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Email and Memo Writing

Week 5
Email Format and Types
Contents  Email Etiquettes
 Subject

 Salutations

 Opening Line

Email Format  Message

 Call to Action

 Closing Line

 Signature Block

CC stands for “Carbon

It indicates that the person
in CC will be visible to the
other Recipients.
BCC stands for “Blind
Carbon Copy”
It indicates that other
recipients will not be able to
see the email id mentioned
in the BCC.
 Job related Emails
 Promotional Emails
 Marketing Emails
Email Types  Welcome Emails
 Abandoning Cart Emails
 Avoid CAPS

 Always Include a Subject line

 Avoid sharing confidential information through emails

Email  Use a professional email address
 Don’t use emoji “Emails are annoying enough” Anonymous

 Keep in mind the level of formality

 Always Proofread your email

 Include Signatures at the end

 Always include a C-T-A

 Keep it short, simple and concise.

 Avoid Slangs

 Be very mindful of humor while writing (at your own risk!)

 Use CC and BCC wisely. Always put the concerned authorities in

the CC option.

Contd..  Never forget to attach the necessary files (when required)

 Also, always tell the other person that what’s in the attachment.

 Use the font style and size wisely.

 Use the “We” attitude instead of the “I need/ I want” attitude.

 Don’t forget to be Courteous.

 Mr.
 Meeting Agenda Discussion
 Attachment: Meeting Agenda Points
 Respected Sir,
 I hope this email finds you in the best of health and spirits. I was
wondering if we could just discuss the meeting agenda points in
more detail so that I will know my duty roles. It will be very
generous of you if you can spare some time for the meeting.
 Additionally, I have attached a rough draft on the meeting agenda
points. Please let me know when is the best/ convenient time for
 Thank you for giving your valuable time.
 Best Regards,
 Melissa Malone
The A1 Email

 To:
 CC:
 Subject: eMentors Topic: College Experience Attachment:

Good and Bad  Hello John,

 In response to your question last week, I am involved in the Student Senate
Emails and the Varsity Volleyball team. Do you have any interesting hobbies?
 I was curious if you went to college after graduating from high school and, if
so, which one did you attend? I’m interested in Business Management and was
hoping you could give me any idea about which college to choose or an
internship or job that may help me improve my college applications.
 Thank you and I look forward to your next message,
 Jenna Jones
 To:
 CC: Subject: Hey…wazzup?
 Attachment: Picture of Me
 Hey, So waz UR job like??????? I’m kinda interested in mrktg but
I’m not sure. How offen are U board at work? I’m board ALL THE
The Bad TIME at skool !!! Since we both like baseball, we should go to a
(Horrible) Twins game together next season, what do U think? Here’s my
personal email since this one will shut off after this thing:
Email or if you wanna call me, my cell
number is (612)555-9876. U should totally drop me a line and we’ll
hang out.
 Oh yeah….I’m sposed to send U a question….what skool did you
go to after high skool?
 C ya
Purpose What’s New Here?

 You do not personally know

1. To reach the senior the Recipient.
authorities/personnel at an
The Cold Email executive position and
telling them that you are a
 You are doing personal
branding over here
job seeker.  You are trying to expand your
2. To sell a product or service. network
 You are Creating an
opportunity here, not waiting
for a miracle.
 Do extensive research (find the email address on websites).

 Always go through the “About” , “Vision or Mission Statement”

pages on a particular website.

 Work on your “USP” Unique Selling Proposition and then pitch your
Steps for
profile or ideas.
Writing a Cold
Email  Find the common grounds between the company demands and your
portfolio/ job profile.

 Don’t rely on Online or Free Templates, instead personalize the

message each time.

 Always include a C-T-A and show your availability.

 Send a follow up email after 3-4 days.

 Dear Ellie,
 My name is Zoe Loan and I found your information on As a
fresh graduate, I am currently seeking a new opportunity to sharpen my
skills and gain industry experience in Social Media Marketing and Content
Development. As of right now, I work for a Canada based software
house as a Virtual Assistant however, I am interested in applying for the
open position of Senior Content Manager at your company. I think I could
offer your organization some global insight related to Virtual Assistant
Example  I'd love the opportunity to discuss the opportunity over a phone call
(0900-78601). I am available throughout the week, from 8am to 8pm.
 Please let me know if you are available to discuss this position further. I
am willing to work around your schedule.
 Thank you for your consideration.
 Sincerely,
 Zoe Loan
 Purpose:
 To share a quick
update, policy brief or
to demand quick
actions from the staff.

 Structure:
Memo Writing 1. Date
2. To:
3. Subject
4. Message
5. Conclusion
6. End
 Thank You

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