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Orally Reported by: Angelie R. Villegas
FB/Messenger Account: Angie Repasa Villegas
Introduction to Total Quality Management
Definition and Importance of TQM in Education

•Total Quality Management (TQM) in education is a systematic


approach that emphasizes continuous improvement in all aspects of


educational processes to enhance student learning outcomes, teacher

effectiveness, and overall institutional performance.

•Importance of TQM in Educational Institutions:

•TQM promotes a culture of excellence, innovation, and accountability
within educational organizations, leading to improved educational
experiences for students, teachers, and other stakeholders.
BRIEF History of Total Quality
•Brief Origins and Evolution: TQM traces its roots back to
the mid-20th century, emerging from quality management
practices in manufacturing industries and gaining
momentum with the work of quality gurus like W.
Edwards Deming and Joseph M. Juran In education, TQM
principles began to be applied in the late 20th century.
Together with Philip B. Crosby, they contributed
significantly to the development and popularization of
TQM concepts and methodologies.
Principles of Total Quality
Management in Education

1. Student-Centered Approach:
Prioritizing the needs and interests of students
in all decision-making processes and
instructional practices.

2. Continuous Improvement in Teaching

Encouraging educators to regularly reflect on
and refine their teaching methods based on
feedback and evidence of student learning.
3. Collaboration and Participation of all
•Involving students, teachers, parents, administrators,
and community members in decision-making
processes to foster a sense of ownership and shared
responsibility for educational outcomes.

4. Evidence-Based Decision Making:

•Utilizing data and research for strategic planning,
policy development, and resource allocation.

5. Supportive Leadership:
•Cultivating a culture of trust, respect, and
professional growth through effective leadership
practices at all levels of the educational institution.
Benefits of Total Quality
Management in Education
1. Enhanced Learning Outcomes
TQM fosters environments conducive to student success,
leading to improved academic achievement and holistic

2. Increased Student Engagement and Satisfaction

By addressing the diverse needs and interests of students,
TQM promotes active participation and positive experiences
in the learning process.

3. Efficient Resource Utilization

Optimizing the allocation of resources (e.g., time, funding,
personnel) to maximize educational effectiveness and
minimize waste.
Benefits of Total Quality
Management in Education
4. Improved Teacher Morale and Performance
Providing educators with the support, training, and
autonomy necessary to excel in their roles, resulting in
greater job satisfaction and professional fulfillment.

5. Positive School Culture:

Cultivating a collaborative, inclusive, and respectful school
culture where all members feel valued and empowered to
contribute to continuous improvement efforts.

20XX presentation title

-Leadership and vision: Establishing clear goals, expectations, and
priorities aligned with the mission and values of the educational institution.

-Curriculum design and delivery: Developing rigorous, relevant, and

engaging instructional programs that meet the needs of diverse learners.

-Assessment and feedback mechanisms: Implementing

comprehensive assessment strategies to monitor student progress, evaluate
program effectiveness, and provide timely feedback for improvement.

20XX presentation title

-Professional development for educators:
Offering ongoing training and support opportunities to enhance
teaching skills, content knowledge, and pedagogical practices.

-Parents and community involvement:

Engaging families, community organizations, and other
stakeholders as partners in the educational process to promote
student success and social responsibility.

20XX presentation title


Needs Assessment: Conducting a thorough analysis of the current state

of the educational institution to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats.
Goal Setting: Establishing SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable,
Relevant, Time-bound) objectives and targets aligned with the vision and
mission of the organization.
Staff Training and Development: Providing educators and staff with the
knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to implement TQM principles
Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation: Establishing systems for collecting,
analyzing, and utilizing data to track progress, identify areas for improvement,
and make informed decisions.
Total Quality Management Tools and
Techniques in Education
1.Quality circles: small groups of educators and staff who meet regularly
to identify and solve problems related to teaching, learning, and school
2.Continuous professional development programs: workshops,
seminars, and peer learning opportunities designed to enhance educators'
skills, knowledge, and professional growth.
3.Student feedback surveys: surveys and assessments administered to
students to gather feedback on their learning experiences, instructional
effectiveness, and school climate.
Total Quality Management Tools and
Techniques in Education
4.Classroom observation and feedback: formal and informal
observations of teaching practices followed by constructive feedback and
coaching to support educator for growth and development.
5.Data-driven decision making: using student achievement data,
demographic information, and other relevant metrics for instructional
planning, resource allocation, and policy development.

High-performing Schools or School Districts: examples of educational institutions that have

successfully implemented TQM principles and achieved significant improvements in student outcomes,
teacher effectiveness, and organizational performance.
Examples of Quality Improvement Initiatives: specific projects or initiatives within educational
organizations that have demonstrated the effectiveness of TQM in addressing challenges, promoting
innovation, and fostering continuous improvement.
Challenges in Implementing Total Quality Management
in Education
•Resistance to Change among Staff: Overcoming resistance to new ideas,
practices, and processes due to fear of the unknown, lack of understanding, or
entrenched cultural norms.
•Limited Resources: Navigating budget constraints, time limitations, and
competing priorities when implementing TQM initiatives in resource-strapped
educational settings.
•Maintaining Consistency in Quality Standards: Ensuring that TQM principles
are applied consistently and equitably across all aspects of the educational
institution, despite variations in individual practices, preferences, or
Additional Resources for Further Learning

Deming, W. E. (2000). Out of the Crisis. MIT Press.

Juran, J. M., & Gryna, F. M. (1993). Quality Planning and Analysis:
From Product Development through Use. McGraw-Hill.
Garvin, D. A. (1988). Managing Quality: The Strategic and
Competitive Edge. Free Press.
Crosby, P. B. (1979). Quality Is Free: The Art of Making Quality
Certain. McGraw-Hill.
Raj, R., & Krishnan, R. (2007). Total Quality Management: Texts and
Cases. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
“Quality is never an accident. It
is always the result of intelligent

John Ruskin
Thank you

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