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Office Etiquettes

A guide to professional workplace behavior

What is Office
 Office etiquette is about
following basic rules of
behavior and manners while
at work.
 It’s like having polite and
respectful habits, such as
being on time, using indoor
voices, and being kind to
 It helps everyone work
together smoothly and
Comprehensive Guide to Office Etiquette: Topics Covered

oGeneral Office
oEmail Etiquettes

Importance of office etiquettes.
• Professionalism: Office etiquette sets the tone for
professionalism, showing respect for colleagues,
clients, and the organization as a whole.
• Productivity: Clear communication and respectful
behavior streamline workflow, reducing
misunderstandings and conflicts that can impede
• Teamwork: Office etiquette encourages collaboration
and teamwork, fostering a supportive work
environment where colleague can work effectively
• Employee morale: A workplace where office
etiquette is valued tends to have higher employee
morale, as employees feel respected and appreciated
for their contributions.
Office etiquette refers to the guidelines and
Overall, office etiquette plays a vital role in creating a behaviors expected in a professional
harmonious, productive, and fulfilling work workplace environment.
environment for everyone involved.

General Office
“Good manners in the office are just as important as
punctuality and productivity. They contribute to a
positive work environment where respect,
professionalism, and collaborative thrive.”

Mastering the Art of Workplace Decorum
Essential Etiquette for Office Excellence.

Punctuality Active Listening

• Arrive on time for meetings, appointments, and work • Listen attentively when others are speaking, avoid
commitments to demonstrate respect for other’s interrupting, and ask questions to show interest and
time. understanding.

Respectful Communication Respectful personal space

• Speak politely and respectfully to colleagues, using • Be mindful of others’ personal space and privacy, and
appropriate language and tone in all interactions. avoid unnecessary intrusion or disturbance.

Following Company Policies Conflict Resolution
• Adhere to company policies and procedures, • Handle conflicts and disagreements professionally
including those related to safety, security, and and constructively, seeking resolution through open
confidentiality. communication and compromise.

Teamwork and Collaboration Professional Development

• Continuously strive to improve your skills and

• Foster a spirit of cooperation and collaboration, knowledge through training, learning opportunities,
offering assistance and support to colleagues when and professional development initiatives.

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“Effective communication is the bridge
between understanding and

1. Be attentive:
We should always actively listen, engage, stay focused and show genuine
interest in what others are saying, fostering better understanding and
Mastering the Art of meaningful interactions.

Communication: 2. Ask open – ended questions:

We should always ask open – ended questions as it encourages deeper
Etiquette Essentials conversations and enables a more comprehensive understanding by inviting
thoughtful responses and promoting meaningful dialogue.
3. Ask probing questions:
We should ask probing questions to entail delving deeper into discussions to
gain clarity, uncover insights, and promote thorough understanding of the
topic or issue at hand.
4. Request Clarification:
It demonstrate a commitment to understanding by seeking additional
information or clarification when needed, ensuring clarity and accuracy in
communication exchanges.
5. Paraphrase:
It involves rephrasing what someone has said in our own words,
demonstrating clarity in conversations.
6. Be attuned to and reflect feelings:
It involves empathetically understand others’ feelings and respond
7. Summarize:
We should always summarize difficult points.

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Building Bridges for Effective Communication
Communication etiquette refers to the set of guidelines and
behaviors governing respectful and effective communication
in professional settings.

Importance of Effective Communication

 Establishes a Foundation of Respect:

Proper communication etiquette fosters mutual respect among
colleagues, promoting positive relationships and teamwork.
 Enhances Clarity and Understanding:
Clear and courteous communication minimizes misunderstandings,
leading to improved collaboration and productivity.
 Reflects Professionalism:
Demonstrating good communication etiquette reflects positively on
individuals and organizations, reinforcing their professionalism and

Large image

“Culture isn’t just one aspect of

the game, it is the game.”
Email Etiquette
“Email is a tool, not a task maker. Treat it as such, and you’ll
soon find yourself mastering the art of effective communication.
Do’s and Don’ts
Email Etiquette Essentials: Navigating the Do’s and Don’ts.

Do’s Don'ts
 Use Clear and Concise Subject Lines: x Overuse Reply All:
Clearly Indicate the purpose or topic of the email in Avoid using the “Reply All” option unless all
the subject line to help recipients understand its recipients truly need to see your response. This helps
importance. prevent unnecessary clutter in inboxes.
 Address Recipients Appropriately: x Send Sensitive Information Unencrypted:
Use the recipient’s name and appropriate salutation Avoid sending sensitive or confidential information
to personalize the email and show respect. via email unless it’s encrypted to ensure security
and privacy.
 Be Professional
Use a professional tone and language in all email x Use All Caps:
communications, avoiding slang, emojis, and informal Avoid using all capital letters in emails as it can be
language. interpreted as shouting and come across as rude or

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 Proofread Before Sending: X Forward Chain Emails:
Review your email for spelling and grammatical Refrain from forwarding chain emails, jokes, or non-
errors before sending to ensure clarity and work-related content to colleagues, as it can be seen
professionalism. as unprofessional and a waste of time.
 Respond Promptly X Write Lengthy Emails:
Aim to respond to emails in a timely manner, even if Keep emails concise and to the point, focusing on the
it’s just to acknowledge receipt and provide an main message and avoiding unnecessary details or
expected timeline for a full response. lengthy explanations.
 Use Cc and Bcc Appropriately: X Send Emails When Emotional:
Only copy individuals who need to be aware of the Avoid sending emails when you’re feeling emotional
information or who are directly involved in the or upset, as it mat lead to impulsive or regrettable
conversation. Use Bcc for sensitive or confidential messages. Take a break and revisit the email later
information. with a clear mind.
 Include a Signature: X Forget to Attach Files:
Add a professional email signature with your name, Double-check that you’ve attached any files
title, company, and contact information to provide referenced in the email before hitting send to avoid
recipients with additional context. the need to follow-up emails.
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 In conclusion, mastering office etiquettes is crucial for
creating a harmonious and productive work
 By adhering to the guidelines and principles outlined in
this presentation, you can contribute to a culture of
professionalism, respect, and collaboration in the
 Remember, office etiquettes extend beyond just
following rules; they reflect your professionalism,
integrity, and commitment to excellence.
 Let's strive to apply these etiquettes in our daily
interactions, both with colleagues and clients, to foster
positive relationships and achieve collective success.
 Thank you for your attention and dedication to
mastering office etiquettes. Together, we can create a
workplace where everyone feels valued, respected, and
empowered to succeed.

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Priya Agrawal


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