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Presented by: Aya El Hajji

1- Definition of Soft Skills
2- What Are Soft Skills in Business?
3- The Importance of Soft Skills in Business
4- Key Soft Skills in Business

Recent hiring patterns indicate that employers are placing increasing emphasis on
employees’ interpersonal and teamwork capabilities, as well as other crucial soft
skills. Regardless of the stature or industry, these skills are still necessary for all job
Soft skills are important for gaining opportunities and also for developing new
connections in job settings.
An employee who has a high level of emotional intelligence and an ability to
understand others has better emotional bonding and teamwork skills than an
employee who is more intelligent, perhaps, but is not necessarily a team worker.
Soft skills can be learnt and developed, and they can be learned in college and
training centers too.
1- Definition of Soft Skills

Soft skills refer to a set of interpersonal,

communication, and personal attributes that
enable individuals to interact effectively and
harmoniously with others in a professional and
social context. These skills, often intangible and
difficult to measure, include qualities such as
communication, teamwork, adaptability,
problem-solving, emotional intelligence, and
leadership. Unlike hard or technical skills, which
are specific to a particular job or industry.
2-What Are Soft Skills in Business?

• Not every business skill is quantifiable, measurable, or teachable.

Certifications, software know-how, and second languages are all
examples of important bullet points to include on your resume.

• However, some of the most valuable skills in business are honed

through interpersonal relations and on-the-job experience. These
types of skills are often referred to as “soft skills.”
2-What Are Soft Skills in Business?

• To better understand the difference between a "hard skill" and a

"soft skill," let’s look at some examples:
Examples of Business Hard Skills Examples of Business Soft
• Data Analytics Skills
• Accounting • Delegating
• IT • Decision making
• Computer/Software • Mentoring
Programming • Assertiveness
• Foreign Language
• Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
3-The Importance of Soft Skills in Business

Soft skills are foundational for effective interpersonal interactions,

teamwork, and leadership, contributing to the overall success and
sustainability of businesses in a rapidly evolving and interconnected
global economy. Soft skills are crucial in business for the following

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3-The Importance of Soft Skills in Business

Effective Communication: Team Collaboration:

• Soft skills, particularly • In a business setting, teamwork
communication skills, are is often essential. Soft skills like
essential for expressing ideas, collaboration, conflict
sharing information, and resolution, and interpersonal
facilitating understanding skills help build cohesive and
within a team or with clients productive teams.
and customers.
3-The Importance of Soft Skills in Business

Leadership and
Management: Adaptability and Flexibility:
• Soft skills are fundamental for • In today's dynamic business
leaders and managers. Effective environment, adaptability and
leadership requires skills such flexibility are key. Soft skills
as communication, empathy, enable individuals to navigate
decision-making, and the ability change, respond to challenges,
to motivate and inspire others. and embrace new ideas and
3-The Importance of Soft Skills in Business

Costumer Relations:
Conflict Resolution:
• Soft skills play a significant role • Conflict is inevitable in any
in customer-facing roles. The workplace. Soft skills such as
ability to communicate clearly, conflict resolution and
empathize with customer needs, negotiation help manage
and build rapport contributes to conflicts constructively,
customer satisfaction and maintaining a positive and
loyalty. collaborative work environment
4- Key Soft Skills in Business
• Networking:
• Building and maintaining professional
• Effective communication in networking

• Creativity and Innovation:

• Thinking outside the box
• Generating innovative ideas
• Willingness to take calculated risks
4- Key Soft Skills in Business
• Stress Management:
• Coping with pressure and stress
• Maintaining composure in challenging

• Negotiation Skills:
• Effective negotiation techniques
• Compromise and consensus-building

As businesses face continual change, the ability to adapt and

innovate, both driven by soft skills, becomes a competitive
advantage. Overall, soft skills are not just beneficial, they are
essential for individual career advancement, team cohesion, and the
sustained success of businesses in today's dynamic and
interconnected global marketplace.
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