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Engl 004- Principles & Theories of Language Learning & Acquisition

(1:30-3:00 pm)

Prepared by: Dr. Gemma Sordilla-Calo-oy

(UC-College of Teacher Education Faculty)
Course Outcomes
1. Demonstrate an understanding of research-based knowledge in
child and adolescent development
2. Articulate the rootedness of education in psychological contexts
3. Demonstrate understanding of supportive learning environments
that nurture and inspire learners at each developmental level.
4. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of differentiated
teaching to suit the learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests
and experiences
5. Apply pedagogies of learning and teaching
appropriate for each developmental level.
6. Choose activities and strategies that are
responsive to the learners’ linguistic,
cultural, socio-economic and religious
This centered on the physical, cognitive and
socio-emotional development of the toddler,
pre-schooler, the primary, intermediate &
high schoolers:the primary clientele of the
would-be teachers.
Discuss the human development before birth (pre-
natal)until infancy & toddlerhood.
Why is the inclusion of the pre-natal and
infancy periods was deemed necessary?
The inclusion of the pre-natal and
infancy periods was deemed necessary
for a better understanding of the pre-
schooler, the primary, elementary.
Much of who they are physically,
cognitively, and socio-emotionally as
learners may have its roots in their
beginnings & in their infancy.
The learner is the center of instruction. The
world of instruction revolves around the
Cognitive & Metacognitive Factors
1. Nature of the learning process
- The learning of complex subject matter is
most effective when it is an intentional
process of constructing meaning from
information and experience.
2. Goals of the learning process
-The successful learner, over time and
with support and instructional guidance
can create meaningful, coherent
representations of knowledge.
3. Construction of knowledge – The successful
learner can link new information with existing
knowledge in meaningful ways.
4. Strategic thinking – Learners understand and
can use a variety of strategies to help them
reach learning and performance goals and to
apply their knowledge in novel situations.
5. Thinking about thinking – Higher order
strategies for selecting and monitoring mental
operations facilitate creative & creative thinking.
6. Context of Learning – Learning is influenced by
environmental factors, including culture,
technology and instructional materials.
Motivational & Affective Factors
1. Motivational & emotional influences on
- Motivation to learn is influenced by the
learners’ emotional states, beliefs,
interests and goals & habits of thinking.
2. Intrinsic motivation to learn – the learners’
creativity, higher order thinking and natural
curiosity all contribute to motivation to learn.
3. Effects of motivation on effort – effort is
another major indicator of motivation to learn
Developmental Influences in Learning
1. There are different opportunities and
constraints for learning.
2. Learning is most effective when
differential development within and across
physical, intellectual, emotional & social
domains is taken into account.
Social Influences in Learning

1. Learning is influenced by social

interactions, interpersonal relations &
communication with others.
Individual Differences Factors
1. Individual Differences in Learning
2. Learning & Diversity
3. Standards & Assessment

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