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A presentation to Kier Group

Prepared by
BSM 522 Quality Management Ayobami Victoria Ekundayo
and Excellence Models ID: 2211207

December 2022
Quality in the Past Context
3. Edwards W. Deming’s Philosophy
4. Joseph M. Juran’s Philosophy
5. A case study of quality in the past: Coca Cola

Tools and Techniques used in the Present

6. Kaizen as a continuous improvement tool for Kier Group
7. Benefits of Kaizen for Kier Group
8. A case study of Toyota

Guidance on Strategy and Leadership

9. Roles of Strategy and Leadership in the implementation of Quality Management
10. Strategies to run an effective Quality Management System in Kier Group
11. Relevant Examples

24 April 2024 2
Edwards W. Deming’s Philosophy
Table 1: Deming’s 14 points (Deming, 1986)

S/N Deming’s 14 points of quality management

1. Purpose towards improvement
2. Adoption of new philosophy.

3. Understanding Inspection.
4. Avoidance of price tag decisions.
5. Constant improvement.
6. Utilization of training on the job.
7. Implementation of leadership.
8. Elimination of fear.
9. Optimisation of team efforts.
10. Elimination of Exhortations.
11. Elimination of Management by objectives.
12. Removal of barriers to pride in workmanship.
13. Implementation of education .
14. Action taking.

• The advancement of quality management can be traced to many pioneers, including Edward Deming. The Deming philosophy
became popular at the end of Second World War, when he began to teach statistical science in quality field (Moyyasar, 2019).
• The philosophy of Edward Deming on quality management greatly revolves around core 14 steps which Deming considered as
catalysts for organisational performance and cost reduction strategies (Deming, 1986). Indeed, the 14 points are capable of helping
to improve quality, catch the market better and improve productivity (Dale, 2004).
• The essence of the 14 points is to combat the barriers to the effective implementation of Deming’s philosophy (Forbes and Ahmed,

24 April 2024 3
Joseph M. Juran’s Philosophy
Figure 1: The Juran’s Trilogy (Juran and Godfrey, 1998).

• Another notable scholar after Edward Deming is Joseph Juran who propounded the “The Juran Trilogy”, otherwise known as “Quality
Trilogy”. Juran was known as “the father of modern quality management” (Deepa, 2014). In his work, Juran provided a tripod universal
process framework for managing quality. These processes include Quality Planning (which implies the creation of new product, service or
process), Quality Control (which is a system of maintaining standards by an organisation) and Quality Improvement (which implies an effort
made by an organisation to make incremental improvements, day after day).
• The Juran’s trilogy is beneficial to modern organisations in several ways. As justified by both Omachonu and Ross (2004), the Juran’s
trilogy enables businesses to establish quality goals, compare the goals with
their actual performance and create a beneficial change through quality
• The Figure 1 shows a graphical expression of the Juran’s trilogy. As seen in the figure, the three processes are intertwined and cannot be
separated. It is obvious that quality design process cannot account for all unforeseen barriers. In this sense, there is need for quality control
to prevent things from getting worse. The quality improvement process allows organisations to take corrective actions and further improve
the product, service or process.
24 April 2024 4
A case study of quality in the past: Coca Cola
Figure 2: Components of Coca Cola Quality System (CCQS)

• QC focuses on the production line.

Quality Control • QC is used to carry out checks on the production

line with the aim to meet high quality.

Quality • QA focuses on the entire operations of Coca Cola.

• QA is used to carry out inspections throughout

Assurance the production process.

• Coca Cola is a renowned bottling company in the world. The company uses a quality management technique called Coca-Cola Quality
System (CCQS) (Emmanuel, 2014). With this technique, Coca Cola has been a successful business entity for more than 5 decades
because of its quality management system.
• One cannot doubt the fact that the products that Coca Cola produce are of high quality standard due to fact that Coca Cola adopted the
Coca-Cola Quality System (CCQS). From the Figure 2 above, it is depicted that Quality Management System provides for two strategic
options which Coca Cola uses to build sustainable competitive advantage in the bottling companies. These strategies include Quality
Control and Quality Assurance as shown in the figure above.
• Achievements of the Coca-Cola Quality System (CCQS) are as follows.
Higher productivity - High quality products - Effective time management - Elimination of wasteful expenditure
Elimination of repetitive and non-confirmation works - Attainment of customer satisfaction - Attainment of competitive

Kaizen as a continuous improvement tool
for Kier Group
Figure 3: The Lean Approach (Slack, Chambers and Johnston, 2007)
Lean Approach

Eliminate Waste Involve Everyone Continuous Improvement

• Due to the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union and the recent incidence of Coronavirus that encircled the world
in 2020, it became very necessary for Kier Group to make a few beneficial changes in its manufacturing process in order to reduce cost
and waste.
• Kier Group is in dire need of an appropriate quality management tool such as the Kaizen, which can be used as a cost cutting measure
as well as continuous improvement tool.
• Kaizen is a popular practice of continuous improvements in several organisations (Ravinder, 2019). Kier Group needs the Kaizen tool to
improve in ISO 9001 certification. Undertaking Kaizen will enable Kier Group to place necessary emphasis on how to achieve the
required results (Barnes, 1996) using ISO 9001. Kier Group needs to see how the ISO 9001 can be modified or replicated to improve its
• Kier Group can employ the lean approach, which is a key part of Kaizen concept (Marcia and Elwira, 2016). As shown in the Figure 2
above, the Lean approach will enable Kier Group to squeeze out waste every step of the way and gradually do better. The Lean
approach comprises three basic components which provide for Kier Group to eliminate waste, involve its staff in the operation and
24 April 2024 drive for improvement. 6
Benefits of Kaizen for Kier Group
Figure 4: Key Benefits of Kaizen (RIB Consulting)

Improve Improve manpower productivity

Reduce inventory

Improve Reduce Shorten the production line

Reduce machine downtime
Quality inventory

Reduce space
Reduce lead time
Reduce lead
Shorten the
Improve Quality

Reduce space machine

• The increasing relevance of Kaizen as a continuous improvement tool has been well documented in the literature. Kaizen as a tool for
continuous improvement is today widely considered by business organisations as a tool for enhancing organisational performance.
• Kaizen helps most organisations to reduce waste (MUDA) through the identification of various types of wastes which include processing
beyond customer requirements, unnecessary movement of goods and services, excess raw materials, excess movement of people and
reworking (Cheser, 1994).
• The use of Kaizen tool can result to waste elimination which can further benefit Kier Group in the ways highlighted in Figure 4.

24 April 2024 7
Roles of Strategy and Leadership in the implementation of
Quality Management
• Strategies and leaders are essential to the implementation of quality management. Strategies are careful plans or methods
that leaders establish to direct the organisation. Leadership remains the “capacity to translate vision into reality” (Dent,
2016). For quality management to be well implemented there is need for quality leadership that will set up the
organisational visions which are to be entrenched in the activities and operations of the organisation.
• As indicated by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), “the leadership principles could lead effectively
towards inspiring, encouraging and recognizing people`s contribution, which is very important in achieving sustainable
success and quality management” (ISO, 2009).
• Failure to apply effective strategies by the leaders may result to a situation where things do not work well (Spillance and
Timperley, 2004). In a nutshell, good leadership is “a precondition for the success of strategies and plans in a quality
management process” (Manoj, 2014).
• Manoj (2014) states the roles of leadership in TQM as follows.
Creation of organisational culture - Selection of appropriate policies for the implementation of quality
Formulation of promotional plans and strategies - Dissemination of proper information
Provision of necessary training and education - Inspections of the control system
Provision of a system for protection of quality.

24 April 2024 8
A case study of Toyota
Table 2 : Toyota’s Five steps of Improvement (Toyota Motor Corporation, 2005)

Toyota 5 steps for improvement

1. Identify the problem
2. Establish a goal
3. Identify a better means
4. Propose and evaluate the method
5. Implement improvement

• Toyota Motor Corporation is a well-known user of Kaizen as a tool for continuous improvement. Isao and Art (2011) argued that
the success of Toyota Motor Corporation can be largely attributed to their unique approach to manufacturing. Toyota has
always emphasised on the notion of improvement right from time and the motor corporation still utilises the Kaizen tool as its
major continuous improvement tool.
• Toyota developed a five step framework for continuous improvement (see Table 2 above). The steps include identification of
problem, establishment of a goal, identification of a better means, evaluation of the proposed method and implementation of
improvement. These steps have managers and employees in Toyota to understand the philosophy of the company and try to
continuously vie for improvement.
• Toyota Motor Corporation has benefited from the Kaizen tool as it has helped the company to shape its culture. Today, the
employers and the employees in Toyota now work towards the protection of the company’s brand. This is because the Kaizen’s
spirit, as reflected in Toyota’s culture and philosophy brings the people first.
24 April 2024 9
Strategies to run an effective Quality Management
System in Kier Group
Table 3:Strategies
Suggested Suggested Strategies
for Kierfor Group
Kier Group

1. Analyse the methods

Analyse the methods 2. Identify the problems
Identify the problems
Generate Original Ideas 3. Generate Original Ideas
Develop an implementation plan 4. Develop an implementation plan
Implement the plan
Evaluate the new methods 5. Implement the plan
Discover improvement potential
6. Evaluate the new methods
7. Discover improvement potential

• If Kier Group determines to run an efficient quality management system like the ISO 9001, it needs to follow the set of plans
suggested in Table 3 above. The strategies can be used by Kier Group to make sure all tasks are being done as planned.
• The strategies enable Kier Group to analyse the old method or technique with the aim to identify the problem embedded with it.
Aftermath, there is need for Kier Group to generate new ideas or methods and further develop an implementation plan. Here, Kier
group is expected to create an actionable plan and conduct necessary researches and map out the risks. After then, the plans can
be implemented and evaluated. Such evaluation will enable Kier Group to discover the improvement potential.
24 April 2024 10
Companies TQM Tool Results
1. Fairford Medical ISO 9001 Increase demand for transportable medical
imaging equipment.
2. Capgemini ISO 9001 Improve business performance.
3. Novacroft ISO 9001 Adapt to new markets.
4. Agua Fabrics ISO 9001 Increase profit and enhance productivity.
5. Avios ISO 9001 Improve customer satisfaction.
6. Britannia ISO 9001 Increase efficiency.

The utilisation of Kaizen as a continuous improvement tool can make Kier Group improve on the ISO 9001 certification.
Many notable companies still benefit fron the ISO 9001 as seen in the table above. It only needs to be well implemented as
it can help Kier Group to continually monitor its tasks and improve quality across all operations as well as minimise
wasteful expenditure.

24 April 2024 11
Barnes,T.,(1996). ’’Kaizen strategies for successful leadership’’, Pitman Publishing London.
Cheser,R., (1994) Kaizen is more than continuous improvement . Quality progress April, pp. 23-26
Dale, B. G.,( 2004), “Managing Quality,” 7st,ed., Prentice Hall International Inc .
Deming, W.E. (1986). Out of Crisis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Advanced Engineering Study,
Cambridge, MA.
Dent, F. E. (2006). Umeće liderstva, Praktični saveti i tehnike za lidere nasvim organizacionim nivoima – strateškom,
operativnom i timskom – kakona ljude uticati, pokrenuti ih i pridobiti za promenu i ostvarenje ciljeva, Džepna knjiga. Beograd:
Emmanuel, O.W (2014). Investigate the Benefit Practice of Total Quality Management as Competitive Advantage in Corporate
Institution: A Case Study of Cocoa-Cola Bottling Company Ghana Ltd. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting Vol.5,
No.23, 97
International Organization for Standardization (2009). ISO 9004: Managing for the sustained success of an organization – A
quality anagement approach. Genève, Switzerland: International Organization for Standardization.
Isao, K. and Art, S. (2011). “Toyota Kaizen Methods: Six Steps to Improvement”. Productivity Press. Taylor & Francis Group.
New York, NY 10016

24 April 2024 12
Kaizen, I. M. (1986). “The key to Japan's competitive success.” MacGraw-Hill, New York.
Manoj, K. V (20014). Importance of Leadership in Total Quality Management. Available at
Marcin, J. and Elwira, B. (2016). Kaizen Concept in The Process of a Quality Improvement in the Company. Available at DOI:
Moyassar, I.A.A (2019). Comparative Study of Deming's and Juran's Total Works : Changing the Quality Culture Towards Total
Quality Management. Available at
Ravinder, K. (2019). Kaizen a Tool for Continuous Quality Improvement in Indian Manufacturing Organization. Available at
Slack N., Chambers S.,and Johnston R. (2007): “Operations management,” London: Prentice Hall Financial Times.
Spillane, J.S. and Timperley, H. (2004).Practice is the heart of the matter: Distributed leadership and Networked Learning
Communities. Available at
Toyota Motor Corporation (2005), TBP – The Toyota Business Practices – Problem Solving (Basic) Ver. 1.3, TQM Promotion
Division, Global Uman Resources Development Department, Toyota Institute, Toyota Motor Corporation, Tokyo.

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