender issues are presented in literary works and
other aspects of human production and daily life
• How women are socially, politically, psychologically, and
economically oppressed by patriarchy
• How patriarchal ideology is an overpowering presence
English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Critical Approaches in Writing a Critique
2. Feminist criticism or feminism :
Example of a Feminist review/critique
A Review from the story “DEAD STARS” By Paz Marquez Benitez
A man set to marry his longtime girlfriend and fell in love with another
woman before the wedding. The conflict was given right from the start. It was
clear that Alfredo was having second thoughts about the union due to his
bloomed feelings to a woman he just met named Julia. Deciding which will he
pursue shows what a man he truly is. When he chose to think about what
people might say to him instead of what he really wants, you know he’s weak
and a coward. But then again, if a four-year relationship with Esperanza was
more reasonable for him than few weeks of affection with Julia, then he’s the
exact opposite. Esperanza embodies patience and understanding and held as
a significant character to the protagonist.
English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Critical Approaches in Writing a Critique

3. Reader response criticism

- is concerned with the reviewer’s reaction as an

audience of a work. This approach claims that the reader’s
role cannot be separated from the understanding of the work;
a text does not have the meaning until the reader reads it and
interprets it. Readers are therefore not passive and distant,
but are active consumers of the material presented to them.

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Critical Approaches in Writing a Critique
3. Reader response criticism
The common aspects looked into when using reader response
criticism are as follows:
• Why you like or dislike the text
• explain whether you agree or disagree with the author;

• identify the text’s purpose; and

• critique the text.

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Critical Approaches in Writing a Critique
3. Reader response criticism :
Example of a Reader Response criticism
Reader’s Response to the story "The Things They Carried"
"The Things They Carried," by Tim O'Brien at first seemed to be just
another war story. As I started reading I thought I was not going to have any
interest at all in the story; however after I got into the story I found myself
more interested than I thought I was going to be. This story is an excellent
depiction of war itself. It is very realistic and easy to relate to even without
any personal experience with war. The title itself paves the way for the entire
story, it could not be any better for the story then it is. The entire story is
about "the things they carried," and the author does choose to go into great
detail about the things that they did carry.
English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Critical Approaches in Writing a Critique

4. Marxist criticism

- is concerned with differences between economic

classes and implications of a capitalist system, such as
the continuing conflicts between the working class and
the elite. Hence, it attempts to reveal that the ultimate
source of people’s experience is the socioeconomic system.

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Critical Approaches in Writing a Critique
4. Marxist criticism
The common aspects to look into when using marxist criticism
are as follows:
• Social class as represented in the work
• Social class of the writer/creator

• Social class of the characters

• Conflicts and interactions between economic classes

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Critical Approaches in Writing a Critique
4. Marxist criticism :
Example of Marxist criticism
The story revolved around a girl named Cinderella who lived with her
father, stepmother and stepsisters. The story behind this film was a portrait
of socio-cultural reference at that time, the aristocrat system that led the
country or kingdom, and how the society see what is the meaning of life.
These points were interesting to analyse, because this film depicted the social
ideology and views at that time. It is most likely that this film had a strong
implication of Marx ideology towards the society, how the class struggle
between people to change their current state, how people are being classed,
and how the false consciousness works.
English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Critical Approaches in Writing a Critique

1. Formalism
2. Feminist criticism or feminism
3. Reader response criticism
4. Marxist criticism
Other approaches in writing a critique include :
postmodern criticism biographical criticism
post colonial criticism historical criticism
psychological criticism mythological criticism
gender criticism deconstructionist criticism
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Structure of a Reaction Paper,

Review, or Critique

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Structure For Critiques of Academic Researches and Articles
Introduction (around 5% of the paper)

• Title of the book/ article or work

• Writer’s name

• Thesis statement

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Structure For Critiques of Academic Researches and Articles
Summary (around 10% of the paper)

• Objective or purpose

• Methods used (If applicable)

• Major findings, claims, ideas, or messages

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Structure For Critiques of Academic Researches and Articles
Review/Critique (in no particular order and around 75% of
the paper)
• Appropriateness of methodology to support the arguments
(for books and articles) or appropriateness of mode of
presentation (other works)
• Theoretical soundness, coherence of ideas
• Sufficiency and soundness of explanation in relation to other
available information and experts
• Other perspectives in explaining the concept and ideas

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Structure For Critiques of Academic Researches and Articles
Review/Critique (in no particular order and around 75% of the paper)
• It is best to ask the following questions during this part:
 Does the writer explicitly state his/her thesis statement?
 What are the assumptions (i.e a scientific/logical/literary explanation without
evidence) mentioned in the work? Are they explicitly discussed?
 What are the contributions of the work to the field where it belongs?
 What problems and issues are discussed or presented in the work?
 What kinds of information (e.g., observation, survey, statistics, historical
accounts) are presented in the work? How are they used to support the
arguments or thesis?
 Are there other ways of supporting the arguments or thesis aside from the
information used in the work? Is the author or creator silent about these
alternative ways of explanation?
English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Structure For Critiques of Academic Researches and Articles

Conclusion (around 10% of the paper)

• Overall impression of the work

• Scholarly or literary value of the reviewed article, book, or work

• Benefits for the intended audience or field

• Suggestion for future direction of research

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Structure For Critiques of Academic Researches and Articles

• Introduction (around 5% of the paper)

• Summary (around 10% of the paper)

• Review/Critique (in no particular order and around 75%

of the paper)
• Conclusion (around 10% of the paper)

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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For other types of reviews there is no prescribed structure,
but the following sections are almost always present.
• Basic details about the material, such as its title, director or
artist, name of exhibition/event, and the like
• Main assessment of the material (for films and the
Plot Summary/Description
• Gist of the plot
• Simple description of the artwork

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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For other types of reviews there is no prescribed structure, but the
following sections are almost always present.
Analysis/ Interpretation
• Discussion and analysis of the work (you may employ the critical approach
here, (i.e., formalism, feminism, reader’s response criticism, and marxist
• It is best to ask the following questions during this part.
What aspects of the work make you think it is a success or failure?
Where there unanswered questions or plot lines? If yes, how did they affect the
Does the work remind you of other things you have experienced through
analogies, metaphors, or other figurative devices? How does this contribute to the
How does the work relate to other ideas or events in the world and/ or in your
other studies?
What stood out while you were watching the film or performance?
English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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For other types of reviews there is no prescribed structure, but the
following sections are almost always present.

Conclusion/ Evaluation

• Reinforcement of main assessment

• Comparison to a similar work

• Recommendation of the material (if you liked it)

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For other types of reviews there is no prescribed structure,

but the following sections are almost always present.

• Introduction

• Plot Summary/Description

• Analysis/ Interpretation

• Conclusion/ Evaluation

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Guidelines in Writing a Reaction Paper,

Review, or Critique

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Guidelines in Writing a Reaction Paper, Review, or Critique.

1. For articles or journals

a. Read, view, or listen to the work to be reviewed carefully to get the

main topic or the concepts presented. Then revisit the work to further
identify its arguments or message.

b. Relate the content of the work to what you already know about the
topic. This will make you more engaged in the article or book.

c. Focus on discussing how the book treats the topic and not the topic
itself. Use phrases such as this book/work presents and the author
English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Guidelines in Writing a Reaction Paper, Review, or Critique.

1. For articles or journals

d. Situate your review. This means that your analysis should be

anchored on the theories presented by the writer or creator.

e. Report the type of analysis or mode of presentation the

writer/creator used and how this type of analysis supports the
arguments and claims.

f. Examine whether the findings are adequately supported and how

the connections between ideas affect the conclusions and findings.
English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Guidelines in Writing a Reaction Paper, Review, or Critique.

2. For artworks and other media

a. When critiquing artworks or posters, make sure to use speculative
verbs such as evoke, create, appear, and suggest to show that your
interpretation of the artist’s work is just that an interpretation.

b. Presume that the reader has not yet seen the material you are reviewing,
so make sure to describe it to them. For reviews of films or plays, make
sure not to spoil key events unless they figure in your review, in which
case always add a disclaimer.

c. For artworks, describe the material in simple terms to help your

audience visualize it; refrain from being vague or abstract.
English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Guidelines in Writing a Reaction Paper, Review, or Critique.

3. On a general note, your reaction paper’s conclusion may

focus on the following ideas.
a. Did the work hold your interest?

b. Did the work annoy or excite you?

c. Did the work prompt you to raise questions to the author?

d. Did the work lead you to some realizations?

e. Did the work remind you of other materials that you have read,
viewed or listened to in the past?
English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Task 3. I hope you comprehend

3.1 Directions: Answer the following questions to check your level

of understanding. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What is the difference between a reaction paper and other writings

like a diary entry?

2. What do you think makes a good reaction paper?

3. Why does the academe value the reaction paper?

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Task 3. I hope you comprehend
3.2 Directions: Print out or cut out movie reviews or reviews of any
form of art, dance or sports from a newspaper. Paste it in a long bond
paper. Then bear in mind the following questions.
1. What is the purpose of the given text?
2. Who is the target reader?
3. Has the writer achieved his/her purpose? If yes, how?

Sample article critique :
English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
Let Us Remember

A reaction paper is formal, descriptive in nature and

often uses the rhetorical devices of description and
narration in order to prove a point. When one reads a
reaction paper, one expects to be informed and amused.
Reaction papers help us in our everyday decisions: from
what movie we should watch, to the clothing that we
should wear, and the cause that we should believe in.

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Modern iterations of the reaction paper are the movie

review, gadget review, trip advisor post, and other travel
reviews, restaurant reviews and essays that discuss a social
phenomenon or common experience. Many editorials can
be considered reaction papers, if not, position papers.
Many of them written in the newspapers, magazines, and

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Task 4. Remember me!
Direction: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
_______1. Specialized forms of writing that involve your skills in
critical thinking and recognizing arguments.
_______2. A popular approach in writing a reaction paper that focuses
on how literature presents women as subjects of socio-political,
psychological, and economic oppression.
_______3. In this approach to writing a reaction paper, review or
critique, the reviewer tries to dig how gender equality is presented in
the text.
_______4. It is a an approach that is concerned with the reviewer’s
reaction as an audience of a work.
English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Task 4. Remember me!
Direction: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
_______5. It is concerned with conflicts and interactions between
economic classes.
_______6. A summary part of a critique of a academic researches and
articles is about _______ %.
_______7. The review/critique of academic researches and articles is
around _________%.
_______8. The basic details about the material or the main
assessment of the materials is written in the _________ part of the
reaction paper.
English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Task 4. Remember me!
Direction: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

_______9. Recommendation is written at the _______ part of the

reaction paper.

_______10. You can use speculative verbs such as evoke, create,

appear, and suggest in critiquing ____________.

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
Let Us Assess

Task 5. Required Reaction Paper

Directions: Choose one media material (e.g., performance art,

play, dance, sport, film, exhibits, industrial design, furniture,
fashion design, posters, billboards, commercials, and digital
media) to review. The topic of your chosen material should be
related to your area of interest.

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Task 5. Required Reaction Paper
Make sure that you do the following when writing the reaction
1. Get readers interested in the media material.
2. Summarize the media material in your own words.
3. Try to look at the material from different angles to have a
balanced/objective review.
4. Use the guidelines in writing the review or critique.
5. Come up with original insights about the material.
6. Write it in a long bond paper. (Hand written will do)
English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Task 5. Required Reaction Paper
The rubric for evaluating your reaction paper are as follows:
Content (50%): This includes the relevance of the event and your
reaction; the informative and entertainment value of your paper; the
societal importance of your paper.
Organization (20%): This includes the appropriate use of transitional
markers; the correct use of paragraphs; the logical flow of the ideas.
Language (20%): This includes the use of vocabulary words to
heighten the reader’s experience; the use of wit, metaphor, simili, and
Mechanics (10%): This includes the correct use of grammar,
spelling, punctuation, and sentence sense.
English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
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Task 6. Read and Write

Directions: Choose one Filipino short story or poem written in

English. You may check the following website for some short
stories and poems:,htm

Read the text at least twice and write a critique (250-500

words) using a critical approach. Write your reaction paper,
review, or critique in another piece of a long bond paper.

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
Let Us Reflect

Task 7. Critical Incident

Directions: Describe an incident or situation that you

think criticizing society or institutions such as the
government or the church is acceptable. Explain.

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique
That’s it for Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses
of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique!


Keep it up!

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 Module 7 Principles and Uses of a Reaction Paper/Review/Critique

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