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Meaning and characteristics of research, Qualities of

a Good Researcher, Characteristics of the Researcher,

Values of Research to Man, Types of Research,
Classification of Research, VARIABLE, Types of
Variable, Components of the research process,
Prepared by: Mr. Nomer Lauresto Dumlao
ü Meaning of Research

 Research is defined as the scientific investigation of phenomena which includes collection,

presentation, analysis and interpretation of facts that lines an individual’s speculation with
ü Characteristics of Research

 Empirical. Research is based on direct experience or observation by the researcher.

 Logical. Research is based on valid procedures and principles.
Characteristics of Research

 Cyclical. Research is a cyclical process because it starts with a problem and ends with a
 Analytical. Research utilizes proven analytical procedures in gathering the data, whether
historical, descriptive, experimental and case study.
Characteristics of Research

 Critical. Research exhibits careful and precise judgment.

 Methodical. Research is conducted in a methodical manner without bias using systematic
method and procedures.
 Replicability. The research design and procedures are replicated or repeated to enable the
researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive results.
ü Qualities of a Good Researcher

 1. Research-oriented
 2. Efficient
 3. Scientific
 4. Effective
 5. Active
ü Qualities of a Good Researcher

 6. Resourceful
 7. Creative
 8. Honest
 9. Economical
 10. Religious
ü Characteristics of the Researcher

 . Intellectual Curiosity. A researcher undertakes a deep thinking and inquiry of the

things, and situations around him.
ü Characteristics of the Researcher

 Prudence. The researcher is careful to conduct his research study at the right time and at
the right place wisely, efficiently, and economically.
ü Characteristics of the Researcher

 . Healthy Criticism. The researcher is always doubtful as to the truthfulness of the

ü Characteristics of the Researcher

 . Intellectual Honesty. An intelligent researcher is honest to collect or gather data or

facts in order to arrive at honest results.
ü Characteristics of the Researcher

 . Intellectual Creativity – A productive and resourceful investigator always creates new

ü Values of Research to Man

 1. Research improves the quality of life.

 2. Research improves instruction.
ü Values of Research to Man

 3. Research improves students’ achievement.

 4. Research improves teacher’s competence.
ü Values of Research to Man

 5. Research satisfies man’s needs.

 6. Research reduces the burden of work.
ü Values of Research to Man

 7. Research has deep-seated psychological aspects.

 8. Research improves the exportation of food products.
ü Values of Research to Man

 9. Research responds to the economic recovery and austerity measure of the country.
 10. Research trains graduates to become responsive to the economic development of the
country and to compete globally.
ü Types of Research

 . Basic Research. This is also called as “fundamental research” or “pure research”. It

seeks to discover basic truths or principles.
 Examples:
 · Boyle’s Law
 · Charles’ Law
 · Archimedes’ Principle
 · Hooke’s Law
 · Newton’s Law
ü Types of Research

 . Applied Research. This type of research involves seeking new applications of

scientific knowledge to the solution of a problem, such as a development of a new system
or procedure, new device, or new method in order to solve the problem.
ü Types of Research

 . Developmental Research. This is a decision-oriented research involving the

application of the steps of the scientific method in response to an immediate need to
improve existing practices.
ü Classification of Research

 1. Library Research. This is done in the library where answers to specific questions or
problems of the study are available.
ü Classification of Research

 . Field Research. Here, research is conducted in a natural setting.

ü Classification of Research

 . Laboratory Research. The research is conducted in artificial or controlled conditions

by isolating the study in a thoroughly specified and equipped area. The purposes are: (1) to
test hypotheses derived from theory, (2) to control variance under research conditions, and
(3) to discover the relations between the dependent and the independent.
ü Meaning of Variable

 A variable is defined as a quantity susceptible of fluctuation or change in value or

magnitude under different conditions.
ü Types of Variable

 1. Independent Variable. This is the stimulus variable which is chosen by the researcher
to determine the relationship to an observed phenomenon.
 2. Dependent Variable. This is the response variable which is observed and measured to
determine the effect of the independent variable.
 3. Moderator Variable. This is a secondary or special type of independent variable
chosen by the researcher to determine if it changes or modifies the relationship between
the independent and dependent variables.
 4. Control Variable. This is the variable that is controlled by the investigator in which
the effects can be neutralized by eliminating or removing the variable.
 5. Intervening Variable. This is a variable which interferes with the independent and
dependent variables, but its effects can either strengthen or weaken the independent and
dependent variables.
ü Components of the research process

 ü Components of the research process

 1. Problem/ Objectives
 2. Hypotheses
 3. Theoretical/ Conceptual Framework
 4. Assumptions
 5. Review of Related Literature
 6. Research Design
 7. Data Collection
 8. Data Processing and Statistical Treatment
 9. Analysis and Interpretation
 10. Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

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