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The Benefits
rs of used
Andrea Rosas cooking oil as
Lynch Annea Goco
The Benefits of
Azizah Kriszel
used cooking
soapoil as
dishwashing soap
Background of the
Statements of the Problem

Statements of the
Significance of the study
Scope and Delimitation
Review of Related
Chapter I
Background of the
Used cooking oil ( UCOs) are fats or
oils that have been used for cooking or
frying. This can be usually found in the
food processing industry, such as
restaurants, fast food chains,
and even in our house.UCOs can be in
the form of both vegetable oils such as
corn oil, olive oil, palm oil, and also
animal fats.
Statements of the Problem

1. Is there a significant difference

between the effects of used cooking oil as
dishwashing soap than the other
commercial dishwashing soap in terms of
2.What is the effectivity level in terms of
removing the stains on the plates?

3. Is there a significant difference between

used cooking oil as soap and commercial
dishwashing soap in terms of effectivity.
Statements of the
Ho: There is a significant difference in the
benefits of used cooking oil as dishwashing

Ha: There is no significant difference in

the benefits of used cooking oil as
dishwashing soap.
Significance of the study

Dishwashing soap or liquids is quite expensive

because of the chemicals and materials that have
been used but we buy or bought this product
because we need it to remove the stain in our
plate or to maintain the cleanliness of our
This study is significant in
lessening the expenses, learning on
how to properly disposed the UCOs
and how can you use this as a new
product that is very helpful and
caring to the environment.
Scope and

This study is limited only in

determining the utilization of the
used cooking oil as dishwashing
Chapter ||
Review of Related
According to Legesse (2020), Soaps are the
sodium salts or potassium salts of stearic acids or
any other fatty acids. They are prepared by the
saponification process, which is, reacting the oil or
fats which contain triglycerides with Caustic soda
(NaOH) to give the soap and glyycerol.
The handling of used cooking oil can be done
independently by the Community. Used cooking oil can be
used to make soap. This is because Used cooking oil
contains hydroxide (Na or K) from natural fatty acids
derived From vegetable or animal fats. This soap-making
process is based on a Saponification reaction with the
addition of alkali hydroxide (i.e. Sodium or Potassium
hydroxide). To remove harmful substances and smell bad,
used Cooking oil must first be treated with a filtration
method (Tsai, 2019).
Waste cooking oil can be used as a raw material for
making liquid soap. The objective of this Activity was to
introduce the knowledge and train Batu Basurat
community in making Dishwashing-liquid soap from
waste cooking oil. The method consists of Location
survey, training preparation, interactive training,
monitoring, and Evaluation. Dishwashing-liquid soap
was made by mixing preheated waste Cooking oil and
potassium hydroxide (KOH) at 60-70 °C for one hour
until Trace was formed (Evelyn, Saputra, Komalasari, &
Utami, 2019).

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