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Osce set 2

1. What is the type of suturing done?

2. What is the suture material used.?

3. what is the type of the suture material?

• 70KG male, with 20% burns came to the emergency department.

• What is the fluid of choice ?

• What is the amount of fluid required?
• What is the transfusion rate?
67 year old male with h/o peptic ulcer ds presents with persistent

pH 7.56
PO2 80
PCO2 37.2
HCO3 31

• Interpert this ABG

• Identify the condition?
• What are the types?
• What is the most common type?
• A 55 year old man came to the emergency room with a history of fall
from 20 feet. He has a cervical collar in place and has been brought
on a spine board.
• He is oriented, talking to everybody and narrates his own story.
• On examination, it is found that he is paraplegic, with a HR of 50/min
and a BP of 80/60 mm Hg, with warm extremities.
• He is maintaining a saturation of 98% on room air.
• What is your opinion regarding the diagnosis and management of this
1. identify this surgical position.
2. name two surgical procedures in which this surgical position is used.
3. mention one complications of this surgical position
A 25 year old female patient presents with pain abdomen for last 4 years. Pain
preceded by loss of apetite. Patient felt nauseated and has vomited once on the first
day of pain. Pain initially started as a vague central abdominal pain and has later
shifted to the right lower abdomen. Her last menstrual period was 6 days back.
o/e: patent look ill and febrile. There is diffuse tender lump in RIF

• What points are in favour of appendicular lump?

• Describe ALVARADO score?
• What is oschner sherren regimen? When to stop conservative
• What is interval appendicectomy
A lactating female presented to surgery opd with the complaint of painful swelling in
breast since 3 days

1. What is the likely clinical diagnosis?

2. What will be the signs present?
3. What will be the management?

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