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Course title : Doctoral seminar( ENT- 691)
Division : Entomology
Name of the Student : Rumisa Ashraf
Registration No. : 2021-1150-D
Seminar Incharge : Dr. Jamaal Ahmad
Dr. Asma Sherwani
 Introduction on
 Classification
 Semiochemical based
techniques in IPM
Presentation  Case study’s
Main Points  Conclusion
 Future prospects

Semiochemicals are organic compounds used by insects

to convey specific chemical messages that modify behavior
or physiology.

 Term semiochemical is derived from the Greek word

“semeon” which means sign or signal.

El-Sayed, AM. 2015


Pheromones Allelochemicals

Primer Releaser Kairomones Allomones Synomones

Sex Pheromones Aggression Trail Pheromones

Alarm Pheromones
What are insect pheromones?

Chemical signals that mediate intraspecific

interactions. (Karlson and Lüscher)
Types of
Primer pheromones
 Slower to act
 Physiologically alter
endocrine and
reproductive system
 Eg: queen pheromones

a s e r p h e ro m o ne s
o n se
Immediate resp n e , alarm
p h e ro m o
E.g: Trail e r o m o ne s et c
e x p h
pheromone, S
1 Alaram pheromones

Molecular mechanism of alarm pheromone perception

Sumika Basu et al (2021)

Sex Pheromone: Language used between male Aggregation pheromone: Language used among
and female for mating Adults or larvae to maintain a group
Relationship between pheromone types, behavior and biology of stored-product

Nakakita (1998)

Monitoring by the sex pheromone and the aggregation pheromone

How to make monitoring effective with aggregation pheromone?

Reinforce of the monitor with aggregation pheromone

Insect sex pheromones

Sarah Y. Dewhirst et al
Trail pheromones

Diagram of spraying systems and mode of action of each deployment technique in field-
Table 1 Number of visits (mean ± SE) recorded on fruits of trees applied with each deployment system (absolute
control, ‘pull’ system, ‘push’ system, and ‘push–pull’ system) and between each system parts either water, HMP (2.5 g
AI/hl, 5 g AI/hl, 10 g AI/hl or 20 AI/hl) or the bait spray (GF120 TM)
Allelochemicals, the second group of semiochemicals mediate interactions of individuals belonging to
different species (Nordlund et al., 1981).

kairomone is an interspecific semiochemical, produced by one species which induces responses

advantageous to an individual of a different species perceiving the signal


Allomone may be defined as a chemical substances which convey an advantage upon the emitter.
Brown et al., (1970)

Synomones are the chemicals of an organism that on emission evokes a behavioral or physiological
response in the receiver, adaptively favorable to both receiver and emitter.
Schematic representation of how plant response against the herbivore.

Murali-Baskaran et al
Interaction between cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), the herbivorous insect
Helicoverpa zea, and parasitic wasp Microplitis croceipes.

Kaplan, 2012
Case study-2
Influence of Extracts obtained from Rice Yellow Stem Borer
on Egg Parasitization by Trichogramma japonicum.
Semiochemical  Monitoring
based techniques  Mass trapping
 Mating Disruption
 Attract and Kill
used in IPM  Push and Pull
 Monitoring
Semiochemical based 

Mass Trapping Strategy
Mating Disruption Strategy
techniques used in IPM 

Push-pull strategy for pest control

Kairomones based tarps have most

commonly used to monitor the
biological control agent Rhizophagus
grandis, a predator of spruce bark
beetle Dendroctonus micans population

Hosking et al., 2003

r a lm o n d moth Ephesti
nes fo
Sex pheromo a l m o th Plodia
ian me
cautella, Ind ra b e e tl e Trogoderma
interpunctella, a tio n p h e ro m ones for
d aggreg
granarium an o li u m c a s ta n eu m an d
like Trib
flour beetles re in c o rp o ra ted into
nfusum a
Tribolium co n t o il s fo r capturing in
attrac ta
natural food
the trap.
inks 1995.
Cardé and M

 Monitoring
Semiochemical based 

Mass Trapping Strategy
Mating Disruption Strategy
techniques used in IPM

Push-pull strategy for pest control
2.Mass trapping

Control of the brinjal fruit and shoot

borer moth, Leucinodes orbonalis, has
been achieved due mass trapping
Mass trapping products
Mass trapping of codling moth at different locations in Kargil, India during 2009 and 2010.
3. Matting

Case study-4

Title Here
Title Here

Proportion of oviposition bait cups with progeny in an untreated area (A), and in areas protected with either an aerosol
space treatment of synergized pyrethrins (B) or with mating disruption (C). The arrow indicates the beginning of mating
disruption in 2000, and the vertical dashed line indicates the expected ovipositional period of females already mated at the
start of mating disruption.
4. Attract and Kill

Title Here
Case study-5

Title Here
Title Here

Percentage of olive fruits infested in olive groves treated with the “Attract and Kill” method
and groves treated with bait spay insecticides. Bars with the same letter are not statistically
different (Duncans multiple range test P=0.05) (Markopoulo, Attikis Greece).
Push-pull strategy for pest control

Components of push pull strategy by (Cook et al.,2007)

(Byers et al.,1990).
Average number (± SE) nof feeding tortricid larvae per flower cluster before any treat-ments were established
(2015) and at the end of the study 2018. b Relative decrease in infestation from 2015 to 2018.

Semiochemicals are species specific, do not cause adverse effect on non-target


Semiochemicals do not persist or accumulate in the environment and therefore, do not

pose any environmental problems, Since they are used in minute quantities and kill a
large number of insects they are bound to be economical.

Semiochemicals are increasingly being integrated with a range of methods producing

new schemes.

This approach is labor saving, since large number of insect pests could be brought from
long distances right at the door for being destroyed. They offer an easy means to monitor
the building –up of pest populations, and are the only means to keep surveillance on
entry of foreign pests into a country
More research on the There is a need for
chemical ecology of target more efficient
insect pest is of paramount technology methods
importance for for the application of
development of semiochemical-based
semiochemically based control methods
Future Research Scope insect pest management

G KOMALA et al,2021
This Presentation is Prepared by
“Rumisa Ashraf”
Ph.D Student, Division of entomology
Date : 17/10/2022

We can not solve problems by, using the same kind of

thinking we used when we created them
-Albert Einstein

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