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‫أ‪ .‬فرج الُم ختــار عُم ـــوش‬

‫الفصل الرابع صيدلـــة‬
• In general, oxidizing agents that are of any value as
germicidal agents depend on their ability to liberate oxygen
in the tissues.

• Many of these agents are inorganic compounds, including

hydrogen peroxide, several metal peroxides, and sodium

• All of these react in the tissues to generate oxygen and

oxygen radicals.

• Other oxidizing agents, such as KMnO4, denature proteins

in microorganisms through a direct oxidation reaction.
• Oxidizing agents are especially effective against anaerobic
bacteria and can be used in cleansing contaminated wounds.

• The bubbles that form during the liberation of oxygen help to

dislodge debris.

• The effectiveness of the oxidizing agents is somewhat limited by

their generally poor penetrability into infected tissues and
organic matter.

• Additionally, the action of the oxidizers is typically transient

(‫ )عابر‬.
Carbamide Peroxide Topical Solution
• Carbamide peroxide (Gly-Oxide) is a stable
complex of urea and hydrogen peroxide.

• It has the molecular formula:

• H2N-CO-NH2 H2O2.

• The commercial preparation is a solution of

12.6% carbamide peroxide in anhydrous
Carbamide Peroxide Topical Solution
• When mixed with water, hydrogen peroxide is

• Carbamide peroxide is used as both an antiseptic and


• The preparation is especially effective in the treatment

of oral ulcerations or in dental care.

• The oxygen bubbles that are liberated remove debris.

Hydrous Benzoyl Peroxide

• Hydrous benzoyl peroxide (Oxy-5, Oxy-10,

Vanoxide) is a white granular powder. In its
pure powder form, it is explosive.

• The compound is formulated with 30% water

to make it safer to handle.
Hydrous Benzoyl Peroxide
• Compounded at 5% and 10% concentrations,
benzoyl peroxide is both keratolytic and

• It is used in the treatment of acne.

• Benzoyl peroxide induces proliferation (‫ )تكاثر‬of

epithelial cells, leading to sloughing(‫ )نزع‬and
• Elemental iodine (I2) is probably the oldest germicide still in
use today. It was listed in 1830 in USP-II as a tincture and a

• Iodine tincture (2% iodine in 50% alcohol with sodium

• strong iodine solution (Lugol’s solution, 5% iodine in water
with potassium iodide),
• and iodine solution (2% iodine in water with sodium
iodide) are currently official preparations in the USP.
• The iodide salt is admixed‫ ) )ُيخلط‬to increase the
solubility of the iodine and to reduce its volatility.

• Iodine is one of the most effective and useful of

the germicides.

• It probably acts to inactivate proteins by

iodination of aromatic residues (phenylalanyl and
tyrosyl) and oxidation (sulfhydryl groups).
• Mixing with several nonionic and cationic surfactants
can solubilize iodine. Complexes form that retain the
germicidal properties of the iodine while reducing its
volatility and removing its irritant properties.

• In some of the more active, nonionic surfactant

complexes, it is estimated that approximately 80% of
the dissolved iodine remains available in
bacteriologically active form. These active complexes,
called iodophors, are both bactericidal and fungicidal.
Povidone –Iodine
• Povidone –iodine (Betadine, polymer
polyvinylpyrrolidone [PVP]–iodine)

• is a charge-transfer complex of iodine with

the nonionic surfactant PVP.

• The complex is extremely water soluble and

releases iodine very slowly.
Povidone –Iodine
• The preparation provides a nontoxic,
nonvolatile, and nonstaining form of iodine
that is not irritating to the skin or to wounds.

• Approximately 10% of the iodine in the

complex is bioavailable.
• Povidone –iodine is used as an aqueous
solution for presurgical disinfection of the
incision site (‫)التطهير قبل العملية لموقع القطع‬.
Povidone –Iodine
• It can also be used to treat infected wounds
and damage to the skin, and it is effective for
local bacterial and fungal infections.

• Several other forms of PVP–iodine are

available, including aerosols, foams, ointments,
surgical scrubs, antiseptic gauze pads, sponges,
mouthwashes, and a preparation that
disinfects whirlpool baths and hot tubs.
• Chlorine and chlorine-releasing compounds have been used
in the disinfection of water supplies for more than a century.

• The discovery that hypochlorous acid (HClO) is the active

germicidal species that is formed when chlorine is dissolved
in water led to the development and use of the first inorganic
hypochlorite salts such as NaOCl and Ca(OCl)2. Later, organic
N-chloro compounds were developed as disinfectants.

• These compounds release hypochlorous acid when dissolved

in water, especially in the presence of acid.
• Two equally plausible (‫ )معقول‬mechanisms have been proposed
for the germicidal action of hypochlorous acid:
– the chlorination of amide nitrogen atoms
– and the oxidation of sulfhydryl groups in proteins.

• Organic compounds that form stable N-chloro derivatives

include amides, imides, and amidines.

• N-Chloro compounds slowly release HOCl in water.

• The antiseptic effect of these agents is optimal at around pH 7.


• p-Dichlorosulfamoylbenzoic acid is a white,

crystalline, photosensitive compound with a faint
chlorine odor.

• Halazone is only slightly soluble in water at pH 7

but becomes very soluble in alkaline solutions.

• The sodium salt of halazone is used to disinfect

drinking water.
• N,N-Dichlorodicarbonamidine (Azochloramid)
is a bright yellow crystalline solid with a faint
odor of chlorine.

• It is mostly insoluble in water and organic

solvents and is unstable to light or heat.

• Chloroazodin will explode(‫)ينفجر‬ if heated

above 155°C.
• The compound is soluble enough in water to be
used in very dilute solution to
– disinfect wounds,
– as packing for dental caries(‫ )تسوس األسنان‬,
– and for lavage and irrigation( ‫ )غسل و تروية‬.

• A glyceryltriacetate solution is used as a wound

dressing(‫ )تضميد الجروح‬.

• The antiseptic action of chloroazodin is long lasting

because of its extremely slow reaction with water.
Oxychlorosene Sodium

• Oxychlorosene (Clorpactin) is a complex of the sodium salt

of dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid and hypochlorous acid.

• The complex slowly releases hypochlorous acid in solution.

• Oxychlorosene occurs as an amorphous white powder that

has a faint odor of chlorine.

• It combines the germicidal properties of HOCl with the

emulsifying(‫ )استحالب‬, wetting(‫ )ترطيب‬, and keratolytic actions
of an anionic detergent.
Oxychlorosene Sodium

• The agent has a marked and rapid-cidal action against most

microorganisms, including both Gram-positive and Gram-
negative bacteria, molds, yeasts, viruses, and spores.

• Oxychlorosene is used to
– treat localized infections (especially when resistant organisms are

– to remove necrotic tissue (‫ )األنسجة المنخورة‬from massive infections

or radiation necrosis(‫ )النخر باإلشعاع‬,
– to counteract odorous discharges(‫ )لصد اطالق الروائح‬,
– to act as an irritant( ‫ )ُم ثير‬,
– and to disinfect cysts and fistulas(‫ )لتطهير الخراجات و النواسير‬.
Oxychlorosene Sodium

• Oxychlorosene is marketed as a powder for

reconstitution(‫ )اعادة توزيع‬into a solution.

• A typical application uses a 0.1% to 0.5%

concentration in water.
• Dilutions of 0.1% to 0.2% are used in
urology(‫ )طب المسالك البولية‬and ophthalmology.
(‫)طب العيون‬

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