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Business Studies
Year 11
Mr. Azeez

You will be successful when

You can analyse the role of fascism in

deciding the world affairs

AnalysisLOof3 Hitler’s
ideas of fascism and
its impact in the Why is this important?
world. What’s next?
To know about the effects of fascism to
the world that can be traced to the
LO 2 B second world war
Role of Mussolini
and Hitler in
promoting fascism How can I challenge myself
Lo 1 today?
Key terms of fascism,
Analyze the implication of the
Meaning and Ideologies of
fascism C fascism in the present

It is a political ideology that emerged during the

inter war period (1918-39).
Reason: unhappiness with the democratic
Economic difficulties during the inter war period
and the government’s inability to bring a

LO 1: Key terms of fascism, Meaning and Ideologies of fascism


LO 1: Key terms of fascism, Meaning and Ideologies of fascism


LO 1: Key terms of fascism, Meaning and Ideologies of fascism


LO 1: Key terms of fascism, Meaning and Ideologies of fascism

Benito Mussolini

In 1922, Benito Mussolini and his fascist party

seized control in Italy and set about putting
their ideas into action. Mussolini became the
dictator of a one-party state. Criticism of
Mussolini was forbidden. Massive public
works projects such as building roads aimed
to reduce unemployment. Many countries
looked on with envy as the fascists seemed
able to solve problems such as unemployment
that democratic countries could not.

LO2: Role of Mussolini and Hitler in promoting fascism

The Rise of Adolf Hitler
Meanwhile in Germany, a failed Austrian artist and First World War veteran called Adolf Hitler watched Mussolini's
triumph in Italy.
He was the leader of a German fascist party known as the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) or 'Nazi'
party. For much of the 1920s,few people in Germany were interested in the ideas of Hitler and his Nazi Party.
Then, in 1929, the world was plunged into a deep economic depression, which had a devastating impact on Germany.
The economy collapsed and unemployment rocketed. The democratic German government seemed powerless to solve
these problems.
Hitler was able to use the economic chaos of the early 1930s to present himself and his Nazi Party as the only hope to
restore German pride and honour and to stop a communist takeover. By 1932, the Nazi Party had become the largest
party in the German Reichstag , winning almost 12 million votes.
In 1933, Hitler was appointed chancellor (like a prime minister) of Germany by the German president, who hoped to
harness Hitler's popularity while also keeping him under control. However, he set about destroying Germany's
democracy from the inside, banning all political parties and throwing thousands of people who resisted him into
concentration camps *.
By 1934, Hitler had turned Germany, one of the largest, most powerful and civilized countries in the world, into a
brutal, fascist police state of which he was the absolute leader, or the 'Fuhrer'.

LO2: Role of Mussolini and Hitler in promoting fascism

Hitler’s fascist
ideas and it’s

LO 3:Analysis of Hitler’s ideas of fascism and its impact in the world.

Hitler’s Fascist
ideas that led to
the Second
World War

LO 3:Analysis of Hitler’s ideas of fascism and its impact in the world.

Examine the reaction of the German people to the Fuhrer

Speech of Adolf Hitler-

Concentration camps:

Extension Activity:

You will be successful when

You can analyse the role of fascism in

deciding the world affairs

AnalysisLOof3 Hitler’s
ideas of fascism and
its impact in the Why is this important?
world. What’s next?
To know about the effects of fascism to
the world that can be traced to the
LO 2 B second world war
Role of Mussolini
and Hitler in
promoting fascism How can I challenge myself
Lo 1 today?
Key terms of fascism,
Analyze the implication of the
Meaning and Ideologies of
fascism C fascism in the present
Lesson Re-Cap - Plenary
Question 2
Question 1 MOST
Reasons for the rise of fascism
Explain the Fascist Ideologies

Question 3
Challenge yourself
Implication of fascism in Europe
Relation between the fascist
countries and other countries.

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