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Galgotias College Of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida (U.P.)

ANN based control of Non-linear Systems


Presented By:

● Introduction

● Mathematical Modeling

● Requirement of Mathematical Modeling

● Temperature control using PID Controller

● Artificial Neural Network


● To study and develop a mathematical model for a nonlinear temperature process.

● To design a controller to regulate the temperature of the process.

● To compare the efficiency of the neural controller with other controllers.

● Develop a mathematical model of the oven's temperature dynamics, considering its nonlinear behavior.

● Design a control system to regulate the oven's temperature to a setpoint.

● Implement the control system and assess its performance in maintaining the desired temperature.

● Use simulation software (eg. MATLAB simulink) to implement mathematical model and control system.

● Modeling refers to the process of creating a mathematical representation of a real-world system. This representation, known as a
mathematical model.

● Modeling in control systems involves understanding and quantifying the relationships between various components, variables,
and parameters of the system.

● This mathematical model is essential for analyzing, designing, and simulating control systems to achieve desired performance
and stability.
Mathematical Modelling

● Mathematical modeling in control systems is the process of representing a real-world physical system or process using
mathematical equations, relationships, and parameters. The goal of mathematical modeling in control systems is to create a
mathematical description of the system's behavior that allows for analysis, simulation, and control design.

● Mathematical modeling is a fundamental step in control system design and analysis. It allows control engineers to study the
system's behavior, design controllers to regulate its performance, and simulate the system's response to various inputs and
disturbances. These models are crucial for optimizing control strategies and ensuring that the controlled system operates as
Requirement of Mathematical Modeling

● Understanding System Behavior: Mathematical models provide a structured way to understand and describe the behavior of complex
systems. They enable engineers and researchers to gain insights into how a system responds to different inputs, disturbances, and
● Control System Design: Mathematical models serve as the foundation for designing control strategies. They allow control engineers to
develop, test, and fine-tune control algorithms that regulate system behavior to achieve desired outcomes.
● Simulation and Analysis: Models enable the simulation and analysis of a system's response under various scenarios without the need for
expensive or time-consuming physical experiments. This is especially valuable for predicting how a system will behave under different
● Predictive Control: Control systems use mathematical models to predict future system behavior, allowing for proactive control adjustments
to maintain stability, optimize performance, and achieve desired setpoints.
Temperature control using PID Controller
PID Controller

● A proportional–integral–derivative controller(PID) is a control loop mechanism employing feedback that is widely used in industrial
control systems and a variety of other applications requiring continuously modulated control.

Gc = Kp + Ki/s + Kds

● Compensator formula:

C = P + I/s + D(N/1+N/s)

● Proportional(P) = 1
● Integral(I) = 1
● Derivative(D) = 0
● Filter Coefficient(N) = 100
Artificial Neural Network

● In industrial processes, controlling non-linear systems, like temperature control, can be challenging due to
their unpredictable behavior.

● Temperature control systems are commonly used, but their non-linear characteristics make it hard to create a
precise control model.

● To tackle this issue, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are employed to develop a Direct Inverse Control

● ANN can effectively model non-linear systems. The DIC relies on the system's inverse response, which is
difficult to derive mathematically.

[1] Oltean, G. et al. (2007) Model Based Design and FPGA Implementation of Control Systems .
[2] Singh, Y.K. et al. (2016) Temperature Control System and its control using PID controller, Available at:
[3] Reddy, Dr.H.K.M. (2013) MATLAB/SIMULINK Based Oven Temperature Control through Simulation Studies using PIDC, Available at:
[4] R. J. Rajesh, R. Preethi, P. Mehata and B. J. Pandian, "Artificial neural network based inverse model control of a nonlinear process,"
2015 International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control (IC4), Indore, India, 2015, pp. 1-6, doi:

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