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English for Academic and

Professional Purposes
Ways to Elucidate a Concept
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1-Module 7: Ways to Elucidate a
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of

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Writer: Ma. Ragie P. Tabotabo
Editor: Desiree T. Roberts
Reviewers: Marivic Yballe
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English for Academic
and Professional
Ways to Elucidate a Concept

Key Message

For the Facilitator:

Learning is a constant process. Amidst inevitable circumstances, Department of

Education extends their resources and looks for varied ways to cater your needs and to
adapt to the new system of Education as a fortress of Learning Continuity Plan. One of
the probable solutions is the use of Teacher-made Educational Modules in teaching.

You are reading the English for Academic and Professional Purposes—Senior
High School First Quarter Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on “Determines
the ways a writer can elucidate on a concept by definition, explication and
clarification (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Igj-20)”as written and found in the K-12 Most
Essential Learning Competencies.

The creation of this module is a combined effort of competent educators from

different levels and various schools of Department of Education-Cebu Province. In
addition, this module is meticulously planned, organized, checked and verified by
knowledgeable educators to assist you in imparting the lessons to the learners while
considering the physical, social and economical restraints in teaching process.

The use of Teacher-made Educational Module aims to surpass the challenges of

teaching in a new normal education set-up. Through this module, the students are given
independent learning activities, which embodies in the Most Essential Learning
Competencies based from the K-12 Curriculum Competencies, to work on in accordance
to their capability, efficiency and time. Thus, helping the learners acquire the prerequisite
21st Century skills needed with emphasis on utmost effort in considering the whole well
being of the learners.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
the module:

Notes to the Teacher!

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to persuade learners to comply and to finish the modules on or before the scheduled

For the Learner:

As a significant stakeholder of learning, Department of Education

researched and explored on innovative ways to address your needs with high
consideration on social, economic, physical and emotional aspects of your well
being. To continue the learning process, DepEd comes up with an Alternative
Delivery mode of teaching using Teacher-Made Educational Modules.

You are reading the English for Academic and Professional Purposes—
Senior High School First Quarter Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on
“Determines the ways a writer can elucidate on a concept by definition,
explication and clarification (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Igj-20)”as written and
found in the K-12 Most Essential Learning Competencies.

This module is especially crafted for you to grasp the opportunity to

continue learning even at home. Using guided and independent learning
activities, rest assured that you will be able to take pleasure as well as to deeply
understand the contents of the lesson presented; recognizing your own capacity
and capability in acquiring knowledge.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

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References Printed in this part is a list of all reliable and valid

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In using this module, keep note of the fundamental reminders below.

1. The module is government owned. Handle it with care.

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2. This module is organized according to the level of

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you to confusion and misinterpretation.

3. The instructions are carefully laden for you to understand

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4. This is a Home-Based class, your reliability and honor in

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5. This module helps you attain and learn lessons at home.
Make sure to clearly comprehend the first activity before
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6. This module should be returned in good condition to your

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We do hope that in using this material, you will gain ample knowledge and
skills for you to be fully equipped and ready to answer the demands of the
globally competitive world. We are confident in you! Keep soaring high!


Good day, dear learner!

This module is solely prepared for you to access and to acquire lessons
befitted in your grade level. The exercises, drills and assessments are carefully
made to suit your level of understanding. Indeed, this learning resource is for
you to fully comprehend the Ways to Elucidate a Concept. Independently, you
are going to go through this module following its proper sequence. Although you
are going to do it alone, this is a guided lesson and instructions/directions on
how to do every activity is plotted for your convenience.

Using this learning resource, you are ought to determine the ways a
writer can elucidate on a concept by definition, explication and
clarification (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Igj-20) as inculcated in the K-12
Most Essential Learning Competencies.

At the end of this module, you are expected to achieve the


A. Identify the ways to elucidate a concept;

B. List down words related to the following words: concept, definition,
explication, and clarification;
C. Determine the technique/s used in developing the concept of a
particular essay;
D. Use any of the techniques to elucidate a concept; and
E. Write a mini-concept paper about your chosen topic.
Directions: Complete the table below by filling in
WHAT I KNOW the missing information.

Concept Sentence Manner of

Elucidating the
Concept (Definition/

1. Automatic The automatic center punch is a device used Definition

Center to make a pinpoint indentation in a hard
Punch material such as metal or plastic without the
use of a hammer.

2. Justice is a broad concept which encompasses a
wide set of ideas, most of which also branch out
into smaller notions. For instance, it can refer to
the sentencing of a criminal based on due
process. When an individual gets what he
deserves, even outside the hands of the law, it is
also considered justice in some context. This may
come in the form of vigilante justice, in which a
person dissatisfied with the system doles out
punishing to wrong-doers.

3. The speaker in the poem, The Road Not Taken

uses the word “sigh” to signify possible future
regret for the decision that he made when faced
with two paths. While the poem focuses on two
physical paths-roads diverging in a “yellow wood”,
the speaker is alluding to metaphorical paths– two
possible choices that will alter the course of his life.

4. From the moment in 1879 that cave paintings were

discovered at Altamira, scholars have
wondered why the hunter-artists of the Old Stone
Age decided to cover the walls of dark caverns
with animal images. Various answers have been
given, including that they were mere decoration,
but this theory cannot explain the narrow range of
subjects of the inaccessibility of many of the
paintings. In fact, the remoteness and difficulty of
access of many of the cave paintings and the fact
they appear to have been used for centuries are
precisely what have led many scholars to suggest
that the prehistoric hunters attributed magical prop-
erties to the images they painted.

5. Boondocks (1944), a remote rural area, back coun-

try, an isolated or wild region filled with dense
brush, comes from Tagalog bundok, “mountain.”
An “s” was added, since English has the tendency
to affix that letter to locations, as in the sticks (a
synonym for the boondocks), the damps, and the
woods. While the word means “mountain” to the
people of the Philippines, American soldiers
extended the meaning to any kind of rough
country or out-of-the-way locale.

Directions: Write a 3-paragraph essay on,
“Characteristics of a Balanced Review/Critique/
Reaction paper”.

Directions: Accomplish the concept map by
writing the words you associate with the word
written at the center.





Ways to Elucidate a Concept
The concept paper defines an idea or a concept and explains its essence in
order to clarify the “whatness” of that idea or concept. It answers the
questions: what is it and about it (Dadufalza 1996:183). A concept paper starts
with a definition, either formal of informal, of the term or the concept and
proceeds with an expanded definition and an analytic description of the as-
pects of the concept.


1. To clarify meaning of words, or to correct misinterpretations, or misuse of

a term.
2.To stipulate the meaning of a term by limiting, extending, or redirecting the
sense in which a term is usually understood; to use a term, borrowed
another field of knowledge, in a special way.

Three ways of elucidating a concept:

1.Definition - is a logical technique by which the meaning of a term is

revealed. Definition is important because it clarifies the meaning of a word or a
concept and it also limit the scope of that particular word or concept. Limiting
the scope controls and avoids misinterpretations, ague notions, and/or broad


3. Formal – follows a pattern or equation:

term + genus + differentia (differentiating characteristics)
Ex. A robot is a machine that looks like a human being and performs complex
acts of a human being (Webster)
2.By synonym- using a word or phrase that shares a meaning with the term
being defined. Ex: Hashish – marijuana.
3. By origin or semantic history – Ex. Yoga comes from the Sanskrit “to join”
4.By Illustration – Ex: Known for their shedding their leaves in the fall, decidu-
ous trees include oaks, maples, and beeches.
5. By function – Ex: A thermometer measures temperature change.
6.By analysis (Breaking down wholes into parts, aspects into levels, and a
process into steps) Ex: The republican form of government has three
branches: the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary.

9. By contrast- use of opposites
Ex: Unlike those of gas, the particles of plasma are electrically charged.
10. By negation – stating what a term is not.
Ex: Wild rice, an American delicacy, is not rice at all but the seed of a tall aquatic

2.Explication– is an attempt to reveal the meaning by calling attention to

implications, such as the connotations of words and the tone conveyed by the
brevity or length of a sentence. An explication is a commentary that makes
explicit what implicit.

– is a method of explanation in which sentences, verses, quotes,

or phrases are taken from a literary or academic work then interpreted and
explained in a detailed way. You may begin by analyzing how the text was
constructed and end with a concise conclusion by restating your major
arguments. Explication not only illuminates a piece of literature, but also serves
to remind the readers about its historical setting and formal properties
of style and language.

3.Clarification- it is a method of explanation in

which the points are organized from a general abstract idea to specific
and concrete examples. The analysis of the concept is done by
looking at the examples and specifying its characteristics.

Signal Words for Clarification

After all for instance namely that is

As an example in other words put another way to be specific
Consider the following example in particular specifically
To clarify for in short stated differently

Directions: Read and analyze the text below.
Then, answer the comprehension questions that

(1)“Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens

participate equally—either directly or through elected representatives—in the
proposal, development, and creation of laws.

(2)It encompasses social, economic, and cultural conditions that enable the
free and equal practice of political self-determination.

(3)The term originates from the Greek δημοκρατία (dēmokratía) “rule of the
people,” which was coined from δήμοϚ (dêmos) “people” and κράτϚ (kratos)
“power) or “rule” in the 5th century BCE to denote the political systems then
existing in Greek city-states, notably Athens.

(4)The term is an antonym to άριοτοκρατíα (aristokratia) “rule of an elite.”

(5)While theoretically these definitions are in opposition, in practice, the

distinction has been blurred historically.

(6)The political system of Classical Athens, for example, granted

democratic citizenship to an elite class of free men and excluded slaves and
women from political participation.

(7)In virtually all democratic governments throughout ancient and modern

history, democratic citizenship consisted of an elite class until full
enfranchisement was won for all adult citizens in most modern democracies
through the suffrage movements of the 19th and 20th centuries.

(8) The English word dates to the 16th century, from the older Middle
French and Middle Latin equivalents.

(9)Democracy contrasts with forms of government where power is either

held by one person, as in a monarchy, or where power is held by a small
number of individuals, as in an oligarchy.

(10)Nevertheless, these oppositions, inherited from Greek philosophy, are

now ambiguous because contemporary governments have mixed democratic,
oligarchic, and monarchic elements.

(11)Karl Popper defined democracy in contrast to dictatorship or tyranny,

thus focusing on opportunities for the people to control their leaders and to oust
them without the need for a revolution.” (Project Gutenberg Self Publishing

Comprehension questions:
1. What is the concept being presented?
2. What technique/s is used to develop the concept?
3.Is/Are the technique/s used effective in explaining the concept? Why do you
say so?
4. Does the development of the concept emphasized only relevant information?
5. Is the concept discussed clearly that it can be easily related to experience?

What is the purpose of a concept


Directions: Read carefully the poem below. Then,

write a 3-paragraph essay elucidating the concept of
‘dash’ as used in the poem. Use the techniques that
were introduced to you.

The Dash
copyright 1996 Linda Ellis

I read a man who stood

to speak at the funeral of a
He referred to the dates on her
tombstone from the beginning… to the
He noted that first came the death
8 the following date
of her birth and spoke of
with tears,
but he said what mattered most of all
was the dash between those years.
For that dash represents all the time
that she spent alive on earth…
and now only those who loved her
know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not, how much we
own; the cars… the house… the
What matters is how we live and love
and how we spend our dash.
So think about this long and hard…
are there things you’d like to change?
For you never know how much time
is left that can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough
to consider what’s true and real,
and always try to understand
the way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger,
and show appreciation more
and love the people in our lives
like we've never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect,
and more often wear a smile…
remembering that this special dash
might only last a little while.
So, when your eulogy is being read
with your life’s actions to rehash…
would you be proud of the things they
say about how you spend your dash?

I. Directions: Choose one concept that is
related to your track and write a mini-concept
paper with 500-800 words. Use the
techniques in elucidating a concept. Be
guided with the criteria that is presented below.

a. Sinigang as Philippines’ National Dish

b. “Ukay-ukay” Bargains
c. Ancient Cave Arts
d. Asian Martial Arts
e. “Beauty” in the 21st Century

Content: (50)
Is the thesis of the essay clear?
Is the topic sufficiently researcher?
Are the details relevant to the thesis?
Does the writer exhibit a thorough knowledge of his/her topic as shown
in the presentation of ideas?
Organization: (30)
Is there a coherent and logical sequencing of
ideas? Are the major points clear?
Is the conclusion appropriate and satisfying?
Language and Style: (20)
Are the sentences well-constructed?
Are words appropriately used?
Is grammar—agreement, tense, articles,
pronouns, preposition—correct?

Look for a sample concept paper related to

your track. Prepare a hard copy of your
sample concept paper. This will be used for
the next lesson.

2. Justice, Clarification Answers may vary
Answers may vary
3. The Road Not
Taken ,Explication
1. Democracy
4. Cave
Paintings, 2. Formal Definition (definition by etymology, analysis, contrast and
Clarification example
5. Boondocks, Definition 3-5. Answers may vary
1. To clarify meaning of words, or to correct misinterpretations, or misuse of a term.
2. To stipulate the meaning of a term by limiting, extending, or redirecting the sense in which a
term is usually understood; to use a term, borrowed from
another field of knowledge, in a special way.
Answers may vary. Answers may vary.
Answers Vary Part.
The teacher will check all the
Notes to the Teacher!
Electronic Files
Department of Education. Curriculum and Instruction Strand. K to 12 Most
Essential Learning Competencies with Corresponding CG Codes.
Department of Education. English for Academic and Professional Purposes.
(2016). Teacher’s Guide. First Edition.
Department of Education. English for Academic and Professional Purposes.
(2016). Reader. First Edition.

Online resources
Definition and Examples of Explication (Analysis) Retrieved from
what-is-an-explication. Retrieved date August 20, 2020.

Cuerda, F, 2012. Technical Writing.
Saqueton, G. and Uychoco, M.T. 2016. English for Academic and Professional
Purposes. Quezon City: Rex Printing Company, Inc.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education– Region VII, Division of Cebu Province

Office Address: IPHO Bldg. Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City
Telefax: (032) 255-6405
Email Address:


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