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My name is Yrlle Keithly Avenido Rodilla.

I am a Male person

And my age now is 13 years Old

I was born on August 3, 2010 at Provincial Hospital, Malaybalay, Bukidnon, Philippines.

And my Nationality is Filipino

I am proudly baptized to the Seventh-Day Adventist Church on November 14, 2020 by

Pastor Solomon G. Suaner.

And I am a Grade 7 Pearl student of Lake View Adventist Academy.

Circle Of Best Friends
This is my list of Friends:
1. Clint Brix M. Torres – My very First friend and Best Friend.
2. Steve Gregory P. Bayola(Gigi) – My Second Best Friend whom still is my
Classmate since K-2.
3. Onyx P. Paid – One of the cousins of Steve(Gigi) and is also my Best
4. Guelvan Santillian – Nephew of Steve(Gigi) and which I also recognized
as one of my Best Friends
5. Ryan Jel A. Ando – Whom his parents are friends with mine and who’s
still known as my Best Friend.
6. Kurt T. Gamut – Because of his Brother’s death we later became Best
The Courses which I dream of becoming to.
I have dreamed with my friends of becoming an Engineer for we like how to Solve
Problems and to Build Buildings.

I have also liked of becoming a Lawyer to apply on the mission Schools just incase,
and is my Parent’s dream of me becoming to.

Mostly I have thought on becoming a messenger of God and to be a help to the
Places I want to visit

1. Israel – I want to visit this country because I want to see the

remains of what’s left of the Biblical structures

2. Australia – I want to visit here to see extraordinary species

of animals and wonderful views of the creation of God.

3. France – I want to visit this because of it’s amazing Arts and

it’s famous Monuments such as the Eiffel Tower.
My Favorite foods to eat

Fast Foods Fruits Vegetables

1. Spicy foods 6. Watermelon 12.Potato
2. Noodles 7. Mango 13.Carrots
3. Pizza 8. Avocado 14.Sweet Potato
4. Ice Cream 9. Guava 15.ETC.
5. ETC. 10.Oranges
My Favorite Quotes
1. “If you want to find your passion, Follow your daydreams.”
-Rob Liano

2. “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”


3. “Don’t let your happiness depend on something you may lose.”

-C.S. Lewis
My Favorite(Motivational) Verses in the Bible
1. The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the
stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? -Psalms 27:1

2. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. – Philippians 4:13

3. Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. –
Matthew 11:28
My Greatest Achievement

Since Grade 1 was never first on the Principal’s List just third, forth, or
fifth place. But everything changed, when the pandemic(Coronavirus)
is almost gone. I was at the 6th Grade at that time when during our
Commencement Program the last day of our Graduation Program. It
was the awarding time where they called the students who has the
lowest grades and to the students who has the highest.
After Most of my classmates are called it was then, Jaminah Macanim,
Andi Acao, and I were the Grade 6 that was left. We were nervous to
hear the Valedictorian, And the Emcee announced the 3rd place, It was
Jaminah. Andi and I were so nervous thinking whom will be 2nd . And
Andi was called as the 2nd Placer, I almost Cried in Joy after I realized I
was the Valedictorian. And I achieved more awards after that.
Major Events

1. G-6 Graduation – one of my most unforgettable events that

happened to me for I was moving to a New Level.

2. SPUC-Wide Youth Congress – One of the most important events to

me because it only happens once every 4 years.

3. Birthdays – It will always be unforgettable for we celebrate the day

of birth.

4. Death Of Kein T. Gamit – His sudden death made it unforgettable

for me for he is special to me and my friends.
My Childhood

In my Childhood I haven’t got any such memories to tell other than the
Times I spent with my Best Friends.
My Family
In my family consists of 4 family members which is
my one and only Sister and my mother and father.

My Sister Yrianne Leigh Avenido Rodilla finished

her Junior High at Lake View Adventist Academy
and continued her Senior High at Mountain View
College Academy.

My Mother Annaley Avenido Rodilla is a Local Government Unit (LGU)

employee at Municipality of Don Carlos as a Fiscal Examiner 1.

My Father Er Ardiente Rodilla is a Principal at Don Carlos Seventh-Day

Adventist Elementary School.
My Pathfinder & Harmony Fam
In September 18, 2023 I became one of the Junior Pathfinder Officers at lake
View Adventist Academy under the Leadership of our Battalion Commander
Angela Kaye Majurenos and Pathfinder Director Fernce Lady Joy Lepiten. The
JPO firstly consists of 39 officers but some quit and others where kicked out
because of their bad behaviors. Now we consists of 28 officers.

And some time in 2023 I joined the Harmony with my three Classmates, Steve
Gregory Bayola, Jochelle Gorgonio, and Jaminah Michaela Macanim still under
the leadership of Ma’am Fernce Lady joy Lepiten. And Together we share God’s
message to others through our Inspiring Songs to inspire them on becoming one
with our Church.

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