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Complex Numbers and some related Problems

Instructor: AP. PhD. Nguyen Huy Chieu


Complex numbers play a crucial role in mathematics, expanding the field of complex numbers is to solve
problems that we cannot solve in the field of real numbers. Complex numbers are often considered a tool of
Algebra. This work, we explore introductory concepts related to complex numbers, their algebraic properties,
and geometric interpretations. The first, we will begin by fully exploring the historical development of
complex numbers. Then, we recall calculations on complex numbers and how to represent them. Finally, we
consider some applications of complex numbers in several fields of science.
1. Introduction
Geronimo Cardano, a 16th-century mathematician, is credited with introducing complex numbers in his
exploration of solutions to cubic equations. Complex numbers, represented as a + bi, have become
indispensable in mathematics, extending applications from equation solving to transformations geometry.
This work aims to provide readers with a clear understanding of complex numbers, including their
historical development, key concepts, and practical applications. The narration seamlessly combines theory,
examples, and exercises to provide a visual insight into this fascinating area of ​mathematics. Sections
include some history and definitions, operations, trigonometric forms, and applications of complex
numbers in several areas of science.
2. Introduction complex numbers

2.1 Some history of the 2.2 Definition of

development complex numbers

2.3 Geometric representation

Some history of the development of complex numbers

Italian mathematicians used mysterious numbers (imaginary

numbers) → The symbol: ( are two real numbers)

17th 19th
1799 1746 Nowadays
century century
Definition of complex numbers

A complex number is an expression of the form , where are real numbers
and the number
The symbol:
Where: : the imaginary unit
the real statement
: the derivative of the complex numbers

Example 𝑧 =2+𝑖 √ 3
Definition of complex numbers

→ a real number

→ pure imaginary numbers


→ both a real number and an

imaginary number
Definition of complex numbers


Two complex numbers ( and () are said to be equal if

then we write .
Geometric representation of complex numbers

Complex number ( is represented by point with


The origin represents the number 0. Example

The axis is called real axis. There are points in order

represent the complex
The axis is called the imaginary axis.
Adding and subtracting complex
3. Complex Complex numbers multiplication

numbers Module and conjugate of complex


operations Division by non-zero numbers

Square root of complex numbers

Adding and subtracting complex numbers

Sum of two complex numbers Subtraction of two complex numbers

The sum of two complex numbers

() is a complex number
The difference of two complex numbers
() is a complex number
To add two complex numbers, we add the
real numbers together and add the
imaginary numbers together.

Complex numbers multiplication


(2−𝑖) (1+2𝑖)=(2+2)+( 4−1) 𝑖=4+3𝑖

The product of two complex numbers
() is a complex number:

For every real number and every complex number (

Especially: , .
Module and conjugate of complex numbers


The conjugate complex number of is and is denoted by


Example 2+ 3𝑖=2 −3 𝑖
Module and conjugate of complex numbers

𝑧 =𝑧 𝑤𝑖𝑡h 𝑧 ∈ 𝑅

´ 𝑤𝑖𝑡h 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑧

Proposition 𝑧 𝑧 ∈ 𝑅 𝑤𝑖𝑡h 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑧

𝑧 1 + 𝑧 2= 𝑧 1+ 𝑧 2

𝑧1 𝑧2 = 𝑧1 𝑧2
Module and conjugate of complex numbers

Modun of the complex number is a non-negative
real number
and is denoted by .
Example :

If is a real number, then the module of is

the absolute value of that real number.

if and only if
Division by non-zero numbers

The inverse of a non-zero complex number is a number:


The quotient of dividing the complex number z' by the non-zero

complex number z is the number product of z' with the complex
inverse of z. That is
If then .
Square root of complex numbers


Given the complex number . Every complex number satisfying

→ Each quadratic term of is a solution of the equation (with the
Square root of complex numbers

deriv ow to fin
ative d
of th the quad
e c om ra
plex tic
b er
In case is a real number

𝒘 =𝒂≠𝟎
When then When then
Therefore, when and only when or Therefore, if and only if or
So a has two square roots, and So a has two square roots, and
In case
𝒘=𝒂+𝒃𝒊 ( 𝒂,𝒃∈ 𝑹 ) ,𝒃≠𝟎
We have is the quadratic barrier of w if and only if , which is
Since then if and only if

So to find the quadratic coefficients of we need to solve this system of equations

Each pair of real numbers correctly solves that system of equations giving us a quadratic
derivative of the complex number
4. Complex numbers in
trigonometric form.
4. Complex numbers in trigonometric form.

4.1 Argument 4.2 Trigonometric form

4.3 Multiply and divide 4.4 Moivre formula

complex numbers and its applications
4.1 Acgumen of the complex number z 0

Given the complex number Remark
z Let M be the point in the
antithesis representing the If (see picture next), then every
number z. The measure (radian) argument of z has the for
of each trigonometric angle of (The argument of z0
first ray Ox and last ray OM is determines the difference ).
called an arcgumen of z.
Example Remark
a) Arbitrary positive real numbers have Two complex numbers z and (with
an arcgument of 0. z and l is being positive real
b) Arbitrary negative real numbers numbers have difference
have an arcgument of . arcguments because their
c. The numbers 3 ,.... representation points belong to the
same origin ray O
4.2 Trigonometric form of the complex

The form where r > 0, is called
the trigonometric form of the
complex number z. The form is
called the wild form of the To find the trigonometric
complex number z. form r we need:
1. Find r
2. Find
Example Remark
1. The number 2 has a Module of 2 and
an argument of 0, so it has trigonometric 1. when and only when
form .

2.The number -2 has a Module of 2, has 2. It is important to note the

an arcgumenequal to so it has requirement that in the trigonometric
trigonometric form . form of the complex number
4.3 Multiply and divide complex numbers in
trigonometric form If Otherwise,
zz '  r (cos   i sin then
) r '(cos  ' i sin  ') 
z  r (cos   i sin  );
z '  r '(cos  ' i sin  '),  rr ' cos  cos  ' sin  sin  ' i(sin  cos  ' cos  sin  ' 
 rr ' cos(   ')  i sin(   ') .
zz '  rr ' cos(   ')  i sin(   ') 
z' r'
  cos(   ')  i sin(   ') . According to the formula for multiplying complex
z r numbers, we have
In other words, to multiply complex numbers 1 1
 cos( )  i sin( ) .
in trigonometric form, we take the product of z r
the Modules and the sum of the arcgumen.
z' r'
To divide complex numbers in trigonometric  cos( '  )  sin( '  ) .
form, we quotient the Modules and difference z r
the arcgumen.
4.4 Moivre formula and its applications.

Moivre formula

Every positive integer n,


And when , we have • Excessive Development Formula of the

binomial with the Moivre formula, and can be
represented according to the excess of .
• The square roof
5. Some applications
of complex numbers
Control theory
Signal analysis

In applied
mathematics *Shapes
Some *Triangle
applications *Algebraic number theory
of complex
Electromagnetism and electrical
numbers In applied
Fluid dynamics
Question and exercise



[4] Textbook for advanced calculus grade 12.

[5] Franco Vivaldi (2014). Mathematical Writing. Springer Undergraduate

Mathematics Series.

[6] Jerzy Trzeciak (1993). Writing mathematical papers in English, Gdansk.

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Hope you learn well!

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