Colonialism Post Neo

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Colonialism, Post-colonialism- Neo-Colonialism

Prof. Erika Camargo
 Colonialism
“ ‘colonial’ is now mainly used for the transformations wrought
by high modern empire, i.e. for contexts of Western conquest and
rule in the age of globally expansive commercial and industrial
capitalism. Some 80 to 90 percent of the global landmass and a
majority of the world’s population had come under direct or
indirect colonial rule by the processes initially set in train during
Key concepts the so-called early modern Age of Discovery, though greatly
accelerated in their range and impact by the early twentieth
Susan Bayly
University of Cambridge
Let’s investigate: Identify the key elements of:

 Settler Colonialism.
 Planter Colonialism
 Extractive Colonialism
Typologies  Trade & Transport Colonialism
 Imperial Power Colonialism.
 Legal Colonialism
 Missionary Colonialism
 Postcolonial Colonialism.
It has become an equally pervasive term, especially in studies of
the enduring after-effects of colonial rule and the oppressive
‘necro-politics’ of post-independence states and elites
(Chakrabarty 1992; Mbembe 2001; Sarkar 1985).

• Colonial discourse: the use of signifying regimens that

delegitimate the knowledge practices of the colonized and
install as authoritative truths the conqueror’s narratives of
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superior rationality and ‘civilizing mission’ (Chafer 1992).
 Evidence of cultural dislocations of colonial rule.
 dictionaries, maps and legal codes (creation under bias

Colonizers'  Manipulation of foreign scripts and vernaculars, and their

fabrication of subordinating ‘languages of command’
(Cohn 1996; Errington 2008; Raheja 1996)
Let’s see an

How do you
understand it?
The economic and political policies by which a great power
indirectly maintains or extends its influence over other areas or
Definition people… wary opponents of neocolonialism are scrupulous about

I keeping their nonaligned credentials intact.— The Economist

Merriam-Webster Dictionary
 “Neocolonialism can be described as the subtle propagation of
socio-economic and political activity by former colonial rulers
aimed at reinforcing capitalism, neo-liberal globalization, and
cultural subjugation of their former colonies. In a neocolonial
state, the former colonial masters ensure that the newly
independent colonies remain dependent on them for economic
and political direction. The dependency and exploitation of the
Definition II socio-economic and political lives of the now independent
colonies are carried out for the economic, political, ideological,
cultural, and military benefits of the colonial masters’ home
states. ”
Oseni Taiwo Afisi
Lagos State University

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