Chapter-6 Water Quality Managment

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Water is the prerequisite for the maintenance,
breeding and culture of tropical ornamental
For ornamental fish farming water is mainly
obtained from rain, river, artesian well, canal
and reservoir.
The physico-chemical characteristics of water
such as pH, hardness, temperature, dissolved
oxygen; chlorine and carbondioxide content
play a key role in the breeding and production
of many ornamental fish species.
The pH of water usable for ornamental fish
farming may vary from acidic to alkaline
depending upon its source and chemical and
biological factors.
The optimal pH for the growth and breeding
of majority of the ornamental fishes may be
neutral or slightly alkaline i.e. 7-8.
Some ornamental fishes such as oscar and
discus will spawn only in slightly acid and soft
pH … contd
Water in ornamental fish tanks should never
fall below 5 or rise above 8.5.
Ornamental fishes preferring slightly acidic
pH (6.2-7) include rosy barb, tiger barb, tetra,
angel and danio.
On the other hand, certain fishes like
cichlids, goldfish, koi and gourami prefer
alkaline pH.
Ornamental fish culturists in cities often
have water quality problem as the tap
water used by them contains chlorine
beyond permissible level.
The growth and survival of any
sensitive fish are affected by chlorinated
tap waters.
Chlorine content as low as 0.1 ppm
itself is toxic to fishes.
The high chlorine content of such
waters can be dechlorinated
by heating the water.
Water with chlorine will have to be
kept over night for the escape of
Water hardness
It is nothing but the total soluble
calcium and magnesium salts present in
the water expressed as its calcium
carbonate equivalent.

The total hardness of water however,

includes the sulphates and chlorides of
calcium and magnesium.
Water hardness
The total hardness is mainly used to
classify waters into
Hard water or
Soft water
 Total hardness of 50 ppm calcium
carbonate equivalent is considered to be
the dividing line between hard and soft
Water hardness …Contd
Water with hardness of 100-300 ppm
have been found to be optimal for the
normal growth of majority of ornamental
Water with less than 12 ppm require
liming for higher production of fish.
 Water of less than 5-ppm hardness
have been found to affect growth and
eventual death of fish.
Water hardness …Contd
Hard water is also known to influence
feed intake and
growth of most cichlids
black zebra,
blue morph and
Water hardness … Contd
Soft water fishes viz. tiger barb and
rosy barb do not show maturation above
120 ppm hardness.
While koi, angel and guppy prefer soft
water for better growth, and colouration,
Mollies and platies prefer saline and
hard waters.
Water hardness … Contd
Successfulspawning of goldfish has
been reported at 700-ppm water

Oviparous goldfish and koi carp prefer

carbonate hardness for maintaining
sticky nature of eggs and associated
incubation conditions.
Carbon dioxide
Like other food fishes, ornamental
fishes are also known to avoid dissolved
carbon dioxide content above 5 mg/l.
 However the ornamental fishes can
tolerate high carbon dioxide content of
the water
 The presence of high carbon dioxide
level in water may hinder the solubility
of oxygen.
Carbon dioxide
The carbon dioxide concentration
increases in ornamental fish ponds and
tank during night and decreases during
day time.

Free carbon dioxide at a concentration

of more than 15 ppm is detrimental to
ornamental fishes.
Water temperature is one of the most
important factors influencing the breeding,
rearing and transport of tropical fishes.
Majority of the ornamental fishes tolerate
water temperatures between 21 and 30 oC,

28oC, have been found to be most suitable

for the breeding of tropical ornamental fishes.
 In order to maintain optimal temperatures,
suitable devices have to be used.
Temperature … Contd
Koi is known to tolerate wide variations in
temperature i.e. between 20 and 30 oc.
Dwarf cichlids require optimal
temperatures of 26-27oc.
Swordtails are very sensitive to 25 – 27 oC.
 Good growth and production of dwarf
gourami Colisa lalia have been recorded at
26 – 28oC.
Temperature … Contd
 Spawning of goldfish has been
successful in 24 – 26oC.
It has also been found that 22oC is
more suitable for rearing eggs and
larvae of goldfish.
Guppies and mollies will be seen
active at water temperature of 25 –
The nitrite is produced in the
waters through nitrification process
of toxic ammonia.
The nitrite concentrations above 1
mg/l may impair the health of the
The toxicity of nitrite increases
with decreasing pH.

Ornamental fish can tolerate

nitrate levels between 50 and 100
The aquatic plants however, utilize
accumulated nitrate in the water of
the ornamental fish tank.
Dissolved oxygen content of the
water plays a crucial role in fish

Fishes of aquarium tank would be

under stress and be liable for parasitic
attack if optimal oxygen levels are not
The solubility of oxygen in water
depends on its temperature and also on
the rate at which it s kept in contact
with water.
Oxygen dissolved in water by direct
diffusion at the air-water interface.
 Further, it is also made available by
the presence of aquatic plants.
Oxygen … Contd
The oxygen level of aquarium tanks can be
enhanced by
Constant aeration,
Circulation of water,
Sprinkling of water.
Surface agitation, etc.
The surface agitation apart from enhancing
the oxygen level, drives free carbondioxide
from solution
Oxygen … Contd
The temperature and solubility of
oxygen are inversely related.

As the temperature increases, the

oxygen holding capacity of water
Oxygen … Contd
Generally many species of ornamental fishes
cannot tolerate waters containing less than 3
ppm dissolved oxygen.
For example, gold fish shows impaired
activity at less than 3 ppm oxygen level.
An oxygen level of above 5 ppm is
advisable, not only to supply the oxygen needs
of the fish, but also to limit ammonia
Biological filtration
Excreta of fish and unused food
materials often lower the oxygen content
of water in tank.
When such condition arises, the water
has to be changed at least once in two
Otherwise, optimal survival of fish
cannot be expected.
Biological filtration
Home aquarists are therefore forced to
make alternative arrangements for
changing water in such tanks.

In this connection, biological filters

could be used in ornamental fish tanks to
help in aeration and maintaining the
quality of water.

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