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Definition of RESEARCH

Prepared by: Mr. Nomer Lauresto Dumlao

What is Research?

 Research is the systematic investigation and study of materials and sources to establish
facts and reach new conclusions

 it shapes people’s understanding of the world around them.

What is Research?

 Through research findings, psychologists are able to explain individuals’ behaviors,

including how people think and act in certain ways.

 This helps to determine disorders and their impact on the person and society, thus
developing appropriate treatments to improve the individual’s quality of life.
What is Research?

 In business, market research helps companies to make projections and formulate

appropriate strategies to ensure survival.

 Businesses conduct surveys to understand the needs of the community and consumption
 To study (something) thoroughly so as to present in a detailed, accurate manner.
What is Research?

 Research has led to the introduction of new medical treatments and cures that have helped
counter several diseases, thus increasing human life expectancy.

 It is now possible to live 10 years longer than in the 1960s and 20 years longer than in the
1930s. Causes of early deaths and crippling vitamin deficiencies have also been identified
by progress made in the medical field through research.

What is Research?
What is Research?

 "In the broadest sense of the word, the definition of research includes any gathering of
data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge.- Godwin Colibao

 "Research is a process of steps used to collect and analyze information to increase our
understanding of a topic or issue". It consists of three steps: Pose a question, collect data to
answer the question, and present an answer to the question. - Creswell
What is Research?

 "a studious inquiry or examination; especially investigation or experimentation aimed at

the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light
of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws“ - The
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.

 the definition of research includes any gathering of data, information and facts for the
advancement of knowledge.
What is Research?

 research is performing a methodical study in order to prove a hypothesis or answer a

specific question. Finding a definitive answer is the central goal of any
experimental process.
 Research must be systematic and follow a series of steps and a rigid standard protocol.
 Careful study of a given subject, field, or problem, undertaken to discover facts or
 An act or period of such study
What is Research?

 research must be organized and undergo planning, including performing literature reviews
of past research and evaluating what questions need to be answered.

 careful study that is done to find and report new knowledge about something

 the activity of getting information about a subject

What is Research?

 careful or diligent search

 studious inquiry or examination; especially : investigation or experimentation aimed at

the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light
of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws

 the collecting of information about a particular subject

What is Research?

 The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish
facts and reach new conclusions.

 Investigate systematically

 Careful, systematic, patient study and investigation in some field of knowledge,

undertaken to discover or establish facts or principles
What is Research?

 Research is a careful and detailed study into a specific problem, concern, or issue using
the scientific method.

 Research is careful and organized study or gathering of information about a specific topic.

 Research is defined as to track down information or gain knowledge about a specific

What is Research?

 Diligent inquiry or examination to seek or revise facts, principles, theories, applications,

etc.; laborious or continued search after truth.
Concrete examples of Research

 researching the effects of acid rain.

 An example of research is a project where scientists try to find a cure for AIDS.

 An example of research is the information a high school student tracks down information for a
school report.

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