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Describe a time when

you helped someone

 Who you helped
 How you helped this person
 What the result was
 How you felt about helping this
Helping others is a very good thing. I have
given and received help many times. Here, I
would like to talk about a situation when I
helped an unknown person.
Who you helped

Yesterday, when walking to school, I came

across a pregnant woman. She was holding a
baby and carrying a lot of plastic bags
containing fruit and vegetables. Those bags
seemed to be heavy, which made it difficult
for her to hold her child.
How you helped this person

So, I quickly walked up to her and offered to help her by

carrying all of the bags. At first, she was quite
suspicious about my sudden appearance. Well, it is
understandable to be cautious with strangers. If I were
her, I would do the same. But then, she recognized the
school uniform I was wearing. Therefore, she thanked
me in advance and gave me all of her plastic bags, and I
carried them to her house.
What the result was

When we arrived, she offered me a

cup of tea and even invited me to
stay for lunch, but I politely
declined as I had to go back to
school. Otherwise, I would have
been late for classes.
How you felt about helping this person

To my mind, doing a good deed makes

me feel more comfortable and
optimistic about everything. In fact
being able to help someone in need is
something we can only feel and
words can’t actually describe it.
Follow up Questions
In general, why do people help others?

Well, some people prefer to help others

without knowing any profit and loss because
they help someone to satisfy their own soul.
We know it feels good to have help from
others when we need it, so we want to help
others in the same way.
Do you think it’s important to
help others?

Yes, definitely. I believe that we must do unto others as we

want them to do unto us. We want others to help us, we
should naturally be willing to help others. Apart from that, if
anyone is stuck in any problem then you definitely help them,
family members and people of society also follow your way.
Should parents teach helping others to their children?

Yes, of course. Parents are responsible for bringing

their children into this world, and so it is their duty
to make their children realize that if today they will
help others, then tomorrow they will get help if they
need help. Children are good observers and copy
what their elders are doing. All parents have to do is
help others and they will automatically follow.

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